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Created August 26, 2016 17:57
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Save facuescobar/cd38c11e03c963b7b0d0f734d0e7ecb1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(rebelmouse)escobar@beta1:~/rebelmouse$ deploy-roar unitedhub
[localhost:8022] Executing task 'prod'
[localhost:8022] Executing task 'deploy_roar'
[localhost] local: ls -1 ./engine/
[localhost] local: hostname
[localhost] local: sudo -H -u deploys_roar /bin/bash -c "id"
uid=1104(deploys_roar) gid=1104(deploys_roar) groups=1104(deploys_roar)
[localhost] local: test -f /tmp/deploy2.lock && echo True || echo False
[localhost] local: test -f /tmp/rebelmouse2.lock && echo True || echo False
[localhost] local: echo -n escobar > /tmp/rebelmouse2.lock
[localhost:8022] run: whoami
[localhost:8022] Login password for 'escobar':
[localhost:8022] out: escobar
[localhost:8022] out:
Is there any change in css/js files? [y/N] n
[localhost:8022] running tests..
[localhost] local: /bin/bash -c "set -o pipefail && RM_ENV=dev && $WORKON_HOME/rebelmouse/bin/python test engine --failfast --noinput 2>&1 > /mnt/local/tmp/log/escobar-2016-08-26-1744-test.log | tee /mnt/local/tmp/log/escobar-2016-08-26-1744-test-error.log && $WORKON_HOME/rebelmouse/bin/python test community/dynamic_content/tests/ --failfast 2>&1 > /mnt/local/tmp/log/escobar-2016-08-26-1744-test.log | tee /mnt/local/tmp/log/escobar-2016-08-26-1744-test-error.log "
'Raven is not configured (logging is disabled). Please see the documentation for more information.'
'/home/escobar/envs/rebelmouse/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bs4/ UserWarning: No parser was explicitly specified, so I'm using the best available HTML parser for this system ("lxml"). This usually isn't a problem, but if you run this code on another system, or in a different virtual environment, it may use a different parser and behave differently.
To get rid of this warning, change this:
BeautifulSoup([your markup])
to this:
BeautifulSoup([your markup], "lxml")
'/mnt/local/home/escobar/rebelmouse/community/posts/ DeprecationWarning: insert is deprecated. Use insert_one or insert_many instead.
res = mongo['community_{}'.format(posts_class)].insert(post)
'/mnt/local/home/escobar/rebelmouse/community/posts/ DeprecationWarning: update is deprecated. Use replace_one, update_one or update_many instead.
res = mongo['community_{}'.format(posts_class)].update(pack_fields(query), pack_fields(updates), multi=True)
'/home/escobar/envs/rebelmouse/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mongoengine/queryset/ DeprecationWarning: remove is deprecated. Use delete_one or delete_many instead.
result = queryset._collection.remove(queryset._query, **write_concern)
FAIL: engine.tests.test_engine.test_unique_order('roar_demo', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20, 21])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/escobar/envs/rebelmouse/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 197, in runTest
File "/mnt/local/home/escobar/rebelmouse/engine/tests/", line 45, in check_unique_order
assert len(orders) == len(set(orders)), 'Duplicated orders for menu {}'.format(engine)
AssertionError: Duplicated orders for menu roar_demo
Ran 65 tests in 2.198s
FAILED (SKIP=1, failures=1)
Exception AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getcurrent'" in <function _removeHandlerRef at 0x7fbe9da5fa28> ignored
Warning: local() encountered an error (return code 1) while executing '/bin/bash -c "set -o pipefail && RM_ENV=dev && $WORKON_HOME/rebelmouse/bin/python test engine --failfast --noinput 2>&1 > /mnt/local/tmp/log/escobar-2016-08-26-1744-test.log | tee /mnt/local/tmp/log/escobar-2016-08-26-1744-test-error.log && $WORKON_HOME/rebelmouse/bin/python test community/dynamic_content/tests/ --failfast 2>&1 > /mnt/local/tmp/log/escobar-2016-08-26-1744-test.log | tee /mnt/local/tmp/log/escobar-2016-08-26-1744-test-error.log "'
You can find stdout log at /mnt/local/tmp/log/escobar-2016-08-26-1744-test.log
The error's log is located at /mnt/local/tmp/log/escobar-2016-08-26-1744-test-error.log
continue deployment? [y/N] n
[localhost] local: rm /tmp/rebelmouse2.lock
Fatal error: Tests failed, stopping deployment
Disconnecting from localhost:8022... done.
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