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Last active June 18, 2019 14:05
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An Ant Colony Optimization for the Travel Salesman problem.
import numpy as np
import utils as u
class ACO:
"""An Ant-Colony Optimization implementation.
def __init__(self, distance, n_ants=1, n_elitists=1, n_iterations=10, alpha=1, beta=5, decay=0.5):
"""Initialization method.
D (np.array): Distances' matrix.
n_ants (int): Number of colony ants.
n_elitists (int): Number of elitist ants.
n_iterations (int): Number of iterations.
alpha (float): Pheromone's exponent, where higher values gives it more weight.
beta (float): Distance's exponent, where higher values gives it more weight.
decay (float): Rate at which the pheromone decays.
# Distances' matrix.
self.D = distance
# Number of ants
self.n_ants = n_ants
# Number of elitist ants
self.n_elitists = n_elitists
# Number of iterations
self.n_iterations = n_iterations
# Pheromone's exponent
self.alpha = alpha
# Distance's exponent
self.beta = beta
# Pheromone decay
self.decay = decay
# Calculates the pheromones
self.pheromones = np.ones(self.D.shape) / len(self.D)
def generate_path_distance(self, paths):
"""Generates the total distance based on current path.
paths (list): A list of paths.
The total distance in the path.
# Initialize total distance as 0
total = 0
# For each path in current paths
for path in paths:
# Adds its distance to total
total += self.D[path]
return total
def generate_path(self, start):
"""Generates a path from the beginning.
start (int): An integer representing the beginning node.
A list that holds the path.
# Create an empty list to hold the path
path = []
# Create a set of visited paths
visited = set()
# Adds the starting path
# Also gathers the previous path
previous = start
# For every possible distance
for _ in range(len(self.D) - 1):
# Calculate the current movement
current = self.choose_path(
self.pheromones[previous], self.D[previous], visited)
# Appends new path founded
path.append((previous, current))
# Replace previous with current
previous = current
# Adds current node to visited set
# Appends the path back to starting position
path.append((previous, start))
return path
def generate_all_paths(self):
"""Generates all paths.
A list of paths.
# Initialize an empty paths list
paths = []
# For every ant
for _ in range(self.n_ants):
# Generate a new path from the beginning
path = self.generate_path(0)
# Appends to the list the path and its distance
paths.append((path, self.generate_path_distance(path)))
return paths
def choose_path(self, pheromone, distance, visited):
"""Choose a new path to visit.
pheromone (np.array): An array of pheromones.
distance (float): A distance value.
visited (set): A set of already visited nodes.
The index of the next movement.
# Makes a copy of current pheromones
p = np.copy(pheromone)
# Apply zero pheromone to visited cities
p[list(visited)] = 0
# Calculate track of pheromones
track = p ** self.alpha * ((1 / distance) ** self.beta)
# Gathers the track's norm
track_norm = track / track.sum()
# Calculate the index based on probability of movement
index = np.random.choice(range(len(self.D)), 1, p=track_norm)[0]
return index
def spread_pheromone(self, paths):
"""Spreads the pheromone across the path.
paths (list): A list of paths to be spreaded.
# Sorts all paths
sort_paths = sorted(paths, key=lambda x: x[1])
# For every path and for every elitist ant
for path, _ in sort_paths[:self.n_elitists]:
# For every node in the path
for p in path:
# Spreads the pheromones
self.pheromones[p] += 1 / self.D[p]
def run(self):
"""Runs the optimization process.
# Initializes the shortest path as None
short_path = None
# Initializes the best path as infinite
best_path = ('', np.inf)
# For every iteration
for i in range(self.n_iterations):
print(f'Running iteration {i+1}/{self.n_iterations} ...')
# Generates all possible paths
paths = self.generate_all_paths()
# Spreads the pheromone accross the paths
# Calculates the shortest path
short_path = min(paths, key=lambda x: x[1])
# If current cost is better than best cost
if short_path[1] < best_path[1]:
# Replace the best cost as current
best_path = short_path
print(f'Best path: {best_path[0]} | Cost: {best_path[1]}\n')
# Decay the pheromone
self.pheromones *= self.decay
return best_path
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Declaring an input file
input_file = 'berlin52.tsp'
# Actually reading the file
nodes = u.read_tsp(input_file)
# Creating distance matrix
D = u.create_distances(nodes)
# Instanciating an ACO
a = ACO(D, n_ants=52, n_elitists=10, n_iterations=2000, alpha=1, beta=2, decay=1)
# Running the optimization
path =
NAME: berlin52
COMMENT: 52 locations in Berlin (Groetschel)
1 565.0 575.0
2 25.0 185.0
3 345.0 750.0
4 945.0 685.0
5 845.0 655.0
6 880.0 660.0
7 25.0 230.0
8 525.0 1000.0
9 580.0 1175.0
10 650.0 1130.0
11 1605.0 620.0
12 1220.0 580.0
13 1465.0 200.0
14 1530.0 5.0
15 845.0 680.0
16 725.0 370.0
17 145.0 665.0
18 415.0 635.0
19 510.0 875.0
20 560.0 365.0
21 300.0 465.0
22 520.0 585.0
23 480.0 415.0
24 835.0 625.0
25 975.0 580.0
26 1215.0 245.0
27 1320.0 315.0
28 1250.0 400.0
29 660.0 180.0
30 410.0 250.0
31 420.0 555.0
32 575.0 665.0
33 1150.0 1160.0
34 700.0 580.0
35 685.0 595.0
36 685.0 610.0
37 770.0 610.0
38 795.0 645.0
39 720.0 635.0
40 760.0 650.0
41 475.0 960.0
42 95.0 260.0
43 875.0 920.0
44 700.0 500.0
45 555.0 815.0
46 830.0 485.0
47 1170.0 65.0
48 830.0 610.0
49 605.0 625.0
50 595.0 360.0
51 1340.0 725.0
52 1740.0 245.0
import numpy as np
def read_tsp(input_file):
"""Reads an input .tsp file.
input_file (str): A string holding the input file's path.
A set of nodes from the loaded file.
# Opening input file
f = open(input_file, 'r')
# While not finding data
while f.readline().find('NODE_COORD_SECTION') == -1:
# Keeps reading
# Creating an empty list
nodes = []
# While finding data is possible
while True:
# Reading every line
data = f.readline()
# If reaching end of file
if data.find('EOF') != -1:
# Break the process
# Splits the line
(_, x, y) = data.split()
# Convert (x, y) pairs into float
x = float(x)
y = float(y)
# Appends to list
nodes.append(np.array([x, y]))
return nodes
def create_distances(nodes):
"""Calculates the euclidean distance between the nodes.
nodes (list): A list of (x, y) nodes' pairs.
A distance matrix from input nodes.
# Gathering the amount of nodes
size = len(nodes)
# Creating an empty distance matrix
distances = np.zeros((size, size))
# For every pair
for i in range(size):
# For every pair
for j in range(size):
# If pairs are different, calculate the distance
distances[i][j] = np.linalg.norm(nodes[i] - nodes[j])
# If pairs are equal
if i == j:
# Apply an infinite distance
distances[i][j] = np.inf
return distances
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