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Last active April 3, 2016 06:00
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  • Save fiee/8171f1228cd560788e88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fiee/8171f1228cd560788e88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
lead sheet template
%\version "2.18.0"
\include "../"
\include "" % for better MIDI
title = ""
poet = ""
%composer = "M: "
%arranger = "arr."
%instrument = "2 voc + git"
source = ""
%maintainer = "Henning Hraban Ramm"
%maintainerWeb = ""
lastupdated = "2016-04-03"
global = {
\clef treble
\key a \minor
\time 4/4
akkorde = \chordmode {
dynamics = \relative c {
oberstimme = \relative c'' {
\bar "|."
unterstimme = \relative c' {
textI = \lyricmode {
%\set stanza = "1. "
la la la la
% PDF output
\score {
\context ChordNames {
\context Staff = Oben <<
\context Voice = "eins" \oberstimme
\lyricsto "eins" \new Lyrics { \textI }
\context Staff = Unten <<
\context Voice = "zwei" \unterstimme
\layout { }
\markup{ \vspace #2.0 }
\markup {
\fill-line {
\hspace #0.1 % Abstand vom linken Rand
\column {
\line {
\column {
\vspace #1.0 % Abstand zwischen Strophen
\line {
\column {
\hspace #0.5 % Abstand zwischen Spalten
\column {
\line {
\column {
\vspace #1.0 % Abstand zwischen Strophen
\line {
\column {
\hspace #0.1 % Abstand zum rechten Rand
\score {
\unfoldRepeats {
\set Score.midiReverbLevel = #0.5
\set Score.midiChorusLevel = #0.5
\context Staff = "chords" <<
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"fx 4 (atmosphere)"
\context Voice = "vchords" {
\transpose c c, << \dynamics \akkorde >>
\context Staff = ober <<
%\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin"
\context Voice = "vober" \oberstimme
\context Staff = unter << \articulate
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"viola"
% see
%\set Staff.midiPanPosition = #RIGHT
%\set Staff.midiBalance = #LEFT
\context Voice = vunter \unterstimme
\lyricsto "vober" \new Lyrics { \textI }
\midi {
\tempo 4 = 120
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