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Created July 11, 2021 17:09
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Plutus Pioneer program: lecture 2, homework 2 annotated
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
module Week02.Homework2 where
import Control.Monad hiding (fmap)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void (Void)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Plutus.Contract
import qualified PlutusTx
import PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (Semigroup(..), unless)
import Ledger hiding (singleton)
import Ledger.Constraints as Constraints
import qualified Ledger.Typed.Scripts as Scripts
import Ledger.Ada as Ada
import Playground.Contract (printJson, printSchemas, ensureKnownCurrencies, stage, ToSchema)
import Playground.TH (mkKnownCurrencies, mkSchemaDefinitions)
import Playground.Types (KnownCurrency (..))
import Prelude (IO, Semigroup (..), String, undefined)
import Text.Printf (printf)
-- Custom redeemer type
data CustomRedeemer = CustomRedeemer {
flag1 :: Bool,
flag2 :: Bool
} deriving (Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema)
PlutusTx.unstableMakeIsData ''CustomRedeemer
-- define your own validation logic
{-# INLINABLE validator #-}
validator :: () -> CustomRedeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool
validator _ (CustomRedeemer f1 f2) _ = traceIfFalse "wrong redemeer" f1 == f2
-- define a type to represent your validator
data ValidatorType
instance Scripts.ValidatorTypes ValidatorType where
type instance DatumType ValidatorType = ()
type instance RedeemerType ValidatorType = CustomRedeemer
-- compile your validator with the proper type information
typedValidator :: Scripts.TypedValidator ValidatorType
typedValidator = Scripts.mkTypedValidator @ValidatorType
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| validator ||])
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @() @CustomRedeemer
-- calc the validator hash
validatorHash :: Ledger.ValidatorHash
validatorHash = Scripts.validatorHash typedValidator
-- make a validator script
validatorScript :: Validator
validatorScript = Scripts.validatorScript typedValidator
-- calc the validator address (which is a wrapper around the hash)
validatorScriptAddress :: Ledger.Address
validatorScriptAddress = scriptAddress validatorScript
give :: forall w s e. AsContractError e => Integer -> Contract w s e ()
give amount = do
-- build a transaction that pays "amount" of lovelace to the contract
let tx = mustPayToTheScript () $ Ada.lovelaceValueOf amount
-- submit transaction and validate
ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraints typedValidator tx
-- await for the transaction to be confirmed (what does confirmation
-- in cardano really mean? x blocks after this transaction was processed?)
-- void tells haskell that we don't care about the return value of the following
-- functions in the context of a monad (functor to be correct)
void $ awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
-- logs!
logInfo @String $ printf "made a gift of %d lovelace" amount
grab :: forall w s e. AsContractError e => CustomRedeemer -> Contract w s e ()
grab r = do
-- get all the utxos of our contract (in our case
-- the amount of lovelace people have "give" to it
utxos <- utxoAt validatorScriptAddress
-- get a list of "references" for the utxos
let orefs = fst <$> Map.toList utxos
-- ???
lookups = Constraints.unspentOutputs utxos <>
Constraints.otherScript validatorScript
-- build the transaction
-- it loos like we are building a list of utxos (refs) that are going to be grabbed by
-- the address (person) that called this endpoint.
-- TLDR: sum all utox available at the contract and let them be taken by the grabber
tx :: TxConstraints Void Void
tx = mconcat [mustSpendScriptOutput oref $ Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData r | oref <- orefs]
-- submit the transaction, it looks like `lookups` is
-- extra information we provide to the "built transaction"
ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Void lookups tx
-- await for the transaction to be done!
void $ awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
-- logs!
logInfo @String $ "collected gifts"
-- lets define the contract interface
-- in our case we will be interacting with these "actions"
-- from the playground, and the playground itself acts like a
-- front end for the smart contract we are building
type GiftSchema =
Endpoint "give" Integer
.\/ Endpoint "grab" CustomRedeemer
mkSchemaDefinitions ''GiftSchema
-- hook up the endpoints
endpoints :: Contract () GiftSchema Text ()
endpoints = (give' `select` grab') >> endpoints
give' = endpoint @"give" >>= give
grab' = endpoint @"grab" >>= grab
mkKnownCurrencies []
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