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Forked from neverything/
Last active November 22, 2019 08:55
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Install composer and wp-cli on hostings with SSH access. - Install composer & wp-cli

SSH into your server and stay in the home directory of the user. Check if you have a bin directory in your user directory already, in case you do, omit the mkdir bin.

Use bin folder in $HOME for user scriptsr

For the commands to be loaded from the bin directory run echo "export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc. For the new config to be used run source ~/.bashrc or close and reopen your SSH session.


Install composer using curl.

cd ~
curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=bin
mv ~/bin/composer.phar ~/bin/composer
chmod u+x ~/bin/composer

If composer --version does not work then run echo "alias composer='~/bin/composer'" >> ~/.bash_profile. Then run source ~/.bash_profile or close and reopen your SSH session.


Again SSH into your server, make sure you have a bin directory and type the following commands:

curl -O
mv wp-cli.phar ~/bin/wp
chmod u+x ~/bin/wp

If wp —-info does not work then run echo "alias wp='~/bin/wp'" >> ~/.bash_profile. Then run source ~/.bash_profile or close and reopen your SSH session.

WP-CLI Tab completion

mkdir ~/.wp-cli
cd ~/.wp-cli
curl -O
echo "source ~/.wp-cli/wp-completion.bash" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

Now you have autocompletion of the wp-cli commands using wp <TAB><TAB>.

Self updates using cron jobs

To add these via SSH run crontab -e, type shift + A to edit and :wq to save.


0	8	*	*	7	~/bin/wp cli update --yes > /dev/null


0	8	*	*	7	~/bin/composer self-update --quiet > /dev/null
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