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Forked from beercan1989/
Created April 28, 2023 12:26
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Retry, Continue or Abort (Jenkins Pipeline) with Colour Support

Create test Jenkins

docker run -it --rm --name jenkins -p '8080:8080' jenkins:alpine


  • Login as Admin
  • Accept the standard plugins
  • Continue as Admin
  • Install AnsiColor plugin
  • Create Pipeline and enter config in pipeline.groovy
  • Run job and see no executors used and more than two can be created and running (well paused)
// Coloured Messages:
String boldGreenMessage(final String message) { return "\033[1;32m${message}\033[0m" }
String boldBlueMessage(final String message) { return "\033[1;34m${message}\033[0m" }
String boldRedMessage(final String message) { return "\033[1;31m${message}\033[0m" }
String boldYellowMessage(final String message) { return "\033[1;33m${message}\033[0m" }
String triplePrefixMessage(final Closure<String> colour, final String prefix, final String message) {
def colouredPrefix = "${colour("${prefix}")}"
return "${colouredPrefix}\n${colouredPrefix} ${message}\n${colouredPrefix}"
void successMessage(final String message) { ansiColor('xterm') { echo triplePrefixMessage(this.&boldGreenMessage, '[SUCCESS]', message) } }
void infoMessage(final String message) { ansiColor('xterm') { echo triplePrefixMessage(this.&boldBlueMessage, '[INFO]', message) } }
void warningMessage(final String message) { ansiColor('xterm') { echo triplePrefixMessage(this.&boldYellowMessage, '[WARNING]', message) } }
void errorMessage(final String message) { ansiColor('xterm') { echo triplePrefixMessage(this.&boldRedMessage, '[ERROR]', message) } }
// Retry, Continue or Abort on errors
public <R> R retryContinueOrAbort(final Closure<R> action, final int count = 0) {
infoMessage "Trying action, attempt count is: ${count}"
try {
} catch (final exception) {
errorMessage exception.toString()
def userChoice
timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') {
userChoice = input(
message: 'Something went wrong, what do you want to do next?',
parameters: [
name: 'Next Action',
choices: ['Retry', 'Continue', 'Abort'].join('\n'),
description: 'Whats your next action?'
switch (userChoice) {
case 'Retry':
warningMessage 'User has opted to try the action again.'
return retryContinueOrAbort(action, count + 1)
case 'Continue':
warningMessage 'User has opted to continue past the action, they must have manually fixed things.'
return null;
errorMessage 'User has opted to abort the action'
throw exception;
// Test Pipeline Script
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Reach the bridge') {
steps {
infoMessage 'Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.'
stage('Answer a question') {
steps {
script {
favouriteColour = retryContinueOrAbort {
infoMessage 'What... is your favourite colour?'
error 'Blue. No, yel... [he is also thrown over the edge] auuuuuuuugh.'
stage('Get POM Version') {
steps {
successMessage 'You have made it past the bridge keeper!'
script {
mavenVersion = retryContinueOrAbort {
stage('Print Variables') {
steps {
successMessage "favouriteColour: ${favouriteColour}"
successMessage "mavenVersion: ${mavenVersion}"
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