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Last active April 18, 2019 21:50
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Automates compiling a python-pycurl version with openssl instead of GnuTLS for Ubuntu and Raspbian following the recipe in Gist See this answer on Ask Ubuntu for details.
# How to rebuild PycURL against OpenSSL on Ubuntu
# (tested for 14.04.2 now)
# This script implements the great Gist by aerickson:
# feel free to use it anyway you like.
# Credits go to Andrew anyway :)
# we will add some colored headers that make it easier to find obstacles
# in the terminal output (which will be > 1000 lines...)
header() {
echo -e "\n$YELLOW --- $1 --- $RESET\n"
echo -e "\n\n$GREEN"
echo -e "\
Build pycurl with openssl support\n\n\
Section numbers refer to\n\
echo -e "$RESET\n"
# remove eventually existing pycurl
header "0. remove python-pycurl"
sudo apt-get remove python-pycurl --yes
header "1. install build essentials"
sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot dpkg-dev --yes
header "2./3. make build dir"
mkdir ~/python-pycurl-openssl
cd ~/python-pycurl-openssl
if [ ! "$HOME/python-pycurl-openssl" = `pwd` ]; then
echo -e "\n${RED}Cannot change to working dir. WTF?${RESET}\n"
exit 1
header "4. get pycurl sources"
sudo apt-get source python-pycurl --yes
header "5. get build dependencies for python-pycurl"
sudo apt-get build-dep python-pycurl --yes
header "6. install libcurl with openssl"
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev --yes
DIR=`find * -name 'pycurl*' -type d -print`
DSC=`find * -name '*.dsc' -type f -print`
echo "DIR = $DIR"
echo "DSC = $DSC"
header "7. unpack source archive"
sudo dpkg-source -x $DSC
header "8. change to package dir"
cd $DIR
header "9. edit debian/control file"
sudo cp debian/control ./control.gnutls
sudo cat ./control.gnutls | sed -e 's|libcurl4-gnutls-dev|libcurl4-openssl-dev|' | sudo tee ./control.openssl >/dev/null
sudo cp ./control.openssl debian/control
header "10. build package"
echo "hold on..."
echo "(crashdump of nosetests is 'normal')"
sudo PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b 2>&1 | sudo tee ../buildlog.txt >/dev/null
echo -e $BLUE
sudo head ../buildlog.txt
echo -e $RESET
echo " [ ... 1000+ more messages omitted ... ]"
echo -e $BLUE
sudo tail ../buildlog.txt
echo -e $RESET
echo "find more output in ~/python-pycurl-openssl/buildlog.txt:"
wc -l ../buildlog.txt
header "11. install via package manager"
sudo dpkg -i ../python-pycurl_*.deb
echo "some other packages are available also now:"
ls ../*.deb
echo "they can be installed by 'sudo dpkg -i ../py...' from here."
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