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Created November 6, 2022 19:52
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Simple Implementation of MapReduce In Python
from collections import defaultdict
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor as Executor
from time import sleep
def async_map(executor: Executor, mapper, data):
return [executor.submit(mapper, datum) for datum in data]
def report_progress(futures, tag, callback):
done = 0
num_jobs = len(futures)
while num_jobs > done:
done = sum([1 if fut.done() else 0 for fut in futures])
[callback(tag, done, num_jobs - done) if callback else None]
def map_reduce(mr_input, mapper, reducer, callback=None):
with Executor() as executor:
# map
futures = async_map(executor, mapper, mr_input)
report_progress(futures, 'map_stage', callback)
map_results = map(lambda f: f.result(), futures)
# shuffle (group like with like, sort)
distributor = defaultdict(list)
for k, v in map_results:
# reduce
futures = async_map(executor, reducer, distributor.items())
report_progress(futures, 'reduce_stage', callback)
results = map(lambda f: f.result(), futures)
return results
def reporter(tag, done, not_done):
print(f'Operation {tag}: {done} / {done+not_done}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
from test_functions import sample_map, sample_reduce
words = 'whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or by opposing end them'.split(' ') # noqa: E501
print(list(map_reduce(words, sample_map, sample_reduce, reporter)))
def sample_map(word):
return (word, 1)
def sample_reduce(kv_pair):
return kv_pair[0], sum(kv_pair[1])
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