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Last active September 17, 2019 15:29
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[WordPress][Block Lab] Static Google Map block
* Block: Map
* Description: Generates a static map image via Google Static Maps API.
* @see
* @see
* ----------------------------------------
* Block config:
* ----------------------------------------
* Field Label | Field Name | Field Type
* -------------|--------------|-----------
* Caption | caption | Text
* Address | address | Text
* API key | api-key | Text
* Format | format | Radio
* Width | size-w | Number
* Height | size-h | Number
* Scale | scale | Radio
* Marker color | marker-color | Color
* Marker size | marker-size | Select
* Marker label | marker-label | Select
* Zoom | zoom | Range
* Alt text | alt | Text
* Lazy load | lazy-load | Toggle
* ----------------------------------------
* ----------------------------------------
* Static Maps URL anatomy:
* ----------------------------------------
* ?center={Hobbinton+NZ}
* &format={jpg|png}
* &key={your-api-key}
* &scale={1|2}
* &size={600}x{300}
* &zoom={1-100}
* &markers=size:{tiny|small|mid}|color:{#ff0000}|label:{0-9|A-Z}|{Hobbinton+NZ}
* This could probably be generated via block_config() and block_field_config(),
* however, since there’s so much early encoding going on and we need `markers`
* separately from other values, it seems easier to set up a dedicated array.
* @var array Map figure values
$m = [
'base_url' => '',
'lazy-load' => block_value( 'lazy-load' ) ? 'loading="lazy"' : 'data-no-lazy="1"',
'link' => sprintf( '', urlencode( block_value( 'address' ) ) ),
'map' => [
'center' => urlencode( block_value( 'address' ) ),
'format' => block_value( 'format' ),
'key' => urlencode( block_value( 'api-key' ) ),
'scale' => block_value( 'scale' ),
'size' => sprintf( '%1$sx%2$s', block_value( 'size-w' ), block_value( 'size-h' ) ),
'zoom' => block_value( 'zoom' ),
'markers' => [
'size' => urlencode( block_value( 'marker-size' ) ),
'color' => urlencode( block_value( 'marker-color' ) ),
'label' => urlencode( block_value( 'marker-label' ) ),
'address' => urlencode( block_value( 'address' ) ),
* We can use add_query_arg() only for part of the URL because the `markers`
* query parameter has multiple values separated by pipes, not ampersands.
* @var string Static map image URL
$src = sprintf( '%1$s&markers=size:%2$s%%7Ccolor:%3$s%%7Clabel:%4$s%%7C%5$s',
// 1. Base URL + regular query params
add_query_arg( $m[ 'map' ], $m[ 'base_url' ] ),
// 2. `markers` query param with pipe-separated values
$m[ 'markers' ][ 'size' ],
$m[ 'markers' ][ 'color' ],
$m[ 'markers' ][ 'label' ],
$m[ 'markers' ][ 'address' ]
// Whew. Let’s do this.
<figure class="Map x<?php print esc_attr( block_value( 'scale' ) ); ?>" style="width:<?php print esc_attr( block_value( 'size-w' ) ); ?>px">
<?php if ( ! empty( block_value( 'caption' ) ) ) : ?>
<figcaption class="Map__caption">
<?php block_field( 'caption' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<a href="<?php print $m[ 'link' ]; ?>" class="Map__link">
<img src="<?php print $src; ?>" alt="<?php print esc_attr( block_value( 'alt' ) ); ?>" class="Map__image" <?php print $m[ 'lazy-load' ]; ?>/>
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