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Created May 26, 2023 14:54
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# pushover notification script for mikrotik routers
# scp it to the router and then run:
# /file/remove pushover.rsc
# /system script remove pushover
# /system/script/add name=pushover source=[/file get pushover.rsc contents]
# enable it to run at startup with this command
# /system/scheduler/add name=pushover on-event=pushover start-time=startup interval=0
# set your token and user id as global variables using another script that runs at startup, or,
# alternatively, hardcode them here
# :global pushovertoken "super secret token here"
# :global pushoveruser "super secret user key here"
# as it runs at startup ,it might be that not all interfaces are up yet, so let's not quite rush into it and wait for a second
:delay delay-time=1
# time in seconds
:global sleeptime 1
# wait for 5 minutes before giving up
:global maxretries (60*5)
:global retries 0
# use the global variables
:global pushovertoken
:global pushoveruser
:local pushoverurl ""
:local extipurl ""
# get the external IP by querying a remote server,
# in this case, however you could use any other;
# it will provide the IP address in the response
# and this way we will know for sure, that the router is connected to internet
:global fetchresult 0
:while ($fetchresult = 0) do={
:set retries ($retries + 1)
:do {
:set fetchresult [/tool/fetch url=$extipurl as-value output=user];
:log error "fetchresult: $fetchresult"
} on-error= {
:log error "Failed to connect to the server in order to fetch external IP; retries: $retries/$maxretries"
:delay delay-time=$sleeptime
if ($retries > $maxretries) do={
:error "Failed to fetch external IP after $retries retries, Pushover notification script failed"
if ($fetchresult != 0) do={
if (($fetchresult->"status") = "finished") do={
:log debug "External IP acquired successfully"
:global extip [($fetchresult->"data")]
:local name [/system/identity/get name]
:local title "$name is online"
:local message "External IP: $extip. Router is online after $retries retries."
:local payload "token=$pushovertoken&user=$pushoveruser&title=$title&message=$message"
/tool fetch mode=https url=$pushoverurl http-method=post keep-result=no http-data=$payload
} else {
:log error "Fetching of external IP failed, Pushover notification script failed"
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