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Created December 17, 2012 20:37
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  • Save futuretap/4321967 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Script to create a Javascript hash out of all Localizable.strings files. Essential if you're using UIAutomation and want to address buttons etc. by localized title. More info: This is a slightly modified version of the script presented in the blog post that correctly dea…
//please replace with your settings...
$i18n_folder = "Custom/Resources";
$uiAutomationFolder = "Test/UIAutomationTests/lib";
if(substr($i18n_folder, -1) != "/"){
$langs = array();
$ihandle = opendir($i18n_folder);
if ($ihandle) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($ihandle))) {
if(substr($file, -6) == ".lproj"
&& file_exists ( $i18n_folder."/".$file."/Localizable.strings" )){
$langs[] = $file;
if(count($langs) > 0){
$l = 0;
$ohandle = fopen($uiAutomationFolder."/Localizables.js", "w");
fwrite($ohandle, "if(typeof(UIA) == \"undefined\"){var UIA = {};}\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "if(typeof(application) == \"undefined\"){var application = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp();}\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "UIA.Localizables = {\n");
foreach($langs as $lang){
$i = 0;
fwrite($ohandle, "\t\"".substr($lang, 0, -6)."\":{\n");
$localizable = file ($i18n_folder."/".$lang."/Localizable.strings");
foreach($localizable as $line){
$rline = mb_convert_encoding($line, "UTF-8", "UTF-16");
if(substr($rline, 0, 1) == "\""){
$larr = explode("=", trim($rline));
fwrite($ohandle, "\t\t".$larr[0].":".substr($larr[1],0,-1));
if($i < count($localizable)){
fwrite($ohandle, "\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\t}");
if($l < count($langs)){
fwrite($ohandle, ",\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "}\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\tUIA.getCurrentLang = function(){\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\t\tif(application.preferencesValueForKey(\"AppleLanguages\")[0] == \"en\")\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\t\t\treturn \"English\";\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\t\telse\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\t\t\treturn application.preferencesValueForKey(\"AppleLanguages\")[0];\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\t}\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\tUIA.getCurrentLocalizables = function(){\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\t\treturn UIA.Localizables[UIA.getCurrentLang()];\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\t}\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "var Localizable = UIA.getCurrentLocalizables();\n");
fwrite($ohandle, "\n");
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How can we use php source in UIAutomation?

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