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Last active September 5, 2021 17:32
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Compare two objects recursively, including DOM references and methods = function (premise, supplement) {
for (let p in premise) {
if (premise.hasOwnProperty(p) !== supplement.hasOwnProperty(p)) return false;
switch (typeof (premise[p])) {
case 'object':
if (![p], supplement[p])) return false;
case 'function':
if (typeof (supplement[p]) == 'undefined' || (p !== 'compare' && premise[p].toString() !== supplement[p].toString())) return false;
if (premise[p] !== supplement[p]) return false;
return false
for (let p in supplement) {
if( supplement.hasOwnProperty(p) ){
if (typeof (premise[p]) == 'undefined') return false;
}else {
return false
return true;
const a = {
love: 34,
mirror: {love: 'Mayoral', secondary: 2}
const b = {
love: 34,
mirror: {love: 'Mayoral', secondary: 2}
console.log( a, b))
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