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Created May 24, 2022 05:53
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Test Monitor FPS in Browser
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<title>Test Monitor FPS in Browser</title>
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<p class="output ctr"><mark id="fps">Stopped</mark></p>
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<article class="instructions hl">
<h1 class="ctr"><span>Test Monitor Response Time and Frame Rate in the Browser</span></h1>
<p class="ctr">
Close this message to start the test.
I recommend Chrome or Chromium in Fullscreen for optimal results.
This is <strong>not</strong> a professional tool, you need
<a href="" title="" target="_blank">something</a>
<a href="" title="" target="_blank">better</a>
for that.
<h2 class="ctr">All keyboard shortcuts</h2>
<li><kbd>Space</kbd> to Pause&#8725;Un-pause.</li>
<li><kbd>1</kbd> <kbd>2</kbd> <kbd>3</kbd> to change colors.</li>
<li><kbd>+</kbd> <kbd>-</kbd> <kbd>0</kbd> to set the grid size.</li>
<li><kbd>Escape</kbd> to stop and show the startup message.</li>
<li><kbd>Period</kbd> Advance one frame when <em>paused</em> (debugging).</li>
<li><kbd>Comma</kbd> One frame backwards when <em>paused</em> (debugging).</li>
<h2 class="ctr">Advanced usage</h2>
<p class="ctr">You can specify all options stated below, in the url:</p>
<h3>All options</h3>
<li><code>autostart=true</code> Skip this screen and start.</li>
<li><code>autohide=true</code> Hide all controls when running.</li>
<li><code>fs=true</code> Switch to fullscreen automatically.</li>
<li><code>c1=ffffff</code> Override the color of the block cursor.</li>
<li><code>c2=000</code> Override the color of the grid.</li>
<li><code>c2=FF00FF</code> Override the color of the background.</li>
<li><code>g=4</code> Set number of cells per row.</li>
<li><code>b=8</code> Set border size.</li>
<li><code>sk=1</code> Set speed limiter (skips every N cycles).</li>
<li><code>bc=32</code> Override the highest number of cells.</li>
<li><code>dec=3</code> Set decimals of the fps.</li>
<li><code>u=500</code> Update fps every N milliseconds.</li>
<code>avg=true</code> Calculates by using 5 sec average.
This is turned off by default, it's mostly a hack fix for Firefox to calculate
a better average of the
<a href="" target="_blank">
execution time</a> which will jump around quite alot, unlike on Chrome or Chromium
which will produce a stable result (on a 60Hz monitor) between
<samp>60.046</samp> and <samp>60.049</samp>. These numbers match
the actual refresh rate of my refrence monitor on my laptop.
<h2 class="ctr">Credits</h2>
This work is licensed under a <a href="">
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.
SVG images created in <a href="">Inkscape</a> and
compressed with <a href="" target="_blank">svgo</a>
and <a href="" target="_blank">mini-svg-data-uri</a>.
No libraries used, just plain javascript ES6 and inline data-uri svg.
So if you'd like to download and use this for yourself, go right ahead,
it works offline and you can even open it as a <code>file://</code>
<div class="close-instructions" data-clickable="true">
<img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg%20xmlns=''%20height='100'%20width='100'%3e%3crect%20transform='rotate(45%2050%2050)'%20ry='0'%20y='15'%20x='46'%20height='70'%20width='8'%20fill='gray'/%3e%3crect%20transform='rotate(45%2050%2050)'%20ry='0'%20y='46'%20x='15'%20height='8'%20width='70'%20fill='gray'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" alt="" data-clickable="true"/>
<p class="btn links url hl cl" title="Link that carries all your settings">
<a href="#" id="curr-link">
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<p class="btn links reset_btn hl" title="Reset All &mdash; reset and reload page">
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<p class="btn hl">
<span class="clr" id="choose-clr-bg"></span>
<p class="btn hl">
<span class="clr" id="choose-clr-border"></span>
<p class="btn hl">
<span class="clr" id="choose-clr-pixel"></span>
<p class="btn hl">
<img class="toggle-border border-no" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg%20xmlns=''%20height='100'%20width='100'%3e%3crect%20transform='rotate(45%2050%2050)'%20ry='0'%20x='49'%20height='100'%20width='2'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" alt=""/>
<img class="toggle-border border-yes" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg%20xmlns=''%20width='100'%20height='100'%3e%3crect%20ry='0'%20x='31'%20width='4'%20height='100'/%3e%3crect%20ry='0'%20x='64'%20width='4'%20height='100'/%3e%3crect%20ry='0'%20y='31'%20width='100'%20height='4'/%3e%3crect%20ry='0'%20y='64'%20width='100'%20height='4'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" alt=""/>
<p class="btn hl">
<span class="speed" id="skip-frame-5">&frac16;</span>
<p class="btn hl">
<span class="speed" id="skip-frame-4">&frac15;</span>
<p class="btn hl">
<span class="speed" id="skip-frame-3">&frac14;</span>
<p class="btn hl">
<span class="speed" id="skip-frame-2">&frac13;</span>
<p class="btn hl">
<span class="speed" id="skip-frame-1">&frac12;</span>
<p class="btn hl">
<img id="smaller-grid" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg%20xmlns=''%20height='100'%20width='100'%3e%3cpath%20fill='white'%20d='M0%200h100v100H0z'/%3e%3crect%20ry='0'%20y='45'%20x='15'%20height='10'%20width='70'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" alt=""/>
<p class="btn hl">
<img id="bigger-grid" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg%20xmlns=''%20height='100'%20width='100'%3e%3cpath%20fill='white'%20d='M0%200h100v100H0z'/%3e%3crect%20ry='0'%20y='15'%20x='45'%20height='70'%20width='10'/%3e%3crect%20ry='0'%20y='45'%20x='15'%20height='10'%20width='70'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" alt=""/>
<p class="btn status hl">
<img class="pause-icon" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg%20xmlns=''%20height='100'%20width='100'%3e%3crect%20ry='0'%20y='15'%20x='25'%20height='70'%20width='16'/%3e%3crect%20ry='0'%20y='15'%20x='58'%20height='70'%20width='16'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" alt=""/>
<img class="play-icon" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg%20xmlns=''%20width='512'%20height='512'%3e%3cpath%20d='M96%20448l320-192L96%2064v384z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" alt=""/>
<p class="btn links show-menu hl" title="Stop &mdash; and show the startup message">
<img id="escape-to-menu" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%2096%2096'%3e%3cpath%20fill='gray'%20d='M27%2065l21-21%2021%2021%206.5-6.5L48%2031%2020.5%2058.5z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" alt=""/>
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// startup
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document.body.className = "error";
document.body.innerHTML = `This browser is not supported.<br/>
Try the latest version of Chrome or Chromium`;
const fullPath = document.location.href.replace(/\?[a-zA-Z0-9#=&%_+\-]*$/, "");
function Q(s, elem=document){
return elem.querySelector(s);
function QAll(s, elem=document){
return elem.querySelectorAll(s);
function reduce(a){
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i += 1) {
sum += a[i];
return sum;
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
let $body = document.body,
$speedLimits = QAll("[id^='skip-frame-']"),
$canvas = Q("#canvas"),
canvasCtx = $canvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false }),
$clrPixel = Q("#choose-clr-pixel"),
$clrBorder = Q("#choose-clr-border"),
$clrBg = Q("#choose-clr-bg"),
$clrCtrlElements = [ $clrPixel, $clrBorder, $clrBg ],
$fps = Q("#fps"),
$gridBtns = QAll("[id$='-grid']"),
$toggleBorder = QAll(".toggle-border"),
$clrBtns = QAll("[id^='choose-clr-']"),
$smallerGrid = Q("#smaller-grid"),
$biggerGrid = Q("#bigger-grid"),
$currLink = Q("#curr-link"),
$escToMenu = Q("#escape-to-menu"),
$resetAll = Q("#reset-all"),
$pauseToggles = QAll(".status img"),
$instructions = Q(".instructions"),
cachedCanvasImages = { img: [], pos: 0 },
isBusy = false,
colorMap = [
/* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */
"#FFFFFF", "#FDFDFD", "#BFBFBF", "#808080", "#666666", "#4D4D4D", "#282A36", "#000000",
/* 8 9 10 11 12 */
"#0000FF", "#00FF00", "#7FFFD4", "#00FFFF", "#3D5ADC",
/* 13 14 15 16 17 */
"#8A0000", "#FF0000", "#FF5555", "#FF6E67", "#FF7F50",
/* 18 19 20 */
"#F7347A", "#FF69B4", "#BD93F9",
/* 21 22 */
"#FFFF00", "#F1FA8C",
/* 23 24 */
"#65411F", "#9b622d",
currColor = [ 14, 7, 2 ],
defaults = {
c1: colorMap[currColor[0]],
c2: colorMap[currColor[1]],
c3: colorMap[currColor[2]],
g: 10,
sk: 0,
b: 4,
bc: 15,
dec: 2,
u: 500,
autostart: false,
autohide: false,
avg: false,
fs: false
optNamesArr = [],
opts = ( () => {
let o = {};
for (let key in defaults) {
if (defaults.hasOwnProperty(key)) o[key] = defaults[key];
return o;
started = false,
forcePause = false,
cms = 0,
cstart = 0,
fpsAvgPoints = 10,
fpsTimes = [...Array(fpsAvgPoints)].map( () => 0),
fpsTimesFirstRun = true,
fpsTimesPlacer = 0,
refreshHudInt = 0,
fpsWaitMs = 0,
startMs = 0,
moves = 0,
skipped = 0,
gridSize = 0,
xMax = $body.offsetWidth,
yMax = window.innerHeight,
cursorSizeX = 0,
cursorSizeY = 0,
wpx = cursorSizeX * opts.g,
wpy = cursorSizeY * opts.g,
function debounce(func, wait, immediate){
* Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
* be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
* N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the
* leading edge, instead of the trailing.
let timeout;
return function (...args) {
let context = this,
later = function() {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
if (args[0] && args[0].type === "submit") {
// Inhibit form submission early since this delays everything
callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = window.setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
function selectColor(i){
let hexPatt = /^#([0-9a-f]{3}|[0-9a-f]{6})$/;
if (opts[`c${i+1}`] && hexPatt.test(opts[`c${i+1}`])) {
return opts[`c${i+1}`];
return colorMap[currColor[i]];
function calcLayout(){
// measure browser viewport
xMax = Math.floor(window.innerWidth + opts.b);
yMax = Math.floor(window.innerHeight + opts.b);
$ = `${xMax}px`;
$ = `${yMax}px`;
cursorSizeX = Math.floor(xMax / opts.g);
cursorSizeY = Math.floor((yMax / xMax) * cursorSizeX);
wpx = cursorSizeX * opts.g;
wpy = cursorSizeY * opts.g;
function makeOffScreenCanvases(){
let oc = document.createElement("canvas")
// ,gc = document.createElement("canvas")
oc.width = `${xMax}`;
oc.height = `${yMax}`;
// gc.width = `${xMax}`;
// gc.height = `${yMax}`;
return {
screen: oc.getContext("2d", { alpha: false })
// ,grid: gc.getContext("2d", { alpha: false })
function setCanvasGrid(){
let start_microsec =;
let w = cursorSizeX + 0,
h = cursorSizeY + 0,
s = opts.g + 0,
len = s - 1,
c_cur = selectColor(0),
c_bor = selectColor(1),
c_bg = selectColor(2),
cxw = w - opts.b,
cyh = h - opts.b,
isBusy = true;
forcePause = true;
$body.setAttribute("data-resizing", "true");
// create cache canvas(es)
off = null;
off = makeOffScreenCanvases();
// reset cached images array
cachedCanvasImages.img = [];
cachedCanvasImages.pos = 0;
// set grid bg color
off.screen.fillStyle = c_bg;
// fill in gris bg color
off.screen.fillRect(0, 0, xMax, yMax);
// set screen border color
off.screen.fillStyle = c_bor;
for (let y = 0, xp, xw, yp, yh; y < len; y += 1) {
// Horizonal lines
xp = 0;
xw = xMax + 0;
yp = (h * (y + 1)) - opts.b;
yh = opts.b + 0;
off.screen.fillRect(xp, yp, xw, yh);
for (let x = 0, xp, xw, yp, yh; x < len; x += 1) {
// Vertical lines
xp = (w * (x + 1)) - opts.b;
xw = opts.b + 0;
yp = 0;
yh = yMax + 0;
off.screen.fillRect(xp, yp, xw, yh);
// save as image
// gridImg = off.grid.getImageData(0, 0, xMax, yMax);
off.screen.fillStyle = c_cur;
for (let i = 0, xPos = 0, yPos = 0, xComp = 0, yComp = 0; i < gridSize; i += 1){
xComp = xPos + (cxw * 2) > xMax ? xMax - (xPos + cxw) : 0;
yComp = yPos + (cyh * 2) > yMax ? yMax - (yPos + cyh) : 0;
if (prevCursor !== undefined) {
// paint over the previous cursor
off.screen.fillStyle = c_bg;
off.screen.fillRect(prevCursor.x, prevCursor.y, prevCursor.w, prevCursor.h);
off.screen.fillStyle = c_cur;
// off.screen.clearRect(0, 0, xMax, yMax);
// off.screen.putImageData(gridImg, 0, 0);
off.screen.fillRect(xPos, yPos, cxw + xComp, cyh + yComp);
cachedCanvasImages.img.push(off.screen.getImageData(0, 0, xMax, yMax));
// calculate the next cursor position - save the current as "prevCursor" first
prevCursor = { x: xPos, y: yPos, w: cxw + xComp, h: cyh + yComp };
if (opts.g === 1) {
if (xPos > 0) {
xPos = 0;
} else {
xPos = w;
} else {
xPos += w;
if (xPos >= wpx) {
// forward
// count down one row
xPos = 0;
yPos += h;
if (yPos >= wpy) {
// reset count to row 0
yPos = 0;
if (gridSize === 1) { // done once because its done now
off.screen.fillStyle = c_bg;
off.screen.fillRect(0, 0, cxw, cyh);
cachedCanvasImages.img.push(off.screen.getImageData(0, 0, xMax, yMax));
gridSize = cachedCanvasImages.img.length;
$canvas.width = `${xMax}`;
$canvas.height = `${yMax}`;
canvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, xMax, yMax);
canvasCtx.putImageData(cachedCanvasImages.img[0], 0, 0);
forcePause = false;
window.setTimeout( () => {
isBusy = false;
}, 100);
function handleIfBusy(){
isBusy = true;
$body.setAttribute("data-resizing", "true");
function normalizeGridSize(){
opts.g = Math.max(1, opts.g);
opts.g = Math.min(opts.bc, opts.g);
gridSize = opts.g * opts.g;
function normalizeBorderSize(){
opts.b = Math.max(0, opts.b);
opts.b = Math.min(100, opts.b);
function parseUserOpts(o){
let s = window.decodeURIComponent(^\?+|&+$/g, "")).toLowerCase().split(/&+/),
colorPatt = /^(c[123])=([0-9a-f]{3}$|[0-9a-f]{6}$)/,
numPatt = /^([a-z]+)=([0-9]+)$/,
boolPatt = /^([a-z]+)=(true|false)$/
s = s.filter( (v) => !!v);
try {
for (let i = 0, val, len = s.length, m; i < len; i += 1) {
val = null;
if ((m=s[i].match(colorPatt))) {
val = `#${m[2]}`;
} else if ((m=s[i].match(numPatt))) {
val = +m[2];
} else if ((m=s[i].match(boolPatt))) {
val = !!JSON.parse(m[2]);
if (val !== null && o.hasOwnProperty(m[1]) && typeof(defaults[m[1]]) === typeof(o[m[1]])) {
o[m[1]] = val;
} catch(e){
normalizeBorderSize(); = Math.max(0,; = Math.min([ ...$speedLimits ].length,;
opts.u = Math.max(opts.u, 50);
[ ...$speedLimits ].forEach( (elem) => elem.removeAttribute("data-active"));
if ( > 0) Q(`#skip-frame-${}`).setAttribute("data-active", "true");
return o;
function makeFullOptionsPath(){
let path = document.location.pathname, search = "";
if (!/\/index\.html$/.test(path)) path = path.replace(/\/+$/, "") + "/";
for (let key in opts) {
if (opts.hasOwnProperty(key) && opts[key] !== undefined) {
// skip default values
if (optNamesArr.indexOf(key) >= 0 && opts[key] === defaults[key]) continue;
search += `${key}=${opts[key].toString().replace(/^#+/, "")}&`;
search = search.replace(/&$/, "");
return path + (search ? `?${search}` : "");
function resetFps(){
if (started && forcePause && prevFps !== "Paused") {
$fps.textContent = prevFps = "Paused";
} else if (!forcePause && started && prevFps !== " — fps") {
$fps.textContent = prevFps = " — fps";
function updateLocationUrl(fresh=false){
let url = makeFullOptionsPath();
$currLink.setAttribute("href", url);
if (fresh && (||"").length <= 1) return;
window.history.replaceState(fullPath, document.title || Q("title").textContent, url);
function incrementColorState(i, reverse){
currColor[i] = reverse ? currColor[i] - 1 : currColor[i] + 1;
if (currColor[i] >= colorMap.length) {
currColor[i] = 0;
} else if (currColor[i] < 0) {
currColor[i] = colorMap.length-1;
opts[`c${i+1}`] = colorMap[currColor[i]].toLowerCase();
function changeGridColors(n, rev=false){
forcePause = true;
if (isBusy) return;
incrementColorState(n, rev);
$clrCtrlElements[n].style.backgroundColor = selectColor(n);
$ = selectColor(2);
function setViewport(){
for (let i = 0; i < $clrCtrlElements.length; i += 1) {
$clrCtrlElements[i].style.backgroundColor = selectColor(i);
$clrCtrlElements[i].style.backgroundColor = selectColor(i);
$clrCtrlElements[i].style.backgroundColor = selectColor(i);
function handleGridSizes(e={}){
let id = &&;
if (typeof(e.preventDefault) === "function") e.preventDefault();
if (typeof(e.stopPropagation) === "function") e.stopPropagation();
if (!id || isBusy) return;
if (id === "bigger-grid") {
opts.g -= 1;
} else if (id === "smaller-grid") {
opts.g += 1;
forcePause = true;
function movePixel(dir){
// forward movement
cachedCanvasImages.pos += dir;
if (cachedCanvasImages.pos >= gridSize || dir === 0) cachedCanvasImages.pos = 0;
// backwards movement
if (cachedCanvasImages.pos < 0) cachedCanvasImages.pos = gridSize - 1;
canvasCtx.putImageData(cachedCanvasImages.img[cachedCanvasImages.pos], 0, 0);
// set internal position in array
function animate(ms){
// Speed! All thse operations should be fast conditional ops only
skipped += 1;
if (skipped > skipped = 0;
if (ms === 0 || skipped < {
animationId = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);
if (startMs === 0) startMs = ms + 0;
if (!forcePause) {
// increment moves for fps counter here
moves += 1;
cms = ms + 0;
cstart = startMs + 0;
animationId = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);
function refreshHud(){
/* Update Hud */
let doPaint = true,
m = moves + 0, // cache so get an accurate result
ms = cms + 0, // cache ...
startMs = cstart + 0, // cache ...
if (!started) return;
// paused?
if (forcePause) {
if (opts.avg) {
fpsTimes = [...Array(fpsAvgPoints)].map( () => 0);
fpsTimesFirstRun = true;
fpsTimesPlacer = 0;
return resetFps();
// reduce by starting value (see requestAnimationFrame)
cms -= cstart;
ms -= startMs;
// calc this current fps
f = m/((ms-fpsWaitMs)/1000);
// save for later use
if (opts.avg) fpsTimes[fpsTimesPlacer] = f;
// what we show on screen
if (f === 0 || f >= 500 || ms === 0) {
f = " — fps";
} else {
// calculate average fps of the last N (fpsAvgPoints) seconds
f = !opts.avg || fpsTimesFirstRun ? f : reduce(fpsTimes) / fpsAvgPoints;
f = f.toFixed(opts.dec);
f = `${f} fps`;
if (f === prevFps) doPaint = false;
prevFps = f + "";
// reset moves to avoid using average times
moves = 0;
fpsWaitMs = ms + 0;
// increment placer
if (opts.avg) {
fpsTimesPlacer = fpsTimesPlacer >= (fpsAvgPoints-1) ? 0 : fpsTimesPlacer + 1;
if (fpsTimesFirstRun && fpsTimesPlacer === 0) fpsTimesFirstRun = false;
// paint fps to screen
if (doPaint) $fps.textContent = f;
function resetPage(){
if (!started) return;
started = false;
$fps.textContent = "Stopped";
cstart = 0;
cms = 0;
if (opts.avg) {
fpsTimes = [...Array(fpsAvgPoints)].map( () => 0);
fpsTimesPlacer = 0;
fpsTimesFirstRun = true;
moves = 0;
startMs = 0;
forcePause = false;
// scroll text into view
$instructions.scrollTop = 0;
function init(){
started = true;
refreshHudInt = window.setInterval(refreshHud, opts.u);
$body.setAttribute("data-started", "true");
function togglePause(e={}){
if (typeof(e.preventDefault) === "function") e.preventDefault();
if (typeof(e.stopPropagation) === "function") e.stopPropagation();
forcePause = !forcePause;
if (!started) {// play icon on pageload was used to start it
forcePause = false;
return init();
if (forcePause) {
$body.setAttribute("data-paused", "true");
} else {
function toggleBorders(e={}){
if (typeof(e.preventDefault) === "function") e.preventDefault();
if (typeof(e.stopPropagation) === "function") e.stopPropagation();
if (isBusy) return;
if (opts.b === 0) {
// show borders
$body.setAttribute("data-has-borders", "true");
opts.b = defaults.b + 0;
} else if (opts.b !== 0) {
// hide borders - only if usr hasn't specified b=0 already
// save prev value in defaults
defaults.b = opts.b + 0;
// hide
opts.b = 0;
// listen for events
document.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
if (!e || ! || !"data-clickable")) return;
if (started) {
} else {
if (opts.fs && !document.fullscreenElement) {
[ ...$pauseToggles ].forEach( (elem) => {
elem.addEventListener("click", togglePause);
$escToMenu.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
if (isBusy) return;
$resetAll.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
window.history.replaceState(fullPath, document.title || Q("title").textContent, fullPath);
[ ...$gridBtns ].forEach( (elem) => {
elem.addEventListener("click", handleGridSizes);
[ ...$toggleBorder ].forEach( (elem) => {
elem.addEventListener("click", toggleBorders);
[ ...$clrBtns ].forEach( (elem) => {
elem.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
if (isBusy) return;
switch("choose-clr-", "")){
case "pixel":
changeGridColors(0); break;
case "border":
changeGridColors(1); break;
case "bg":
changeGridColors(2); break;
[ ...$speedLimits ].forEach( (limiter) => {
limiter.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
let i;
i ="skip-frame-", "");
if ( === i) {
// same as already set, toggle back to normal = 0;"data-active");
} else { = i;
[ ...$speedLimits ].forEach( (elem) => {
});"data-active", "true");
skipped = 0;
if (opts.avg) {
fpsTimes = [...Array(fpsAvgPoints)].map( () => 0);
fpsTimesFirstRun = true;
fpsTimesPlacer = 0;
document.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
if (e && (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey)) return;
if (started && forcePause) {
if (e.keyCode === 190 || e.key === "." || e.code === "Period") {
} else if (e.keyCode === 188 || e.key === "," || e.code === "Comma") {
document.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
if (e && (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey)) return;
if (!started && e.keyCode === 32) { // 'space' - fresh start
if (opts.fs && !document.fullscreenElement) {
} else if (
e.keyCode === 109 ||
e.keyCode === 173 ||
e.key === "-" ||
e.code === "NumpadSubtract") {
// '-'
handleGridSizes({ target: $smallerGrid });
} else if (
e.keyCode === 61 ||
e.keyCode === 187 ||
e.key === "+" ||
e.code === "NumpadAdd") {
// '+'
handleGridSizes({ target: $biggerGrid });
} else if (started && e.keyCode === 32) { // 'space' - toggle pause
} else if (e.keyCode === 27) { // 'Escape'
if (!isBusy) resetPage();
} else if (e.keyCode === 49 || e.keyCode === 35 || e.key === "1" || e.code === "Digit1" || e.code === "Numpad1") {
changeGridColors(0, e.shiftKey);
} else if (e.keyCode === 50 || e.key === "2" || e.code === "Digit2" || e.code === "Numpad2") {
changeGridColors(1, e.shiftKey);
} else if (e.keyCode === 51 || e.keyCode === 34 || e.key === "3" || e.code === "Digit3" || e.code === "Numpad3") {
changeGridColors(2, e.shiftKey);
// } else if (e.keyCode === 48 || e.keyCode === 45 || e.key === "0"
// || e.code === "Digit0" || e.code === "Numpad0") {
// //
$fps.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
window.addEventListener("resize", debounce(setViewport, 500));
window.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", debounce(setViewport, 600));
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", debounce(setViewport, 400));
window.addEventListener("resize", handleIfBusy);
window.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", handleIfBusy);
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", handleIfBusy);
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => {
if (typeof(document.hidden) === "boolean" && started && document.hidden) resetPage();
// parse user locationbar options
opts = parseUserOpts(opts);
// reflect cleaned up and Full options in url
// this prevents any w hite flashes on resize
$ = selectColor(2);
// set toggle-border img state
if (opts.autohide) $body.setAttribute("data-autohide", "true");
if (opts.b > 0) $body.setAttribute("data-has-borders", "true");
$body.setAttribute("data-resizing", "true");
window.setTimeout( () => {
// setup viewer - also resets canvas element
if (!started && opts.autostart === true) {
// autostart
$instructions.scrollTo(0, 0);
$body.setAttribute("data-loaded", "true");
} else {
// scroll text in up to show user is can be scrolled
$instructions.scrollTo(0, Math.floor($instructions.offsetHeight / 2));
$body.setAttribute("data-loaded", "true");
$instructions.scrollTo({ top: 0, left: 0, behavior: "smooth" });
}, 100);
}); }());
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