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Forked from PrimaryFeather/
Last active December 15, 2015 05:49
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My version of Gauge extension for Starling ( Vertical gauge was added. Thanks to Dima (deep).
package starling.extensions
import flash.geom.Point;
import starling.display.Image;
import starling.display.Sprite;
import starling.textures.Texture;
/* Usage:
var gauge:Gauge = new Gauge(texture);
gauge.ratioV = 0;
Starling.juggler.tween(gauge, 1, {ratioV: 1});
public class Gauge extends Sprite
private var mImage:Image;
private var mRatioH:Number;
private var mRatioV:Number;
private var mHelperPoint:Point = new Point();
public function Gauge(texture:Texture)
mRatioH = mRatioV = 1.0;
mImage = new Image(texture);
private function updateH():void
mImage.scaleX = mRatioH;
mHelperPoint.setTo(mRatioH, 0.0);
mImage.setTexCoords(1, mHelperPoint);
mHelperPoint.setTo(mRatioH, 1.0);
mImage.setTexCoords(3, mHelperPoint);
private function updateV():void
mImage.y = mImage.height / mImage.scaleY * (1 - mRatioV);
mImage.scaleY = mRatioV;
mHelperPoint.setTo(0.0, 1 - mRatioV);
mImage.setTexCoords(0, mHelperPoint);
mHelperPoint.setTo(1.0, 1 - mRatioV);
mImage.setTexCoords(1, mHelperPoint);
public function get ratioH():Number
return mRatioH;
public function set ratioH(value:Number):void
mRatioH = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1.0, value));
public function get ratioV():Number
return mRatioV;
public function set ratioV(value:Number):void
mRatioV = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1.0, value));
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