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Created November 12, 2014 14:15
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AngularJS tooltip directive
angular.module("myApp").directive("theTooltip", function($timeout, $sce){
return {
restrict: "E",
template: "<tooltip-arrow arrow-top></tooltip-arrow><tooltip-content ng-bind-html=\"content\"></tooltip-content><tooltip-arrow></tooltip-arrow>",
link: function(scope, elem, attr){
scope.$on("", function(undefined, newval){
elem.css("visibility", "hidden");
scope.content = $sce.trustAsHtml(newval.content);
// aplicamos o escopo para forçar a renderizacao do novo content
// no tooltip, e assim poder calcular o novo tamanho no próximo
// stack que foi queued via timeout;
attr.$set("ariaHidden", false);
var halfElemWidth = newval.element.offsetWidth/2,
halfTtipWidth = elem[0].offsetWidth/2,
ttipHeight = elem[0].offsetHeight;
var finalLeft = newval.element.offsetLeft + (halfElemWidth - halfTtipWidth);
var finalTop = (newval.element.offsetTop - (ttipHeight + 4));
// colisoes laterais:
if (finalLeft <= 0) {
finalLeft = 0;
elem.find("tooltip-arrow").css("margin-left", (newval.element.offsetLeft+halfElemWidth-6) + "px");
if( (finalLeft+(halfTtipWidth * 2)) >= window.innerWidth){
finalLeft = window.innerWidth - (halfTtipWidth * 2) - 20;
elem.find("tooltip-arrow").css("margin-left", ((newval.element.offsetLeft - finalLeft) + halfElemWidth - 6) + "px");
// colisoes verticais:
if(window.scrollY >= (finalTop)){
attr.$set("inverted", true);
finalTop = (newval.element.offsetTop + newval.element.offsetHeight + 4);
elem.css("top", finalTop + "px")
.css("left", finalLeft + "px")
.css("visibility", "visible");
scope.$on("tooltip.hide", function(){
// reseto os atributos do ttip
attr.$set("ariaHidden", true);
attr.$set("inverted", false);
elem.css("top", 0)
.css("left", 0)
.find("tooltip-arrow").css("margin-left", "auto");
angular.module("myApp").directive("tooltip", function($rootScope){
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: {
"tooltipHide": "="
link: function(scope, elem, attr){
elem.on("mouseenter", function(){
$rootScope.$broadcast("", {content: attr.tooltip || attr.title, element: elem[0]});
elem.on("mouseleave", function(){
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