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Last active January 18, 2024 19:41
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Read diagrams in Python and read/write text fields
# Provides gettext-like functionality for drawio files:
# - Extract translatable strings from drawio diagram files (svg, png, xml) to PO files
# - Replace translatable strings in drawio diagram file with translations from a PO file
# - Regenerate the diagram in another language
# Reads .drawio.svg or .drawio.xml file, prints (or modifies) the `value` fields of the diagram, then writes a new file.
# Only changes the metadata, not the SVG. Use drawio to generate the SVG from the new metadata, e.g.:
# drawio -x -e -f svg -o regenerated.drawio.svg changed.drawio.svg
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def getCompressedDiagramFromSVG(filename):
"""Get the diagram data from SVG metadata (it is compressed)."""
svgtree = ET.parse(filename)
if svgtree is None:
print("Could not read SVG at " + filename + ". Filename incorrect?")
return None, None, None
svgroot = svgtree.getroot()
mxstring = svgroot.attrib['content']
mxelem = ET.fromstring(mxstring)
for element in mxelem:
if element.tag == 'diagram':
b64string = element.text
return b64string, mxelem, svgtree
print(filename + " contains no drawio diagram!")
return None, None, None
# TODO: Add PNG reading
def getCompressedDiagramFromXML(filename):
"""Get the diagram data from an XML or drawio file"""
xmltree = ET.parse(filename)
root = xmltree.getroot()
mxelem = root[0] # This can go wrong if there's more than one element. It needs to be the diagram element.
b64string = mxelem.text
return b64string, mxelem, xmltree
def decodeDiagram(b64string):
"""Decodes diagram from a base64-encoded and compressed string.
## Decode diagram
# 1) From base64 to encode bytestring
# 2) Inflate (decompress with DEFLATE algorithm)
# 3) Decode URI Encoding
import base64
string1 = base64.b64decode(b64string)
import zlib
# See
# pako_inflate_raw
c = zlib.decompressobj(-15)
string2 = c.decompress(string1) + c.flush()
import urllib.parse
string3 = string2.decode('utf-8')
graphstring = urllib.parse.unquote(string3)
mxGraphTree = ET.fromstring(graphstring)
return mxGraphTree
def changeDiagram(mxGraphTree):
"""Walks through value fields of a diagram.
xml.etree.ElementTree: The changed diagram
## Read text in diagram (and/or modify it)
for cell in mxGraphTree[0]:
if cell.attrib.get('value', None):
# print(cell.attrib['value'])
cell.attrib['value'] = "TEST"
# TODO: Retrieve strings as translation string.
return mxGraphTree
def encodeDiagram(mxGraphTree):
"""Encodes diagram into a base64-encoded and compressed string.
newgraphstring = ET.tostring(mxGraphTree, encoding='unicode')
## Re-encode diagram
# Revert 3) Encode URI Encoding
import urllib.parse
newstring3 = urllib.parse.quote(newgraphstring, safe='~()*!.\'')
newstring2 = newstring3.encode('utf-8')
# Revert 2) To base64
import zlib
# See
# pako_deflate_raw
c = zlib.compressobj(zlib.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, zlib.DEFLATED, -15, memLevel=8, strategy=zlib.Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY)
newstring1 = c.compress(newstring2) + c.flush()
# Revert 1) Deflate (decompress with DEFLATE algorithm)
import base64
newb64string = base64.b64encode(newstring1).decode('utf-8')
return newb64string
def parseAndReturnDiagram(b64string):
mxGraphTree = decodeDiagram(b64string)
mxGraphTree = changeDiagram(mxGraphTree)
return encodeDiagram(mxGraphTree)
def writeDiagramToXML(b64string, mxelem, xmltree, filename='changed.drawio.xml'):
"""Write base64-encoded and compressed diagram to XML"""
mxelem.text = b64string
xmltree.getroot()[0] = mxelem
def writeDiagramToSVG(b64string, mxelem, svgtree, filename='changed.drawio.xml'):
"""Write base64-encoded and compressed diagram into the SVG metadata"""
ET.register_namespace("", "") # Not perfect, but sufficient
for element in mxelem:
if element.tag == 'diagram':
element.text = b64string
newmxstring = ET.tostring(mxelem, encoding='unicode')
svgtree.getroot().attrib['content'] = newmxstring
# The new file only has changed metadata, the SVG is still the same. Use drawio to generate the SVG from the new metadata, e.g.:
# drawio -x -e -f svg -o regenerated.drawio.svg changed.drawio.svg
if __name__ == "__main__":
b64string, mxelem, tree = getCompressedDiagramFromSVG("exampleEZ.drawio.svg")
newb64string = parseAndReturnDiagram(b64string)
writeDiagramToXML(newb64string, mxelem, tree, 'test.drawio.svg')
# b64string, mxelem, tree = getCompressedDiagramFromXML("exampleEX.drawio.xml")
# newb64string = parseAndReturnDiagram(b64string)
# writeDiagramToXML(newb64string, mxelem, tree, 'test.drawio.xml')
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