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Created October 9, 2013 20:15
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import System.Random
import Data.List
import Graphics.EasyPlot
-- Testing Aparatus
repeatTimes = 1000
testInstanceNum = 1000
trainInstanceNums = [100,200..1000]
main :: IO Bool
main = do
gen <- newStdGen
let d = makeData $ randomRs (0,1000) gen-- Infinite set of data.
let errRates = map (average . getErrRates d) trainInstanceNums
let failRates = map (failureRate . getErrRates d) trainInstanceNums
let errRes = zip (map fromIntegral trainInstanceNums) errRates
let failRes = zip (map fromIntegral trainInstanceNums) failRates
print errRes
print failRes
plot (Latex "errorRate.tex") $ Data2D [Title "Error Rate per Training Set Size", Color Blue, Style Linespoints] [] errRes
plot (Latex "failureRate.tex") $ Data2D [Title "Failure Rate per Training Set Size", Color Blue, Style Linespoints] [] failRes
where average lst = (sum lst) / (fromIntegral $ length lst)
failureRate lst = (fromIntegral $ length $ failures lst) / (fromIntegral repeatTimes)
failures lst = filter (> 0.05) lst
getErrRates :: [Instance] -> Int -> [ErrorRate]
getErrRates d setSize = nTimes repeatTimes setSize d
nTimes :: Int -> Int -> [Instance] -> [ErrorRate]
nTimes n setSize d | n == 0 = []
| otherwise = [learn (getCurrentd d) setSize] ++ (nTimes(n-1) setSize (getRestd d))
where getCurrentd d = take payLoadSize d
getRestd d = drop payLoadSize d
payLoadSize = setSize + testInstanceNum
-- Learning Logic
type ErrorRate = Float
type Instance = (Int, Bool)
type Hypothesis = (Int, Int)
learn :: [Instance] -> Int -> ErrorRate
learn d n = scale $ test (findHypothesis trainData) testData
where (testData, trainData) = splitAt testInstanceNum $ take (testInstanceNum+n) d
scale err = (fromIntegral err) / (fromIntegral testInstanceNum)
test :: Hypothesis -> [Instance] -> Int
test h d = length $ incorrect $ predict h d
incorrect :: [(Instance, Bool)] -> [Instance]
incorrect lst = map fst $ filter helper lst
where helper ((x,t),p) = t /= p
predict :: Hypothesis -> [Instance] -> [(Instance, Bool)]
predict (min, max) d = map predicter d
where predicter inst@(x,t) = (inst, inInterv x)
inInterv x = min <= x && x <= max
findHypothesis :: [Instance] -> Hypothesis
findHypothesis lst = if (length pos) /= 0
then ((minimum pos), (maximum pos))
else (-1,-1)
where pos = map fst $ filter snd lst
makeData :: [Int] -> [Instance]
makeData lst = map classifier lst
where classifier x = (x, inInterv x)
inInterv x = 400 < x && x < 600
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