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Forked from renventura/gfs3.txt
Created September 14, 2018 23:10
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Send Gravity Forms file uploads to Amazon S3
* Send Gravity Forms file uploads to Amazon S3
* @author Ren Ventura <>
* @link
//* Include the required library
include_once 'inc/S3.php';
//* AWS access info
define( 'awsAccessKey', 'access-key-here' );
define( 'awsSecretKey', 'secret-key-here' );
define( 'GFS3_BUCKET', 'bucket-name' );
//* Form constants
define( 'FORM_ID', 1 );
define( 'FILE_UPLOAD_FIELD_ID', 18 );
//* Upload the file after form is submitted (Product Edit)
add_action( 'gform_after_submission_' . FORM_ID, 'gf_submit_to_s3', 10, 2 );
function gf_submit_to_s3( $entry, $form ) {
// Bail if there is no file uploaded to the form
if ( empty( $entry[FILE_UPLOAD_FIELD_ID] ) )
// Instantiate the S3 class
$s3 = new S3( awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey );
// Get the URL of the uploaded file
$file_url = $entry[FILE_UPLOAD_FIELD_ID];
// Retreive post variables
$file_name = $_FILES['input_' . FILE_UPLOAD_FIELD_ID]['name'];
* File Permissions
// Create a new bucket if it does not exist (happens only once)
// Parse the URL of the uploaded file
$url_parts = parse_url( $file_url );
// Full path to the file
$full_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $url_parts['path'];
// Add the file to S3
$s3->putObjectFile( $full_path, GFS3_BUCKET, $file_name, S3::ACL_AUTHENTICATED_READ );
// Confirmation/Error
if ( $s3->putObjectFile( $full_path, GFS3_BUCKET, $file_name, S3::ACL_AUTHENTICATED_READ ) ) {
printf( 'Your file <strong>%1$s</strong> was successfully uploaded.', $file_name );
} else {
wp_die( __( 'It looks like something went wrong while uploading your file. Please try again. If you continue to experience this problem, please contact the site administrator.' ) );
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