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Created April 14, 2014 03:35
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Save eroth/10614031 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
C++ program I wrote when participating in a recent coding challenge. The object was to read in a text file and follow specified logic.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
struct Legit {
string city;
string color;
int legitScore;
int main() {
ifstream infile("/Users/eroth/Dropbox/googlegames/google1/sample.txt");
int numTestCases; // Total number of test cases per file
int numPantsToCompare; // Number of pants per case
int legitTime = 0; // Keeps track of number of legit time per case
bool legitInSameCity = false; // Keeps track of whether we already have a legit match in the same city
bool legitSoFar = false; // Running counter of whether we're legit so far; i.e., if we have a unique case
infile >> numTestCases;
// Execute loop numTestCases amount of times
for (int x = 0; x < numTestCases; x++) {
infile >> numPantsToCompare;
// Create array of Legit objects equal in size to numPantsToCompare for each test case
Legit *test[numPantsToCompare];
// Create an instance of a new legit object for each index, read a line from the file into it, and store it in our array
for (int i = 0; i < numPantsToCompare; i++) {
Legit *legit = new Legit();
infile >> legit->city >> legit->color >> legit->legitScore;
test[i] = legit;
// Comparison algorithm
for (int i = 0; i < numPantsToCompare; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < numPantsToCompare; k++) {
// We don't want to compare a case to itself, so if the indices are equal increment k, except if k = numPantsToCompare
if (i == k) {
if (k == numPantsToCompare) break;
# pragma mark debug
// Outputs comparison cases
cout << "comparing i:" << i << " " << test[i]->city << " " << test[i]->color << " " << test[i]->legitScore << endl;
cout << "to k:" << k << " " << test[k]->city << " " << test[k]->color << " " << test[k]->legitScore << endl;
if (test[i]->color == test[k]->color) {
if ((test[i]->city != test[k]->city) && (test[i]->legitScore == test[k]->legitScore)) {
// If the cities aren't equal it means we won't have any legitTime, so set it to false and break
legitSoFar = false;
else if ((test[i]->city == test[k]->city) && (test[i]->legitScore == test[k]->legitScore) && !legitInSameCity) {
// Addresses case we have a legit match in the same city
legitInSameCity = true;
else {
// If we've come this far, we're at the end of a comparison loop and we're legit
legitSoFar = true;
if (legitSoFar && !legitInSameCity) {
// If we're legitSoFar and we don't have a match in the same city already, increment our legitTime
legitSoFar = false;
legitInSameCity = false;
// Output our legit time for this case
cout << "Case #" << x+1 << ": " << legitTime << endl;
// Reset everything for the next loop
legitInSameCity = false;
legitTime = 0;
return 0;
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