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Last active May 9, 2018 08:45
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require 'rspec'
# The goal is to make the tests pass
# Get the cheapest price for each seller.
# Seller x the priority seller.
# returs a hash containing fruits,
# sub keys under fruits are prices
# and fruit "keys"
def fruits_prices(sellers)
# sellers is a hash of sellers who have multiple fruits
cheapest_prices = {}
sellers.each do |fruits|
fruits.each do |fruit, info|
if cheapest_prices[:"#{fruit}"].nil?
cheapest_prices[:"#{fruit}"] = info
# you can set the operator to less than (<)
# if you want to prioritize sellers by
# order of appearance in params
elsif info[:price] <= cheapest_prices[:"#{fruit}"][:price]
cheapest_prices[:"#{fruit}"] = info
RSpec.describe "fruits_prices" do
let(:seller_x_result) { {
apple: { price: 40, key: 'x-1', additional: 'no children' },
orange: { price: 40, key: 'x-2' },
mango: { price: 100, key: 'x-3' },
grape: { price: 200, key: 'x-4' }
} }
let(:seller_y_result) { {
apple: { price: 50, key: 'y-1'},
grape: { price: 170, key: 'y-4'}
} }
let(:seller_a_result) { {
orange: { price: 30, key: 'a-2' },
mango: { price: 100, key: 'a-3' },
grape: { price: 140, key: 'a-4' }
} }
let(:seller_b_result) { {
grape: { price: 120, key: 'b-4' },
lemon: { price: 80, key: 'b-5' }
} }
it "works" do
result = fruits_prices([seller_x_result, seller_y_result, seller_a_result, seller_b_result])
expect(result[:apple]).to eq(seller_x_result[:apple])
expect(result[:orange]).to eq(seller_a_result[:orange])
# if seller_x is priority then the expected result should be seller_x[:mango]
expect(result[:mango]).to eq(seller_a_result[:mango])
expect(result[:grape]).to eq(seller_b_result[:grape])
expect(result[:lemon]).to eq(seller_b_result[:lemon])
result = fruits_prices([seller_x_result, seller_y_result])
expect(result[:apple]).to eq(seller_x_result[:apple])
expect(result[:orange]).to eq(seller_x_result[:orange])
expect(result[:mango]).to eq(seller_x_result[:mango])
expect(result[:grape]).to eq(seller_y_result[:grape])
result = fruits_prices([seller_x_result])
expect(result).to eq(seller_x_result)
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