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Created April 20, 2014 14:32
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Evernote xml (enex) to txt
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
require 'nokogiri'
require 'date'
require 'ostruct'
class Note < OpenStruct; end
class Notes < Array; end
notes =
xml = Nokogiri::XML([0]))
xml.xpath("//note").each do |n|
note =
note.title = n.xpath('title').first.content
note.content_xml = n.xpath('content').first.content
note.content = Nokogiri::XML(note.content_xml).content
note.created = DateTime.parse(n.xpath('created').first.content)
note.updated = DateTime.parse(n.xpath('updated').first.content)
note.tags = n.xpath('tag').map(&:content)
note.attributes = n.xpath('note-attributes')
.inject({}){|h, i| h[] = i.content ; h }
notes << note
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