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Last active August 15, 2023 01:51
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Quick-and-dirty iCalendar .ics parser in AWK; extracts attendees only
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
## Parse ATTENDEEs from iCalendar (.ics) files
## Author: Kevin Ernst <ernstki -at->
## Date: 26 July 2021
## Source:
## License: WTFPL
## Hint: Pipe into `column -ts$'\t'` for a visually-aligned table
FS = ";"; OFS = "\t"
# remove this test if you want to be able to pipe into this script
if (ARGC == 1) {
print "ERROR: Expecting a filename as first argument." > "/dev/stderr"
exit 1
print "email", "last_name", "first_name", "org"
if ($1 == "ATTENDEE") {
line = $0
# space at the beginning means continued from previous line
gsub(/^ /, "")
$0 = sprintf("%s%s", line, $0)
# remove all CRs
# extract the full name from CN
split($4, cn, "\"")
split(cn[2], n, ", ")
last = n[1]
first = n[2]
# parse out the organization, if there is one
if (match(first, /\(.+\)/)) {
org = substr(first, RSTART, RLENGTH)
gsub(/[()]/, "", org)
gsub(/ \(.*\)/, "", first)
# remove middle initial from first name part
sub(/ [A-Z]\. ?/, "", first)
# extract the email from PARTSTAT (participant status)
split($5, ps, ":")
email = tolower(ps[3])
# print the results
print email, last, first, org
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