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Forked from JedWatson/async.js
Last active January 3, 2016 19:29
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Example usage of the new contrib plugin to update an array against a redis cache
var transform = function(contents, doneTransform) {
var authExpiry = 60 * 60 * 1000,
authId = uuid.v4(),
authKey = 'file:auth:' + authId;
redis.client.set(authKey, JSON.stringify({
redis.client.expire(authKey, authExpiry);
// it was super simple to add a "map" contrib plugin:
ASQ().map(contents.files, function(file, done) {
var lookupKey = 'file:path:' + file.path;
var sq = ASQ();
// using a nested callback here is exactly the kind of thing
// promises are meant to alleviate you from. asynquence is all
// about making promises more palatable, and reducing nested
// callbacks which lead to fragile "callback hell" inflexibility.
// in the long run, promises (aka, asynquence sequences) will prove
// to be more maintainable than callback counter-parts, because
// sequences can easily have more steps (transformations, etc) added
// to them later, whereas callbacks require deeper nesting.
// in fact, this is the primary reason 'asynquence' is better than
// 'async', IMO, because it stresses the chained sequencing of promises
// over one-off async tasks.
// errfcb() provided by the "errfcb" contrib plugin:
redis.client.get( lookupKey, sq.errfcb() );
// for instance, what if later, there was another asynchronous step you
// needed to do here, before the `file` transformation could take place,
// like another side look-up, etc? with the callback approach, you're
// stuck either nesting, or refactoring. with asynquence sequences, just
// insert a `then(..)` or `gate(..)` or whatever right here, and it "just
// works". :)
sq.val(function( fileId ){
if (fileId) {
// if we found a fileId, it is already in the cache.
// convert it to a string and use it.
fileId = fileId.toString();
} else {
// if we didn't, create a new id and cache the file details
fileId = uuid.v4();
redis.client.set( 'file:id:' + fileId, JSON.stringify(file) );
redis.client.set( lookupKey, fileId );
// rewrite the path of the file to {authId}/{fileId}
file.path = authId + '/' + fileId;
return file;
.pipe( done );
.val(function(files) {
contents.files = files;
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