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Created September 25, 2021 19:50
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URL validation utilities
* Validate potentially relative URL
* @param input - URL to validate
* @returns true if URL is valid and doesn't need additional encoding
const isValidURL = (input: string): boolean => {
try {
const { href, pathname, host, origin } = new globalThis.URL(
// If href value changes (absolute) or pathname value changes (relative),
// then the URL is invalid or requires additional encoding
return host === '-'
? // relative URL
input === pathname
: // absolute URL
input === href || input === origin;
} catch (ex) {
return false;
const removeProtocol = ({
}: Pick<URL, 'href' | 'protocol'>): string =>
href.slice(protocol.length).replace(/^\/*/, '');
const matchWithOptionalEndingSlash = (input: string, parsed: string): boolean =>
input === parsed || (!input.endsWith('/') && parsed === `${input}/`);
* Check whether a given URL is absolute and valid
* @param input - URL to check
* @returns Whether the URL is absolute and valid
const isValidAbsoluteURL = (input: string): boolean => {
try {
const url = new URL(input);
const { href, protocol, origin } = url;
// origin matches
if (input.startsWith(origin)) {
return matchWithOptionalEndingSlash(input, href);
// origin doesn't match (extra slashes were potentially removed)
if (input.startsWith(protocol)) {
return matchWithOptionalEndingSlash(
removeProtocol({ href: input, protocol }),
return false;
} catch (ex) {
return false;
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