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Created March 24, 2024 17:18
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const bf = strCode => {
let orders = ',.[]<>+-'.split('');
let regex = {
clean: new RegExp('[^' + escapeRegExp(orders.join('')) + ']', 'g'),
value: /[\+\-]+/g,
pointer: /[\<\>]+/g,
instruction: /[0-9]*./g,
zero: /\[(\-|\+)\]/g
let config = {
memorySize: 30000,
bits: 8, // 8, 16, 32
maxInstructions: 0 // limit execution to number of instructions, omit if 0
function getInstruction(count, orderLess, orderMore) {
return ({
'1': (count > 1) ? count + orderMore : orderMore,
'0': '',
'-1': (count < -1) ? (-count) + orderLess : orderLess
function escapeRegExp(str) {
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
function cloneObj(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((res, key) => (res[key] = obj[key], res), {});
function extendObj(obj, ext) {
return Object.keys(ext || {}).reduce((res, key) => (res[key] = ext[key], res), obj);
const compile = (bfSource, userConfig) => {
let actualConfig = extendObj(cloneObj(config), userConfig);
let cleanedSource = (bfSource+'').replace(regex.clean, '');
let optimized = cleanedSource
// optimze cell manipulating instructions
// for example: '+++--' => '+'
// '+++++' => '5+'
.replace(regex.value, (m) => {
let map = { '+': 1, '-': -1 };
let n = m.split('').reduce((acc, b) => acc + map[b], 0);
return getInstruction(n, '-', '+');
// optimze pointer manipulating instructions
// for example: '>>><<' => '>'
// '>>>>>' => '5>'
.replace(regex.pointer, (m) => {
let map = { '>': 1, '<': -1 };
let n = m.split('').reduce((acc, b) => acc + map[b], 0);
return getInstruction(n, '<', '>');
// add (z)ero instruction => it makes reseting cell much faster
.replace(, 'z');
let ordersMap = { // m,p,o,i,l
',': () => 'm[p]=i();',
'.': () => 'o(m[p]);',
'[': () => 'while(m[p]){',
']': () => '}',
'<': (count) => 'p-='+count+';while(p<0)p+=l;',
'>': (count) => 'p+='+count+';while(p>=l)p-=l;',
'+': (count) => 'm[p]+='+count+';',
'-': (count) => 'm[p]-='+count+';',
// optimizations:
'z': () => 'm[p]=0;' // [-] => quick reset memory cell
let createOrder = (order, count) => {
// if there is a instruction limit, add prefix check-instruction to every instruction
let prefix = actualConfig.maxInstructions > 0 ? 'if(!--c)return;' : '';
return [prefix, ordersMap[order](count)].join('');
let definitions = {
// count
c: (config) => config.maxInstructions > 0 ? 'let c='+config.maxInstructions+';' : '',
// length
l: (config) => ['let l=', config.memorySize, ';'].join(''),
// memory
m: (config) => {
const constr = {'8': 'Uint8Array', '16': 'Uint16Array', '32': 'Uint32Array'};
return ['let m=new ', constr[config.bits] || constr[8], '(l);'].join('');
// pointer
p: () => 'let p=0;',
// out
o: () => 'let o=output||(()=>0);',
// in
i: () => 'let i=input||(()=>0);'
// create variables definitions
let code = Object.keys(definitions).map(key => definitions[key](actualConfig));
// create rest code
(optimized.match(regex.instruction) || []).map((instruction) => {
let count = +instruction.slice(0, -1) || 1;
let order = instruction.slice(-1);
code.push(createOrder(order, count));
let compiled = new Function(['input', 'output'], code.join(''));
return {
run: (input, output) => {
let inp, out;
let res = [];
if (typeof input === 'string') {
input = input.split('');
inp = () => {
let ch = input.shift();
return ch ? ch.charCodeAt(0) : 0;
} else if (typeof input === 'function') {
inp = input;
if (typeof output !== 'function') {
output = () => 0;
out = (num) => {
let ch = String.fromCharCode(num);
output(num, ch);
compiled(inp, out);
return res.join('');
toString: () => compiled.toString()
return compile(strCode).run();
const constr1 = (n, dec = false) => {
return [
dec ? '-'.repeat(256 - n) : '+'.repeat(n),
const constr2 = (n, a, b) => {
const diff = n - a * b;
const prog = [];
prog.push((diff > 0 ? '+' : '-').repeat(Math.abs(diff)));
return prog.join('');
const solve = n => {
const sq = n ** 0.5 | 0;
return [
constr2(n, sq, Math.ceil(n / sq)),
constr2(n, sq, Math.floor(n / sq)),
constr1(n, true),
].sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length)[0];
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
const prog = solve(i);
sum += prog.length;
console.log(i, solve(i));
sum; // 6996
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