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Last active March 21, 2021 18:20
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Parser Combinators from zero in Haskell
module Parser.Combinators where
import Test.Hspec
import Data.Either
import Data.Char
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable
newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> (Either String a, String))
-- Exercise: Complete chemical formulas (see commented tests)
-- Challenge: track position
-- Challenge: better errors through composition
-- Typeclass Instances --
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Parser a) where
(<>) = liftA2 (<>)
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Parser a) where
mempty = pure mempty
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f (Parser pa) = Parser p
where p s = case pa s of
(Right a, s') ->
(Right $ f a, s')
(Left e, _) ->
(Left e, s)
instance Applicative Parser where
pure = Parser . (,) . Right
(Parser pf) <*> (Parser pa) = Parser p
where p s = case pf s of
(Right f, s') ->
case pa s' of
(Right a, s'') ->
(Right $ f a, s'')
(Left e, _) ->
(Left e, s)
(Left e, _) ->
(Left e, s)
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = neverP "unexpected error"
(Parser px) <|> (Parser py) = Parser p
where p s = case px s of
(Right x, s') ->
(Right x, s')
(Left ex, _) ->
case py s of
(Right y, s') ->
(Right y, s')
(Left ey, _) ->
(Left $ ex <> ey, s)
instance Monad Parser where
(Parser pa) >>= f = Parser p
where p s = case pa s of
(Right a, s') ->
runParser (f a) s'
(Left e, _) ->
(Left e, s)
-- Terminal Parsers --
whileP :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
whileP f = Parser p
where p s = let (ls, rs) = span f s
in (Right ls, rs)
charP :: Char -> Parser String
charP c = Parser p
where p "" = (Left "unexpected end of input", "")
p s@(x:xs)
| x == c = (Right [x], xs)
| otherwise = (Left $ "expected `" ++ [c] ++ "` given `" ++ [x] ++ "`", s)
neverP :: String -> Parser a
neverP = Parser . (,) . Left
alwaysP :: a -> Parser a
alwaysP = pure
-- Combinators --
litP :: String -> Parser String
litP = foldMap charP
lexP :: String -> Parser String
lexP s = litP s <* spacesP
intP :: Parser Int
intP = read <$> whileP isDigit
spacesP :: Parser String
spacesP = whileP (`elem` " \n\t")
while1P :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
while1P f = whenP (whileP f) (not . null) "not empty"
whenP :: Parser a -> (a -> Bool) -> String -> Parser a
whenP p f e = p >>= (\a -> if f a then alwaysP a else neverP e)
manyP :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
manyP = many
notP :: Parser a -> Parser String
notP (Parser pa) = Parser p
where p s@(x:xs) = case pa s of
(Right _, _) ->
(Left $ "unexpected `" ++ [x] ++ "`", s)
(Left _, _) ->
(Right [x], xs)
betweenP' :: Parser a -> Parser String -> Parser String
betweenP' l = betweenP l (neverP "no escape")
betweenP :: Parser a -> Parser String -> Parser String -> Parser String
betweenP l e r = mconcat <$> (l *> manyP ((e *> r) <|> notP r) <* r)
-- Chemical Formulas Example --
referenceP :: Parser (String, Int)
referenceP = let elementP = whileP isUpper
quantityP = intP
in (,) <$> elementP <*> quantityP
-- See exercises and commented tests
-- XML Example --
type Name = String
type Value = String
type XMLAttribute = (Name, Value)
data XML = XMLElement String [XMLAttribute] [XML]
| XMLComment String
| XMLText String
deriving (Eq, Show)
xmlP :: Parser XML
xmlP = xmlElementP <|> xmlCommentP <|> xmlTextP
xmlCommentP :: Parser XML
xmlCommentP = XMLComment <$> betweenP' (litP "<!--") (lexP "-->")
xmlTextP :: Parser XML
xmlTextP = XMLText <$> while1P (/= '<')
xmlElementP :: Parser XML
xmlElementP = do
(n, a) <- openP
c <- manyP xmlP
_ <- closeP n
return $ XMLElement n a c
openP = do
n <- lexP "<" *> whileP isLetter <* spacesP
a <- manyP xmlAttributeP
lexP ">"
return (n, a)
closeP n = lexP "</" *> litP n <* spacesP <* lexP ">"
xmlAttributeP :: Parser XMLAttribute
xmlAttributeP = do
n <- nameP <* spacesP
lexP "="
v <- valueP <* spacesP
return (n, v)
where nameP = while1P isLetter
valueP = betweenP (litP "\"") (litP "\\") (litP "\"")
-- Run Parser --
runParser :: Parser a -> String -> (Either String a, String)
runParser (Parser f) = f
execParser :: Parser a -> String -> Either String a
execParser p = fst . runParser p
parse :: Parser a -> String -> Either String a
parse p = execParser (spacesP *> p)
-- Tests --
tests :: IO ()
tests = hspec $
describe "Parser Combinators" $ do
it "shall pass" $ 1 + 2 `shouldBe` 3
it "will parse a char" $ do
runParser (charP 'a') "a" `shouldBe` (Right "a", "")
runParser (charP 'a') "aaa" `shouldBe` (Right "a", "aa")
runParser (charP 'a') "bbb" `shouldBe` (Left "expected `a` given `b`", "bbb")
it "will parse a string" $ do
runParser (litP "aaa") "aaa" `shouldBe` (Right "aaa", "")
execParser (litP "aaa") "aab" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
it "will parser an integer" $ runParser intP "123aaa" `shouldBe` (Right 123, "aaa")
it "will parse a chemical reference" $ do
execParser referenceP "H2" `shouldBe` Right ("H", 2)
-- execParser referenceP "O" `shouldBe` Right ("O", 1)
-- execParser referenceP "Cl4" `shouldBe` Right ("Cl", 4)
-- execParser formulaP "H2O" `shouldBe` Right [("H", 2), ("O", 1)]
-- execParser referenceP "NaCl4" `shouldBe` Right [("Na", 1), ("Cl", 4)]
it "will parse an XML" $ do
runParser xmlP "<foo></foo>" `shouldBe` (Right (XMLElement "foo" [] []), "")
execParser xmlP "<foo>bar</foo>" `shouldBe` Right (XMLElement "foo" [] [XMLText "bar"])
parse xmlP " <foo > bar bar </ foo>" `shouldBe` Right (XMLElement "foo" [] [XMLText "bar bar "])
parse xmlP "<foo><bar></bar></foo>" `shouldBe` Right (XMLElement "foo" [] [XMLElement "bar" [] []])
parse xmlP "<foo><bar>\n</bar></foo>" `shouldBe` Right (XMLElement "foo" [] [XMLElement "bar" [] []])
parse xmlP "<foo><bar><!-- woot --></bar></foo>" `shouldBe` Right (XMLElement "foo" [] [XMLElement "bar" [] [XMLComment " woot "]])
parse xmlP "<foo foo=\"bar\" foz=\"baz\"></foo>" `shouldBe` Right (XMLElement "foo" [("foo", "bar"), ("foz", "baz")] [])
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gabrielelana commented Mar 21, 2021

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