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Forked from JedWatson/async.js
Last active January 3, 2016 18:29
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Save getify/8502058 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example usage of asynquence.gate() to update an array against a redis cache
// This function takes a contents object with a files array.
// The goal is to cache each file details in redis then replace
// the file's path with a secure, obscured url.
// Finally the contents object is returned with the updated array
// in place of the old one.
// async = require('async')
// uuid = require('node-uuid')
// redis.client = require('node-redis').createClient()
var transform = function( contents, done ) {
// generate a new auth id for the user and store it in redis with a ttl of 1 hour
var authExpiry = 60 * 60 * 1000, // 1 hour
authId = uuid.v4(), // unique request to ID the user
authKey = 'file:auth:' + authId;
redis.client.set( authKey, JSON.stringify( {
} ) );
redis.client.expire( authKey, authExpiry );
// loop through the files array, caching each in redis (if it doens't exist)
// and turning the file path into {authId}/{fileId}
// create an array of segments for the parallel gate() file ){
return function __segment__( done ) {
// fileIds are cached in redis with the file path as the key
var lookupKey = 'file:path:' + file.path;
var sq = ASQ();
redis.client.get( lookupKey, sq.errfcb() );
sq.val(function( fileId ){
if (fileId) {
// if we found a fileId, it is already in the cache.
// convert it to a string and use it.
fileId = fileId.toString();
} else {
// if we didn't, create a new id and cache the file details
fileId = uuid.v4();
redis.client.set( 'file:id:' + fileId, JSON.stringify(file) );
redis.client.set( lookupKey, fileId );
// rewrite the path of the file to {authId}/{fileId}
file.path = authId + '/' + fileId;
return file;
.pipe( done );
// `arguments` is an array of all the `file` objects
contents.files = [] arguments );
done( contents ); // NOTE: not asynquence's `done` :)
.or( handleError );
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