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Forked from MacDada/phpcs.xml
Created September 5, 2017 20:16
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ruleset name="MyProject">
<description>PSR-2 plus extras</description>
<rule ref="PSR2" />
<!-- Verifies that class members have scope modifiers. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Scope.MethodScope" />
<!-- Discourages the use of deprecated functions that are kept in PHP
for compatibility with older versions. -->
<rule ref="Generic.PHP.DeprecatedFunctions" />
<!-- Tests that the ++ operators are used when possible and not
used when it makes the code confusing. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Operators.IncrementDecrementUsage" />
<!-- Ensure that there are no spaces around square brackets. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Arrays.ArrayBracketSpacing" />
<!-- Makes sure that any strings that are "echoed" are not enclosed in brackets
like a function call. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Strings.EchoedStrings" />
<!-- Ensures all language constructs (without brackets) contain
a single space between themselves and their content. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.LanguageConstructSpacing" />
<!-- Warn about commented out code. -->
<!--<rule ref="Squiz.PHP.CommentedOutCode" />-->
<!-- Ensure cast statements don't contain whitespace. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.CastSpacing" />
<!-- Ensures each statement is on a line by itself. -->
<rule ref="Generic.Formatting.DisallowMultipleStatements" />
<!-- Stops the usage of the "global" keyword. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.PHP.GlobalKeyword" />
<!-- Discourages the use of alias functions that are kept in PHP for compatibility
with older versions. Can be used to forbid the use of any function. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions" />
<!-- Checks the nesting level for methods. -->
<rule ref="Generic.Metrics.NestingLevel" />
<!-- Function name "%s" is invalid; only PHP magic methods should be prefixed with a double underscore -->
<rule ref="Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.DoubleUnderscore">
<exclude name="Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps" />
<!-- Detecting BOMs that may corrupt application work -->
<rule ref="Generic.Files.ByteOrderMark" />
<!-- Verifies that control statements conform to their coding standards. -->
<rule ref="PEAR.ControlStructures.ControlSignature" />
<!-- The use of eval() is discouraged. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.PHP.Eval" />
<!-- Checks that calls to methods and functions are spaced correctly. -->
<rule ref="Generic.Functions.FunctionCallArgumentSpacing" />
<!-- Warns about code that can never been executed. This happens when a function
returns before the code, or a break ends execution of a statement etc. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.PHP.NonExecutableCode" />
<!-- Checks that only one interface is declared per file. -->
<rule ref="Generic.Files.OneInterfacePerFile" />
<!-- Upewniamy się, że podwójny cudzysłów nie jest używany tam,
gdzie nie jest konieczny. Nie zwracamy uwagi na ewaluację
zmiennych w napisach. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Strings.DoubleQuoteUsage">
<exclude name="Squiz.Strings.DoubleQuoteUsage.ContainsVar" />
<!-- Ensures all class keywords are lowercase. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Classes.LowercaseClassKeywords" />
<!-- Ensures objects are assigned to a variable when instantiated. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Objects.ObjectInstantiation">
<exclude name="Squiz.Objects.ObjectInstantiation.NotAssigned" />
<!-- Detects unconditional if- and elseif-statements. -->
<rule ref="Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnconditionalIfStatement" />
<!-- Tests that the stars in a doc comment align correctly. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Commenting.DocCommentAlignment" />
<!-- Ensure that arrays conform to the array coding standard. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration">
<exclude name="Squiz.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration.KeyNotAligned" />
<!-- The declaration of the class and its inheritance is correct. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Classes.ClassDeclaration">
<exclude name="Squiz.Classes.ClassDeclaration.EndFileAfterCloseBrace" />
<!-- Checks for usage of "$this" in static methods, which will cause
runtime errors. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Scope.StaticThisUsage" />
<!-- Detects unnecessary overridden methods that simply call their parent. -->
<rule ref="Generic.CodeAnalysis.UselessOverridingMethod" />
<!-- Ensure that parameters defined for a function that have a default
value come at the end of the function signature. -->
<rule ref="PEAR.Functions.ValidDefaultValue" />
<!-- Checks the cyclomatic complexity (McCabe) for functions. -->
<rule ref="Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity" />
<!-- Checks that no perl-style comments are used. -->
<rule ref="PEAR.Commenting.InlineComment" />
<!-- Verifies that a @throws tag exists for a function that throws exceptions.
Verifies the number of @throws tags and the number of throw tokens matches.
Verifies the exception type. -->
<!--<rule ref="Squiz.Commenting.FunctionCommentThrowTag" />-->
<!-- Makes sure that shorthand PHP open tags are not used. -->
<rule ref="Generic.PHP.DisallowShortOpenTag" />
<!-- Checks for empty Catch clause. Catch clause must at least have comment -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Commenting.EmptyCatchComment" />
<!-- Checks that only one class is declared per file. -->
<rule ref="Generic.Files.OneClassPerFile" />
<!-- Ensures there is a single space after cast tokens. -->
<rule ref="Generic.Formatting.SpaceAfterCast" />
<!-- Discourages the use of alias functions that are kept in PHP for compatibility
with older versions. Can be used to forbid the use of any function. -->
<rule ref="Generic.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions" />
<!-- This sniff class detects empty statement. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement" />
<!-- Ensures all calls to inbuilt PHP functions are lowercase. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.PHP.LowercasePHPFunctions" />
<!-- Ensures that functions within functions are never used. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.PHP.InnerFunctions" />
<!-- PHP files should only contain code -->
<rule ref="Generic.Files.InlineHTML" />
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