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Last active October 17, 2017 10:53
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Open GitHub issue from Notmuch thread or Message ID
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Author: Gaute Hope <> / 2017-10-08
import os, sys, os.path
import subprocess
import notmuch
import email
import email.parser
import email.policy
import shlex
import json
thread = sys.argv[1]
mid = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else None
print ("ght: searching for github reference in:", thread, "( message:", mid, ")")
def find_script (fname):
New GitHub messages contain a JSON part with the information.
with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
msg = email.message_from_binary_file (f)
for part in msg.walk ():
if part.get_content_type() == "text/html":
p = part.get_payload (decode = True).decode ('UTF-8')
key = '<script type="application/json" data-scope="inboxmarkup">'
script = p.rfind (key)
script = p[script+len(key):p.find('</script>', script)]
j = json.loads (script)
return j['updates']['action']['url']
def scan_message (m, generic):
with open (m.get_filename(), 'rb') as f:
headers = email.parser.BytesParser(policy=email.policy.default).parse(f)
print ("scanning:", m, headers.get('Message-Id'), "generic:", generic)
s = headers.get('X-GitHub-Sender', None)
if s is None: return None
url = find_script (m.get_filename())
if url is None:
print ("ght: old issue, falling back manually scanning email..")
if generic:
ref = headers.get('In-Reply-To').split ('@')[0][1:]
url = '' + ref # fallback
ref = headers.get('In-Reply-To').split ('@')[0][1:]
mid = headers.get('Message-Id').split('@')[0][1:]
cmnt = os.path.basename (mid)
url = '' + ref + "#issuecomment-" + cmnt
return url
def open_url (u):
print ("opening: ", u)
p = subprocess.Popen (['xdg-open', u ], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
db = notmuch.Database()
if mid is not None:
print ("ght: first trying message..")
m = db.find_message (mid)
if m is not None:
url = scan_message (m, False)
if url:
open_url (url)
sys.exit (1) # non-zero to avoid updating thread
# fall through to thread if not found..
print ("ght: could not find url in message, trying thread..")
q = db.create_query ("thread:" + thread)
# scanning oldest message first should give us generic url.
q.set_sort (notmuch.Query.SORT.OLDEST_FIRST)
msgs = q.search_messages ()
for m in msgs:
# take first message
url = scan_message (m, True)
if url:
open_url (url)
# we have to do this so that the query object is not gc'ed before its dependents and we
# get a segfault.
del m
del msgs
del q
db.close ()
sys.exit (1) # non-zero to avoid updating thread
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