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Created September 14, 2018 11:27
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Hack that enables make render-thread based animations that will never stop even if ui thread is locked
package com.openland.react.anim.hack
import android.util.Log
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewPropertyAnimator
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor
import java.lang.reflect.Field
object MakeAnimationsFast {
private var backendField: Field? = null
private var animatorClazz: Class<*>? = null
private var animatorConstructor: Constructor<*>? = null
private var isSupported = true
init {
try {
backendField = { === "mRTBackend" }!!
backendField!!.isAccessible = true
animatorClazz ="android.view.ViewPropertyAnimatorRT")
if (animatorClazz!!.declaredConstructors.size != 1) {
throw Exception("Unexpected number of constructors in ViewPropertyAnimatorRT")
animatorConstructor = animatorClazz!!.declaredConstructors[0]
animatorConstructor!!.isAccessible = true
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.w("RNSAnimated", "Fast animations are not supported. Using default one")
Log.w("RNSAnimated", e)
isSupported = false
fun fastAnimate(view: View): ViewPropertyAnimator {
val realAnimator = view.animate()
if (isSupported) {
try {
// Do not try to overwrite animator
if (backendField!!.get(realAnimator) == null) {
// Create new animator for view
val animator = animatorConstructor!!.newInstance(view)
// Set animator for view
backendField!!.set(realAnimator, animator)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.w("RNSAnimated", "Unable to create native animator")
Log.w("RNSAnimated", e)
isSupported = false
return realAnimator
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