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Last active April 29, 2024 19:31
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# Mohamed El-Ghorfi Discount Code on Cart #
# Paypal Me: #
# Buy Me A Coffee: #
# #
# #
.cart-sidebar-discount {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
margin: 20px auto;
.cart-sidebar-discount input {
background: #eee;
border: 1px solid #eee;
outline: none;
font-size: 18px;
letter-spacing: .75px;
text-align: center;
#apply-discount-btn {
background-color: #000;
border: 0;
height: 60px;
width: 100%;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: 600;
text-transform: uppercase;
letter-spacing: .75px;
cursor: pointer;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
gap: 15px;
span.applied-discount-code-value>small {
background: #eee;
padding: 0px 10px;
color: #000;
font-weight: bold;
border-radius: 20px;
.loader {
border: 5px solid #f3f3f3;
border-top: 4px solid #000;
border-radius: 50%;
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
animation: spin .5s linear infinite;
#discount-code-error {
background: #ff00004f;
color: #e22120;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 4px;
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 1;
.applied-discount-code-wrapper {
display: none;
background: #ddd;
padding: 3px 6px;
border-radius: 25px;
.applied-discount-code-value {
font-size: 13px;
text-transform: uppercase;
#discount-code-error:empty {
display: none;
.applied-discount-code-value:empty+button {
display: none;
@keyframes spin {
0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }
<div class="cart-sidebar-discount">
<span id="applied-discount-code">
Discount Code:
<span class="applied-discount-code-wrapper">
<span class="applied-discount-code-value"></span>
<button id="clear-discount-btn">X</button>
<small id="discount-code-error"></small>
<input type="text" id="discount-code-input" autocomplete="on" value="">
<button id="apply-discount-btn">APPLY</button>
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
let clearBtn = document.querySelector("#clear-discount-btn");
let applyBtn = document.querySelector("#apply-discount-btn");
let discountCodeError = document.querySelector("#discount-code-error");
let discountCodeWrapper = document.querySelector("#applied-discount-code .applied-discount-code-wrapper");
let discountCodeValue = document.querySelector("#applied-discount-code .applied-discount-code-value");
let discountCodeInput = document.querySelector("#discount-code-input");
let totalCartSelector = document.querySelector(".cart__subtotal .money"); // Total Cart Selector to update the total amount.
let authorization_token;
let checkoutContainer = document.createElement('div');
if (localStorage.discountCode) applyDiscount( JSON.parse(localStorage.discountCode).code);
applyBtn.addEventListener("click", function(e){
clearBtn.addEventListener("click", function(e){
function clearDiscount() {
discountCodeValue.innerHTML = "";
discountCodeError.innerHTML = "";
function clearLocalStorage() {
if(discountCodeWrapper) = "none";
if(totalCartSelector) totalCartSelector.innerHTML = JSON.parse(localStorage.discountCode).totalCart;
function applyDiscount(code) {
if(applyBtn) {
applyBtn.innerHTML = "APPLYING <div class='loader'></div>"; = "none";
fetch("/payments/config", {"method": "GET"})
.then(function(response) { return response.json() })
.then(function(data) {
const checkout_json_url = '/wallets/checkouts/';
authorization_token = btoa(data.paymentInstruments.accessToken)
fetch('/cart.js', {}).then(function(res){return res.json();})
let body = {"checkout": { "country":,"discount_code": code,"line_items": data.items, 'presentment_currency': } }
fetch(checkout_json_url, {
"headers": {
"accept": "*/*", "cache-control": "no-cache",
"authorization": "Basic " + authorization_token,
"content-type": "application/json, text/javascript",
"pragma": "no-cache", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty",
"sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin"
"referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
"method": "POST", "mode": "cors", "credentials": "include",
"body": JSON.stringify(body)
.then(function(response) { return response.json() })
.then(function(data) {
if(data.checkout && data.checkout.applied_discounts.length > 0){
let discountApplyUrl = "/discount/"+code+"?v=""&redirect=/checkout/";
fetch(discountApplyUrl, {}).then(function(response) { return response.text(); })
if(discountCodeWrapper) = "inline";
if(discountCodeError) discountCodeError.innerHTML = "";
if(discountCodeValue) discountCodeValue.innerHTML = data.checkout.applied_discounts[0].title + " (" + data.checkout.applied_discounts[0].amount + ' ' + + ")";
let localStorageValue = {
'code': code.trim(),
'totalCart': data.checkout.total_line_items_price
localStorage.setItem("discountCode", JSON.stringify(localStorageValue));
if(totalCartSelector) totalCartSelector.innerHTML = "<s>" + data.checkout.total_line_items_price + "</s>" + data.checkout.total_price;
if(discountCodeValue) discountCodeValue.innerHTML = "";
if(discountCodeError) discountCodeError.innerHTML = "Please Enter Valid Coupon Code."
}).finally(function(params) {
applyBtn.innerHTML = "APPLY"; = "all";
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@mikapinner please reach out I'll help with it.

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I can add only 1 discount code. How can I add multiple codes?

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Shopify doesn't support multiple discount codes. @samo1508

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Shopify doesn't support multiple discount codes. @samo1508

This is not true, shopify by default support multiple code. Can you check your code.
Look photo -->

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@samo1508 can you reach out to me via email, attach your store url with those coupon codes, and I will check that

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OK. I send you email...

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@elghorfi Thank you so much for sharing this. How did you come across these endpoints? I can't find documentation on them anywhere!

  • /discount/...
  • /payments/config
  • /wallets/checkouts

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First of all, amazing work finding all these endpoints! My question is - what is the point of the last step where you redirect to /discount/code=...&redirect=/checkout/? Is that to attach the discount code to the current cart session?

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elghorfi commented Aug 8, 2023

@muraliavarma Basically yes, it's to apply the discount, and then we check if the discount is applied.

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elghorfi commented Aug 8, 2023

@bekahmcdonald well, you'll not find it, cuz it's not official from Shopify, we just hack the system! (well, not literary hacking)

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Hi @elghorfi,

First of all, thanks a lot for this snippet. It has come really handy in times of need. Not sure if you prefer us to leave a comment here or contact you any other way.

We are facing a problem however because the discount seems that is being applied to the items and cart subtotal prices. For example, we have an item which costs 51$ so a 10OFF coupon would be a 5,1$ discount, however it is applying a 4,3$ discount.

I have checked the store settings but everything seems fine (Prices include VAT and there is no override in that config from the Shopify Markets admin). It would be really helpful if you can help us narrow this down so we can have it fixed.

Happy to by not one but several coffees once it's fixed :)

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elghorfi commented Aug 26, 2023

@jabel-riera thank you for your reply.
Kindly contact me Here I'll be glad to help.

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How do I remove the applied discount coupon, the clearDiscount() doesn't work

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@Jainishsakhidas can you share your store preview link

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tamburyn commented Sep 27, 2023

Hi @elghorfi I have the same problem. after adding a coupon, the button doesn't change the name to clear and I don't see the option to remove the coupon - I can only do it after passing the checkout using stripe.

another problem is that after adding the wrong code does not display error.

website preview mode: password: ohfroh - please use promo code VALID for testing

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How do I remove the applied discount coupon, the clearDiscount() doesn't work

Eventhough the fetch("/checkout?discount=%20"); invoked, the discount actually still works on the cart when you refresh your page or go to checkout page. Can you help us check the issue?

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mo-bai commented Oct 19, 2023

I'm curious to know how the interface '/wallets/checkouts/' is known, I didn't find anything about it in the official documentation. @elghorfi

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Thank you for replying, please reach out to me via email, with all the details and I will be glad to support you!

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Bucck7 commented Oct 25, 2023

I've made some improvements to the script, and it now showcases enhanced functionality:

The coupon is recalculated whenever the quantity of products in the cart is updated.
The applied discount is clearly displayed in the cart.
The total value is recalculated when the coupon is removed.
Various other modifications were implemented during testing.
It's worth mentioning that some comments are in Portuguese. Also, I changed the currency formatting to Brazilian real using JavaScript. I acknowledge that I could have retrieved this information directly from Shopify. If preferred, this modification can be removed.

Currently, I'm facing challenges in automatically populating the coupon field when users access the URL

Here's the link:

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I've made some improvements to the script, and it now showcases enhanced functionality:

The coupon is recalculated whenever the quantity of products in the cart is updated. The applied discount is clearly displayed in the cart. The total value is recalculated when the coupon is removed. Various other modifications were implemented during testing. It's worth mentioning that some comments are in Portuguese. Also, I changed the currency formatting to Brazilian real using JavaScript. I acknowledge that I could have retrieved this information directly from Shopify. If preferred, this modification can be removed.

Currently, I'm facing challenges in automatically populating the coupon field when users access the URL

Here's the link: discount
Good work,
do you mind sharing your store URL with theme ID that has the snippet installed on so I can test it.

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Bucck7 commented Oct 26, 2023

Good work,
do you mind sharing your store URL with theme ID that has the snippet installed on so I can test it.

Of course, here is the url:

Coupons to test: nsued or marcosvaz

A part of the code that I did not include in the txt is the HTML to display the values
<span class="myclassdiscount" data-cart-discount-value>0,00</span>
<span class="myclasstvalue" data-cart-total-value>0,00</span>

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pur100 commented Oct 30, 2023

Hello @elghorfi !
Thanks for all the work !
Since discount codes are now stackable, do you believe this code can be adapted so that multiple discount can be added ?

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MaxDesignFR commented Dec 6, 2023

Great piece of work (but I think less is more). I do it with a more simple approach but I'm curious what could be some advantages of the method exposed here?

I will explain my way in a super simplified way. This is an html cart (inside a section):

{% assign is_manual_discount_applied = cart.discount_applications | where: 'type', 'discount_code' %}

<cart-foo {% if is_manual_discount_applied != blank %}manual-discount{% endif %}>
  {%- for discount_application in cart.discount_applications -%}
     {{ discount_application.title }}: − {{ discount_application.total_allocated_amount | money }}
  {%- endfor -%}

And for the JS code:

  1. Call /discount API with code variable
  2. Fetch and replace the html cart dynamically
  3. Check if attribute manual-discount exist in the new cart
  4. The manual-discount attribute:
    - Exist: means the code was applied, job done!
    - Do not exist: means the code is not valid (you can show an error message)
fetch(`/discount/${input.value}`).then(async () => {
   // update cart
   const data = await fetch(`/cart?section_id=${sectionId}`).then(response => response.text());
   const newCart = new DOMParser().parseFromString(data, 'text/html').querySelector('cart-foo');
  // error handling if manual discount is not applied
  if (!document.querySelector('cart-foo').hasAttribute('manual-discount')) {

Obviously it's over simplified, I added some complexities for myself but that's the gist of it, all in a single call and 100% compatible with liquid discount_allocation and discount_application objects. One advantage I could see with @elghorfi way is that you could access the exact error message in case it fails. But even in my case, I could output two types of errors:

  • Discount code does not exist or isn't valid for the items in your cart
  • Discount code does not exist or could not be used with your existing (automatic) discounts.

Let me know your thoughts, and really I'm curious if those endpoints (/payments/config and /wallets/checkout) really bring more value here?

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Hello @elghorfi Thank you for your great code
May I ask if this is secure? I mean there are some kind of tokens in here so I just wonder about the security

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@elghorfi nice work! Does this snippet now work with multiple discount codes? :)

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Great piece of work (but I think less is more). I do it with a more simple approach but I'm curious what could be some advantages of the method exposed here?

I will explain my way in a super simplified way. This is an html cart (inside a section):

{% assign is_manual_discount_applied = cart.discount_applications | where: 'type', 'discount_code' %}

<cart-foo {% if is_manual_discount_applied != blank %}manual-discount{% endif %}>
  {%- for discount_application in cart.discount_applications -%}
     {{ discount_application.title }}: − {{ discount_application.total_allocated_amount | money }}
  {%- endfor -%}

And for the JS code:

  1. Call /discount API with code variable
  2. Fetch and replace the html cart dynamically
  3. Check if attribute manual-discount exist in the new cart
  4. The manual-discount attribute:
    - Exist: means the code was applied, job done!
    - Do not exist: means the code is not valid (you can show an error message)
fetch(`/discount/${input.value}`).then(async () => {
   // update cart
   const data = await fetch(`/cart?section_id=${sectionId}`).then(response => response.text());
   const newCart = new DOMParser().parseFromString(data, 'text/html').querySelector('cart-foo');
  // error handling if manual discount is not applied
  if (!document.querySelector('cart-foo').hasAttribute('manual-discount')) {

Obviously it's over simplified, I added some complexities for myself but that's the gist of it, all in a single call and 100% compatible with liquid discount_allocation and discount_application objects. One advantage I could see with @elghorfi way is that you could access the exact error message in case it fails. But even in my case, I could output two types of errors:

  • Discount code does not exist or isn't valid for the items in your cart
  • Discount code does not exist or could not be used with your existing (automatic) discounts.

Let me know your thoughts, and really I'm curious if those endpoints (/payments/config and /wallets/checkout) really bring more value here?

This method looks a lot cleaner but how do you detect different types of errors?

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MaxDesignFR commented Apr 16, 2024

@ddegroot1985 I believe there is still room for improvement in my own code. First of all, we could use /checkout/code1,code2,... instead of /discount/code1 to be able to handle multiple discounts and not erase currently applied manual discounts.

For the error handling, my way is more of a workaround than anything else... You see in 4., I check if a manual discount is applied. If yes, it (most likely) worked, if not, you can display 2 types of errors, either:

  • if {{ cart.total_discount > 0 }}: [code] discount code does not exist or could not be used with your existing discounts.
  • else: [code] discount code does not exist or isn't valid for the items in your cart.

That's not perfect by any mean, but it's not easy to get it right without any documentation. I've also started exploring /wallets/checkouts/ which is most likely the way to go, here's some code I've been playing around with, but haven't implemented into a full working solution yet, I believe this could be used in combination with /checkout/code1,code2,.... Feel free to share if you come up with more:

async playgroud() {
   const discount = 'code1';
   const shopify_features_script = document.querySelector("script[id='shopify-features']");
   const shopify_features_json = JSON.parse(shopify_features_script.innerHTML);
   const cart = await fetch(`${Shopify.routes.root}cart.js`).then(response => response.json());
   const headers = {
      Authorization: 'Basic ' + btoa(shopify_features_json.accessToken),
      Accept: '*/*',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    const body = {
      checkout: {
        line_items: cart.items,
        discount_code: discount,
        presentment_currency: cart.currency,
    const wallet = await fetch('/wallets/checkouts/', {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: headers,
      body: JSON.stringify(body),
      referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
    const response = await wallet.json();
    console.log('🚀 ~ response:', response);

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@MaxDesignFR Thank you for those insights, I have been playing with it this past two days and believe I have a pretty decent solution. It is not 100% bullet proof yet. As far as I can tell the /wallets/checkouts/ endpoint seems some sort of pre-flight validation check to see if the discount code can be applied. Unfortunately as far as I can tell this only works for single discounts, it does not return any errors when trying to apply a discount that does not stack with an already applied discount.

Applying multiple discounts is possible using fetch(`${Shopify.routes.root}checkout?discount=${[newDiscountCode, ...alreadyAppliedDiscounts].join(',')}&=${}`);

This seems to never return any errors, even when no discounts are applied so you still have to check if the discount is actually applied. So far the best way I found is by creating a application/json script tag in the html when re-rendering the section, parsing that and cross referencing that with the code that was just added.

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MaxDesignFR commented Apr 17, 2024

As far as I can tell the /wallets/checkouts/ endpoint seems some sort of pre-flight validation check to see if the discount code can be applied

Something like that. In my testing, it seems it can be more than that though. For instance, you could verify a shipping discount with /wallets/checkouts/ to pre-apply it in cart page, whereas /checkout/ won't let you know if this shipping discount even exist (since shipping discount can't be outputed with liquid, while order and product discounts can). Less popular, but nevertheless can't be ignored.

I also have not tried gift card codes. Those are technically processed as payment methods and not discount codes, so they can't be outputed with liquid in cart page. If /wallets/checkouts/ can verify those, then it's one more thing /checkout/ can't do. I have no idea, but that's something worth checking.

And lastly, I have sometimes noticed issue where fetching /checkout/ + re-rendering cart section can be prone to error when called multiple times in a row. My guess is that Shopify starts caching the cart section after a while, and at some point it will not be in sync with newly added or removed discounts, it's confusing when it happens. To edge against this scenario, the cart could be updated (line item quantity, random cart attribute or cart note). I have not checked if fetching /wallets/checkouts/ before fetching /checkout/ avoids this caching issue.

Those are a few things I have noticed and still need to investigate more, let me know if you find out more, it's a tedious process for sure ;)

@ddegroot1985 what's the reason for this parameter &=${}?

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This worked flawlessly for me on Dawn 14.0.0. However, the cart amount is not updated to factor the coupon discount unless the page is refreshed, any workaround for that? Same for when the coupon is deleted, the cart value still shows the discounted amount until the page is refreshed.

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