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Forked from gildas-lormeau/unzip
Last active November 5, 2023 15:24
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Basic unzip implementation based on zip.js and Deno (Fetch and unzip Chrome-For-Testing Canary Channel)
// Fetch and unzip Chrome-For-Testing Canary Channel
// deno run -A unzip.js
/* eslint-disable no-console */
/* global Deno, Intl */
"use strict";
// import { parse } from "";
import { exists } from "";
import { basename, dirname } from "";
import {
} from "";
const executables = new Set([
const json = await (await fetch(
const {
} ={
}) => platform === "linux64");
console.log(`Fetch ${url}`);
const response = await fetch(url);
const length = response.headers.get("content-length");
const ab = new ArrayBuffer(length);
const uint8 = new Uint8Array(ab);
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
let offset = 0;
async function log(bytes) {
await Deno.stdout.write(
encoder.encode(`${bytes} of ${length} bytes written.\r`),
// Just so we see what's going on
await response.body.pipeTo(
new WritableStream({
start() {
console.log("Start reading stream.");
async write(value) {
uint8.set(value, offset);
await log(offset += value.length);
close() {
console.log("\nDone reading stream.");
// const ab = await response.arrayBuffer();
// console.log(ab.byteLength);
await Deno.writeFile("", uint8);
unzip({ _: [""] }).catch((error) =>
async function unzip(args) {
if (args.l) {
await listEntries(args.l || args._[0]);
} else {
const archive = args._.shift();
if (archive) {
await unzipEntries(archive, args._);
await Deno.remove("");
async function unzipEntries(archive, filenames) {
const zipReader = new ZipReader(await getReader(archive));
const entries = await zipReader.getEntries();
let selectedEntries;
if (filenames.length) {
selectedEntries = entries.filter((entry) =>
} else {
selectedEntries = entries;
await Promise.all( (entry) => {
const entryDirectory = dirname(entry.filename);
if (!await exists(entryDirectory)) {
await Deno.mkdir(entryDirectory, { recursive: true });
if (! {
await Deno.writeFile(
await entry.getData(new Uint8ArrayWriter()),
await terminateWorkers();
for (const file of executables) {
await Deno.chmod(`chrome-linux64/${file}`, 0o764);
async function listEntries(archive) {
const zipReader = new ZipReader(await getReader(archive));
const entries = await zipReader.getEntries();
let totalSize = 0;
console.log("Archive: ", archive);
let maxNameLength = 0;
const formattedData = => {
const length = formatLength(entry.uncompressedSize);
const splitDate = entry.lastModDate.toISOString().split("T");
const date = splitDate[0].padStart(11);
const time = splitDate[1].match(/([^:]+:[^:]+):/)[1].padEnd(7);
const name = entry.filename;
totalSize += entry.uncompressedSize;
maxNameLength = Math.max(maxNameLength, length.length);
return { length, date, time, name };
"Length".padStart(maxNameLength - 1, " "),
" Date Time Name",
const lengthSeparator = "-".padStart(maxNameLength, "-");
console.log(lengthSeparator, " ---------- ----- ----");
formattedData.forEach(({ length, date, time, name }) =>
console.log(length.padStart(maxNameLength), date, time, name)
console.log(lengthSeparator, " ----");
function formatLength(length) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat().format(length);
async function getReader(archive) {
if (/^https?:/.test(archive)) {
try {
return new HttpReader(archive, {
useRangeHeader: true,
forceRangeRequests: true,
} catch (error) {
if (error.message == ERR_HTTP_RANGE) {
try {
return new HttpReader(archive, { useRangeHeader: true });
} catch (error) {
if (error.message == ERR_HTTP_RANGE) {
return new HttpReader(archive);
} else {
throw error;
} else {
throw error;
} else {
if (!basename(archive).includes(".")) {
archive += ".zip";
return new Uint8ArrayReader(await Deno.readFile(archive));
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