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Last active March 14, 2021 16:39
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Example hosting Golang web server where supporting both static file and dynamic request (REST)
This web server serve 2 different type request: [static file] and [dynamic path]
[Static file] URL path: /*
[Dynamic Path] URL path: /api/*
1) Create "static-files" directory to place all static file like index.html
2) Create "dynamic-files" diectory to place all dynamic or hidden logical files, example invoice.pdf
3) Place "index.html" at root of "static-files" directory
4) Place "neon.jpg" (any kind of JPEG file) at root of "dynamic-files" directory
Sample URL:
1) http://localhost:7777/ - show static html file
2) http://localhost:7777/api/meals - demo GET Json request
3) http://localhost:7777/api/img/12345 - demo dynamic image request
package main
import (
func main() {
// handler all request start from "/"
http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
// start HTTP server in socket 7777
http.ListenAndServe(":7777", nil)
// start HTTPS server (default socket 443)
//x http.ListenAndServeTLS("/", "abc.crt", "abc.key", handler)
// Handle HTTP request to either static file server or REST server (URL start with "api/")
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//remove first "/" character
urlPath := r.URL.Path[1:]
//if start with "api/" direct to REST handler
if strings.HasPrefix(urlPath, "api/") {
//trim prefix "api/"
trimmedURL := urlPath[4:]
//trim suffix "/"
if strings.HasSuffix(trimmedURL, "/") {
trimmedURL = trimmedURL[0:(len(trimmedURL) - 1)]
routePath(w, r, trimmedURL)
} else {
log.Print("Entering static file handler: " + urlPath)
// define your static file directory
staticFilePath := "./static-files/"
//other wise, let read a file path and display to client
http.ServeFile(w, r, staticFilePath + urlPath)
//handle dynamic HTTP user requset
func routePath(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, trimURL string) {
// find and match trimmed URL to respective REST request
// trimmed URL
// request method
// input parameter(s)
if strings.HasPrefix(trimURL, "login") {
// example URL: localhost:7777/api/login
// TODO: handle login request
fmt.Fprint(w, "Request login")
} else if strings.HasPrefix(trimURL, "logout") {
// example URL: localhost:7777/api/logout
// TODO: handle logout request
fmt.Fprint(w, "Request logout")
} else if strings.HasPrefix(trimURL, "meals") {
// example URL: localhost:7777/api/meals
// show list of meals
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") //MIME to application/json
w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) //status code 200, OK
w.Write([]byte("{ msg: \"this is meal A \" }")) //body text
} else if strings.HasPrefix(trimURL, "img/") {
// example URL: localhost:7777/api/img/
// show image file to client dynamically
logicalFilePath := "./logic-files/"
physicalFileName := "neon.jpg"
// try read file
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(logicalFilePath + physicalFileName)
if err != nil {
// show error page if failed to read file
handleErrorCode(500, "Unable to retrieve image file", w)
} else {
//w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/jpg") // #optional HTTP header info
// uncomment if image file is meant to download instead of display on web browser
// clientDisplayFileName = "customName.jpg"
//w.header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + clientDisplayFileName + "\"")
// write file (in binary format) direct into HTTP return content
} else {
// show error code 404 not found
handleErrorCode(404, "Path not found.", w)
// Generate error page
func handleErrorCode(errorCode int, description string, w http.ResponseWriter) {
w.WriteHeader(errorCode) // set HTTP status code (example 404, 500)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html") // clarify return type (MIME)
"<html><body><h1>Error %d</h1><p>%s</p></body></html>",
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Ty mate!

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