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Created July 15, 2023 15:28
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;; This code was adapted from com.teknql/shadow-cljs-tailwind-jit
(ns helix-ui.tailwind
[babashka.process :as proc]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
(:import [java.nio.file Files]
[java.nio.file.attribute FileAttribute]))
(def tailwind-path
"The path to the postcss command."
(if (clojure.string/starts-with?
(System/getProperty "") "Windows")
^{:doc "Static state atom associating shadow-cljs build IDs to their respective state."}
(atom {}))
(defn- log
"Log the provided `strs` to stderr with a prefix determined by the build ID
of the passed in `build-cfg`."
[build-cfg & strs]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println (apply str "[" (:build-id build-cfg) "] " strs))))
(s/def ::input string?)
(s/def ::output string?)
(s/def ::config string?)
(s/def ::tailwindcss-param
(s/keys :req-un [::input ::output ::config]))
#_(defn compile-release!
"Compile the release build of the CSS generated by tailwind."
{ :flush}
(let [config ( build-state)
output-path (cfg-get config :tailwind/output "resources/public/css/site.css")
tw-files (cfg-get config :tailwind/files nil)
http-root (-> config :devtools :http-root)
tmp-dir (create-tmp-tailwind-project!
(merge default-tailwind-config
{:content [(str http-root "/**/*.js")
(str http-root "/**/*.html")]}
(cfg-get config :tailwind/config nil)))
(log config "Generating tailwind output")
(-> (proc/process
(:tailwind.css tw-files)
(str tmp-dir "/tailwind.css"))
(:base-path tw-files)
{:extra-env {"NODE_ENV" "production"
"TAILWIND_MODE" "build"}})
; {:proc #object[java.lang.ProcessImpl 0x5c94bc93 Process[pid=50311, exitValue="not exited"]],
; :exit nil,
; :in #object[java.lang.ProcessImpl$ProcessPipeOutputStream 0xf8c3852 java.lang.ProcessImpl$ProcessPipeOutputStream@f8c3852],
; :out #object[java.lang.ProcessBuilder$NullInputStream 0x413aa740 java.lang.ProcessBuilder$NullInputStream@413aa740],
; :err #object[java.lang.ProcessBuilder$NullInputStream 0x413aa740 java.lang.ProcessBuilder$NullInputStream@413aa740],
; :prev nil,
; :cmd [./node_modules/.bin/tailwindcss -i /tmp/tailwind16695065361704692360/tailwind.css --config ./tailwind.config.js --watch -o resources/portfolio/public/css/portfolio.css]}
;; we are using stage :flush in order not to start the css watching when shadow-cljs is potentially
;; making a build from zero, in that case I have two machines that locked during the proccess
;; since we are using flush it'll be called every time the compiler flushes to disk, so we just
;; start the tailwind jit on the 1st call for the build-id
(defn start-watch!
"Start the tailwind JIT"
{ :flush}
(println "start-watch! invoked")
(let [config ( build-state)
tailwindcss (:tailwindcss config)]
(not tailwindcss)
(println "Missing :tailwindcss key on build config to invoke tailwindcss command")
(not (s/valid? ::tailwindcss-param tailwindcss))
(throw (ex-info "Invalid tailwincss map. It requires keywords :input :output :config on par with tailwindcss"
(s/explain-data ::tailwindcss-param tailwindcss)))
(let [
build-id (:build-id config)
; _ (pprint config)
project-def (get @projects build-id)
tailwind-cmd [tailwind-path
(:input tailwindcss)
(:config tailwindcss)
(:output tailwindcss)]
(let [existing-proc (:process project-def)]
(when-not existing-proc
; (do (log config "Restarting tailwind process.")
; (proc/destroy existing-proc))
(log config "Starting tailwind process.")
(println tailwind-cmd)
(swap! projects
{:extra-env {"NODE_ENV" "development"
"TAILWIND_MODE" "watch"}
:err :inherit
:out :inherit})})))))
(prn (meta #'start-watch!))
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