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Last active February 8, 2018 22:45
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Grading script for COMP2710

This gist contains my homework grading scripts for Auburn COMP2017 in Spring semseter. for homework 1, for homework 2 and so on. Shoot me an email if you have questions.

import os
import re
from zipfile import ZipFile
from subprocess import run, Popen, PIPE
from math import isclose
import numpy as np
scores = {}
re_float = r"[+-]? *(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?"
N = 100
x0 = np.random.random(N)
x1 = np.random.randint(1, 300, (N, 2))
X_test = np.hstack((x0[:, np.newaxis], x1))
y_test = x1[:,1] * 1. / x1[:,0] * x0 / 0.001
devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
scores = {}
# stat code: 0 - good, 1 - gccerr, 2 - other
with ZipFile('', 'r') as zf:
files = zf.namelist()
n = len(files)
for i, f in enumerate(files):
tmp = f.split('_')
name = tmp[0]
print('[{0:03d}/{1}] {2}'.format(i+1, n, name),
end=' ', flush=True)
if 'late' in tmp:
pts = int(N * .9)
print(' late ', end=' ', flush=True)
pts = N
_, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext not in ['.cpp', '.cc', '.c', '.c++']:
pts = 0
print('{0} {1}'.format(name, pts))
scores[name] = {'pts': pts, 'stat': 2}
zf.extract(f, path='tmp')
ret = run(['g++', '-o', 'hw1', 'tmp/'+f], stderr=devnull)
if 0 != ret.returncode:
pts = 0
scores[name] = {'pts': pts, 'stat': 1}
print(' Compile Error ', end=' ', flush=True)
for x, y in zip(X_test, y_test):
pipe = Popen('./hw1', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
inputs = str(x[0]) + ' ' +\
str(int(x[1])) + ' ' +\
out = pipe.communicate(input=inputs.encode('utf8'))
out = out[0].decode('utf8')
matches = re.findall(re_float, out)
if len(matches) != 1 or\
not (isclose(y, float(matches[0]), rel_tol=1e-02) or
int(y) == int(float(matches[0]))):
pts -= 1
if pts < 0:
pts = 0
scores[name] = {'pts': pts, 'stat': 0 if N == pts else 2}
stat = ['good', 'compile_error', 'other']
with open('hw1.csv', 'w') as w:
for k, v in scores.items():
w.write('{0},{1},{2}\n'.format(k, v['pts'], stat[v['stat']]))
import os
import re
from zipfile import ZipFile
from subprocess import run, Popen, PIPE, TimeoutExpired
import math
from enum import IntEnum
import numpy as np
# solution for hw2
def amortize(loan, rate_per_year, pay_per_month):
balance = [loan]
interest = [math.nan]
principal = [math.nan]
rate_per_month = rate_per_year * 0.01 / 12
if loan*rate_per_month < pay_per_month:
while balance[-1] > 0:
i = balance[-1] * rate_per_month
p = pay_per_month - i
b = balance[-1] - p
if b < 0:
p = balance[-1]
b = 0.
balance += [b]
interest += [i]
principal += [p]
return balance[1:], interest[1:], principal[1:]
re_float = r'[+-]? *(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?'
re_line_bad = (r'\n\s*\d+' +
r'\s+\$\s*(?P<balance>' + re_float +
r')\s+\$\s*' + re_float +
r'\s+\$?\s*' + re_float +
r'\s+\$\s*(?P<interest>' + re_float +
r')\s+\$\s*(?P<principal>' + re_float + ')')
re_line_good = (r'\n\s*\d+' +
r'\s+\$\s*(?P<balance>' + re_float +
r')\s+\$\s*' + re_float +
r'\s+' + re_float +
r'\s+\$\s*(?P<interest>' + re_float +
r')\s+\$\s*(?P<principal>' + re_float + ')')
# re_line_bad = (r'\n\s*\d+' +
# r'\s+(?P<balance>' + re_float +
# r')\s+' + re_float +
# r'\s+' + re_float +
# r'\s+(?P<interest>' + re_float +
# r')\s+(?P<principal>' + re_float + ')')
N = 10
class Stat(IntEnum):
GOOD = 0 # full credit
LATE = 1 # late submission
COMPILE_ERR = 2 # compile error
DOLLAR_SIGN = 4 # dollar sign before interest
EDGE_CASE = 8 # edge cases
OTHER = 16 # other
CREDIT = 100
Penalty = [0] * 17
Penalty[Stat.GOOD] = 0
Penalty[Stat.LATE] = 10
Penalty[Stat.COMPILE_ERR] = 40
Penalty[Stat.DOLLAR_SIGN] = 5
Penalty[Stat.EDGE_CASE] = max(int(CREDIT*0.5/N), 1)
Penalty[Stat.OTHER] = max(int(CREDIT*0.5/N), 1)
loan = np.random.random(N) * 9000 + 1000
rate = np.random.random(N) * 100
pay = np.random.random(N) * 100 + loan*(rate*0.01/12)
X_test = np.stack([loan, rate, pay], axis=1)
X_edge = np.array([[1000., 10., 1.]])
devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
summary = {}
with ZipFile('', 'r') as zf:
files = zf.namelist()
n = len(files)
for i, f in enumerate(files):
tmp = f.split('_')
name = tmp[0]
print('[{0:03d}/{1}] {2}'.format(i+1, n, name),
end=' ', flush=True)
stat = Stat.GOOD
penalty = 0
# 10% penalty for late submission
if 'late' in tmp:
stat |= Stat.LATE
penalty += Penalty[Stat.LATE]
print(' late ', end=' ', flush=True)
_, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext not in ['.cpp', '.cc', '.c', '.c++']:
stat |= Stat.COMPILE_ERR
penalty += min(Penalty[Stat.COMPILE_ERR], CREDIT)
print('{0} compile error'.format(CREDIT-penalty))
summary[name] = {'pts': CREDIT-penalty, 'stat': stat}
# extract to ./tmp/
zf.extract(f, path='tmp')
# compile, and ignore any error messages
ret = run(['g++', '-o', 'hw2', 'tmp/'+f], stderr=devnull)
# compilation error
if 0 != ret.returncode:
stat |= Stat.COMPILE_ERR
penalty += Penalty[Stat.COMPILE_ERR]
summary[name] = {'pts': CREDIT-penalty, 'stat': stat}
print('{0} compile error'.format(CREDIT-penalty))
# Only one edge case, i.e., monthly payment is not enough to
# pay off debts. Incorrect implementation never terminates.
# Wait for 2 seconds.
for x in X_edge:
pipe = Popen('./hw2', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
inputs = ' '.join(np.char.mod('%f', x))
except TimeoutExpired:
stat |= Stat.EDGE_CASE
penalty += Penalty[Stat.EDGE_CASE]
# Wow! it compiles!!
for x in X_test:
# feed input and grab output from the program
pipe = Popen('./hw2', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
inputs = ' '.join(np.char.mod('%f', x))
out = pipe.communicate(input=inputs.encode('utf8'))
out = out[0].decode('utf8')
# Extract balance, interest and principal. Note that
# there should be NO dollar sign ($) before interest, but
# some students unintentionally added it. 5% penalty for
# not following the format.
matches = re.findall(re_line_good, out)
if 0 == len(matches):
matches = re.findall(re_line_bad, out)
if not (stat & Stat.DOLLAR_SIGN):
stat |= Stat.DOLLAR_SIGN
penalty += Penalty[Stat.DOLLAR_SIGN]
y0, y1, y2 = amortize(x[0], x[1], x[2])
y_test = np.stack([y0, y1, y2], axis=1)
y_pred = np.array(matches, dtype=np.float32)
if y_test.shape[0] != y_pred.shape[0]:
# That the length does not match means your algorithm
# is totally wrong.
stat |= Stat.OTHER
penalty += Penalty[Stat.OTHER]
# the values in two arrays should be roughly the same.
# Due to rounding errors and conversion to/from
# strings, a large tolerance is used.
diff = np.max(y_test-y_pred)
if diff > 0.1:
stat |= Stat.OTHER
penalty += Penalty[Stat.OTHER]
if penalty >= CREDIT:
penalty = CREDIT
summary[name] = {'pts': CREDIT-penalty, 'stat': stat}
def comment(stat):
ret = []
if Stat.GOOD == stat:
return 'GOOD'
for s in Stat:
if (s & stat):
ret += []
return ' '.join(ret)
with open('hw2.csv', 'w') as w:
for k, v in summary.items():
w.write('{0},{1},{2}\n'.format(k, v['pts'],
import os
from zipfile import ZipFile
from subprocess import run, Popen, PIPE, TimeoutExpired
devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
with ZipFile('', 'r') as zf:
files = zf.namelist()
nb_files = len(files)
for i, fn in enumerate(files):
fn_parts = fn.split('_')
name = fn_parts[0]
outfn = name
print('[{0:03d}/{1}] {2}'.format(i+1, nb_files, name),
end=' ', flush=True)
# 10% penalty for late submission
if 'late' in fn_parts:
outfn += '_late'
print(' late ', end=' ', flush=True)
_, ext = os.path.splitext(fn)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext not in ['.cpp', '.cc', '.c', '.c++']:
print('unknown file extension {0}'.format(ext))
# extract to ./tmp/
zf.extract(fn, path='tmp')
# compile, and ignore any error messages
ret = run(['g++', '-o', 'hw3', 'tmp/'+fn], stderr=devnull)
# compilation error
if 0 != ret.returncode:
outfn += '_compile'
print(' compile error')
outfn += '.txt'
with open(outfn, 'w') as output:
# feed input and grab output from the program
pipe = Popen('./hw3', stdin=PIPE, stdout=output)
inputs = '\n'.join(['\n']*20).encode('utf8')
out, err = pipe.communicate(input=inputs, timeout=2)
except TimeoutExpired:
import os
import sys
from subprocess import run, Popen, PIPE, TimeoutExpired
import numpy as np
nb_tests = 100
Input_0 = 'input{0}-0.txt'
Input_1 = 'input{0}-1.txt'
def gen_test(nb_tests=1):
N = 50
M = 20
y_test = []
for i in range(nb_tests):
out = np.array([], dtype=int)
for fn in [Input_0, Input_1]:
seqlen = np.random.choice(M)
seq = np.random.choice(N, size=seqlen)
out = np.append(out, seq)
np.savetxt(fn.format(i), seq, fmt='%d', delimiter='\n')
y_test += [out]
# Generate two canonical input just in case
for fn in ['input1.txt', 'input2.txt']:
seqlen = np.random.choice(M)
seq = np.random.choice(N, size=seqlen)
np.savetxt(fn, seq, fmt='%d', delimiter='\n')
return y_test
devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
fn = 'hw4.cpp'
# compile, and ignore any error messages
ret = run(['g++', '-o', 'hw4', fn], stderr=devnull)
# compilation error
if 0 != ret.returncode:
print('compile error')
# Wow! it compiles!!
y_test = gen_test(nb_tests)
num_err = 0
for i in range(nb_tests):
# feed input and grab output from the program
pipe = Popen('./hw4', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=devnull)
inputs = '\n'.join(['\n'] * 5 + [Input_0.format(i),
Input_1.format(i), 'tmp.txt'])
out, err = pipe.communicate(
input=inputs.encode('utf8'), timeout=2)
y_true = y_test[i]
y_pred = np.genfromtxt('tmp.txt')
if not np.all(y_true==y_pred):
num_err += 1
print('test case {0} error'.format(i+1))
print('test case {0} pass'.format(i+1))
print('wrong cases: {0}'.format(num_err))
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