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Validated formats and parses iban's as per the specifications prefered way, found here:
* @author Esser Jan
* @license MIT
* @example InternationalBankAccountNumber::createFromString($someString)
* @example InternationalBankAccountNumber::createFromString($someString)->toFormattedString() // space separated
* @example InternationalBankAccountNumber::createFromString($someString)->toFormattedString('-', 4, true) // IBAN prefixed - separated
class InternationalBankAccountNumber
protected $countryCode;
protected $check;
protected $bban;
* assoc list of `country code => length` pairs that indicate how long tot total IBAN may be
* @var array
protected static $IBANLengths = [
'AL' => 28, 'AD' => 24, 'AT' => 20, 'AZ' => 28, 'BH' => 22, 'BE' => 16, 'BA' => 20, 'BR' => 29,
'BG' => 22, 'CR' => 21, 'HR' => 21, 'CY' => 28, 'CZ' => 24, 'DK' => 18, 'DO' => 28, 'EE' => 20,
'FO' => 18, 'FI' => 18, 'FR' => 27, 'GE' => 22, 'DE' => 22, 'GI' => 23, 'GR' => 27, 'GL' => 18,
'GT' => 28, 'HU' => 28, 'IS' => 26, 'IE' => 22, 'IL' => 23, 'IT' => 27, 'JO' => 30, 'KZ' => 20,
'KW' => 30, 'LV' => 21, 'LB' => 28, 'LI' => 21, 'LT' => 20, 'LU' => 20, 'MK' => 19, 'MT' => 31,
'MR' => 27, 'MU' => 30, 'MC' => 27, 'MD' => 24, 'ME' => 22, 'NL' => 18, 'NO' => 15, 'PK' => 24,
'PS' => 29, 'PL' => 28, 'PT' => 25, 'QA' => 29, 'RO' => 24, 'SM' => 27, 'SA' => 24, 'RS' => 22,
'SK' => 24, 'SI' => 19, 'ES' => 24, 'SE' => 24, 'CH' => 21, 'TN' => 24, 'TR' => 26, 'AE' => 23,
'GB' => 22, 'VG' => 24
* International Back Account Number constructor.
* @param string $countryCode country code using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 - two letters
* @param int $check check digits - two digits
* @param string $bban Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) - up to 30 alphanumeric characters that
* are country-specific. No special characters like `-` or space allowed here, use
* the {@see createFromString} or {@see sanitize} instead if that's what you may have
public function __construct($countryCode, $check, $bban)
$this->countryCode = strtoupper($countryCode);
$this->check = $check;
$this->bban = strtoupper($bban);
public static function createFromString($accountNumber)
$min = min(static::$IBANLengths) - 4; // first 4 are <country><check>
$max = max(static::$IBANLengths) - 4; // first 4 are <country><check>
if (!preg_match(
'/^(:?IBAN)?([A-Za-z]{2})(\d{2})([A-Za-z0-9\s\-]{'. $min .','. $max . '})$/',
)) {
throw new Exception(
'Invalid International Bank Account Number, not a valid format [' . $accountNumber . ']'
return new static($matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[4]);
* removes common used white spacing and hyphenation from the account number
* @param string $accountNumber
* @return string
public static function sanitize($accountNumber)
return preg_replace('/[\s\-]*/', '', $accountNumber);
* Generating IBAN check digits
* According to the ECBS "generation of the IBAN shall be the exclusive responsibility of the bank/branch servicing
* the account".[8] The ECBS document replicates part of the ISO/IEC 7064:2003 standard as a method for generating
* check digits in the range 02 to 98. Check digits in the ranges 00 to 96, 01 to 97, and 03 to 99 will also
* provide validation of an IBAN, but the standard is silent as to whether or not these ranges may be used.
* The preferred algorithm is:
* 1. Check that the total IBAN length is correct as per the country. If not, the IBAN is invalid
* 2. Replace the two check digits by 00 (e.g. GB00 for the UK)
* 3. Move the four initial characters to the end of the string
* 4. Replace the letters in the string with digits, expanding the string as necessary, such that A or a = 10,
* B or b = 11, and Z or z = 35. Each alphabetic character is therefore replaced by 2 digits
* 5. Convert the string to an integer (i.e. ignore leading zeroes)
* 6. Calculate mod-97 of the new number, which results in the remainder
* 7. Subtract the remainder from 98, and use the result for the two check digits. If the result is a single digit
* number, pad it with a leading 0 to make a two-digit number
protected function validateSelf()
if (!isset(static::$IBANLengths[$this->countryCode])) {
throw new Exception('Country for IBAN is not (yet) supported: ' . $this->countryCode);
// 1.
if (strlen($this->countryCode . $this->check . $this->bban) !== static::$IBANLengths[$this->countryCode]) {
throw new Exception('IBAN not long enough: ' . $this->__toString());
// 2. + 3. + 4. + 5. only checking upper case characters cause we strtoupper 'd it in constructor
// and 0 cause then we can strip it in one go, we cant cast to int here due to 64bit limitation
$checkString = preg_replace_callback(['/[A-Z]/', '/^[0]+/'], function ($matches) {
if (substr($matches[0], 0, 1) !== '0') { // may be multiple leading 0's
return base_convert($matches[0], 36, 10);
return '';
}, $this->bban . $this->countryCode . '00');
// 6. + 7.
if (str_pad(98 - bcmod($checkString, 97), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) !== $this->check) {
throw new Exception('IBAN is not valid: ' . $this->toFormattedString());
public function __toString()
return $this->toFormattedString();
* @param string $separator supported separators are white spaces (regex \s) and hyphen (-) all other separators
* will not be able to be converted back into objects, a combination may be used.
* @param int $size the separator group size to use, this will chunk
* @param bool $prefix when true `IBAN ` will be prefixed
* @return string
public function toFormattedString($separator = ' ', $size = 4, $prefix = false)
$accountNumber = implode($separator, str_split($this->countryCode . $this->check . $this->bban, $size));
if ($prefix) {
$accountNumber = 'IBAN ' . $accountNumber;
return $accountNumber;
* a 'CountryCode' => length pair assoc array, country codes must be UPPER case
* setting these will override the defaults
* @param array $IBANLengths
public static function setIBANLengths(array $IBANLengths)
static::$IBANLengths = $IBANLengths;
public function getIBANLengths()
return static::$IBANLengths;
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