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Created November 11, 2015 09:24
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Monkey patch alpha function in psych package to suppress the direct output for items were negatively correlated with the total scale
"alpha" <- function(x,keys=NULL,cumulative=FALSE,title=NULL,max=10,na.rm=TRUE,check.keys=FALSE,n.iter=1,delete=TRUE,use="pairwise") { #find coefficient alpha given a data frame or a matrix
alpha.1 <- function(C,R) {
n <- dim(C)[2]
alpha.raw <- (1- tr(C)/sum(C))*(n/(n-1))
alpha.std <- (1- n/sum(R))*(n/(n-1))
smc.R <- smc(R)
G6 <- (1- (n-sum(smc.R))/sum(R))
av.r <- (sum(R)-n)/(n*(n-1))
sn <- n*av.r/(1-av.r)
Q = (2 * n^2/((n-1)^2*(sum(C)^3))) * (sum(C) * (tr(C^2) + (tr(C))^2) - 2*(tr(C) * sum(C^2)))
result <- list(raw=alpha.raw,std=alpha.std,G6=G6,av.r=av.r,sn=sn,Q=Q)
#begin main function
cl <-
if(!is.matrix(x) && ! stop('Data must either be a data frame or a matrix')
nvar <- dim(x)[2]
nsub <- dim(x)[1]
scores <- NULL
response.freq <- NULL
if (nsub !=nvar) {
item.var <- apply(x,2,sd,na.rm=na.rm)
bad <- which((item.var <= 0)|
if((length(bad) > 0) && delete) {
for (baddy in 1:length(bad)) {warning( "Item = ",colnames(x)[bad][baddy], " had no variance and was deleted")}
x <- x[,-bad]
nvar <- nvar - length(bad)
response.freq <- response.frequencies(x,max=max)
C <- cov(x,use=use)} else {C <- x}
p1 <- principal(x)
if(any(p1$loadings < 0)) {
if (check.keys) {
warning("Some items were negatively correlated with total scale and were automatically reversed.\n This is indicated by a negative sign for the variable name.")
keys <- 1- 2* (p1$loadings < 0 )
} else {
if(is.null(keys)) {
warning(paste("Some items (",rownames(p1$loadings)[(p1$loadings < 0)],") were negatively correlated with the total scale and probably should be reversed. To do this, run the function again with the 'check.keys=TRUE' option"))
if(is.null(keys)) {keys <- rep(1,nvar)} else {
keys<- as.vector(keys)
if(length(keys) < nvar) {
temp <- keys # this is the option of keying just the reversals
keys <- rep(1,nvar)
names(keys) <- colnames(x)
keys[temp] <- -1
key.d <- diag(keys)
C <- key.d %*% C %*% key.d
signkey <- strtrim(keys,1)
signkey[signkey=="1"] <- ""
colnames(x) <- paste(colnames(x),signkey,sep="")
if (nsub !=nvar) { #raw data
if(any(keys < 0 )) {
min.item <- min(x,na.rm=na.rm)
max.item <- max(x,na.rm=na.rm)
adjust <- max.item + min.item
flip.these <- which(keys < 0 )
x[,flip.these] <- adjust - x[,flip.these]
if(cumulative) { total <- rowSums(x,na.rm=na.rm) } else { total <- rowMeans(x,na.rm=na.rm) }
mean.t <- mean(total,na.rm=na.rm)
sdev <- sd(total,na.rm=na.rm)
raw.r <- cor(total,x,use=use)
t.valid <- colSums(!
} else { #we are working with a correlation matrix
total <- NULL
totals <- TRUE
R <- cov2cor(C)
drop.item <- vector("list",nvar) <- alpha.1(C,R)
if(nvar > 2) {
for (i in 1:nvar) {
drop.item[[i]] <- alpha.1(C[-i,-i,drop=FALSE],R[-i,-i,drop=FALSE])
} else {
drop.item[[1]] <- drop.item[[2]] <- c(rep(R[1,2],2),smc(R)[1],R[1,2],NA,NA)}
by.item <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(drop.item),ncol=6,byrow=TRUE))
if(nsub > nvar) {
by.item[6] <- sqrt(by.item[6]/nsub)
colnames(by.item) <- c("raw_alpha","std.alpha","G6(smc)","average_r","S/N","alpha se")
} else {
by.item <- by.item[-6]
colnames(by.item) <- c("raw_alpha","std.alpha","G6(smc)","average_r","S/N")
rownames(by.item) <- colnames(x)
Vt <- sum(R)
item.r <- colSums(R)/sqrt(Vt) #this is standardized r
#correct for item overlap by using smc
RC <-R
diag(RC) <-smc(R)
Vtc <- sum(RC)
item.rc <-colSums(RC)/sqrt(Vtc)
#yet one more way to correct is to correlate item with rest of scale
if(nvar > 1) {
r.drop <- rep(0,nvar)
for (i in 1:nvar) { v.drop <- sum(C[-i,-i,drop=FALSE])
c.drop <- sum(C[,i]) - C[i,i]
r.drop[i] <- c.drop/sqrt(C[i,i]*v.drop)
item.means <- colMeans(x, na.rm=na.rm ) <- apply(x,2,sd,na.rm=na.rm)
if(nsub > nvar) {
ase = sqrt($Q/nsub) <- data.frame([1:5],ase=ase,mean=mean.t,sd=sdev)
colnames( <- c("raw_alpha","std.alpha","G6(smc)","average_r","S/N","ase","mean","sd")
rownames( <- ""
stats <- data.frame(n=t.valid,raw.r=t(raw.r),std.r =item.r,r.cor = item.rc,r.drop = r.drop,mean=item.means,
} else { <- data.frame([-6]) #fixed 27/7/14
colnames( <- c("raw_alpha","std.alpha","G6(smc)" ,"average_r","S/N")
rownames( <- ""
stats <- data.frame(r =item.r,r.cor = item.rc,r.drop = r.drop) #added r.drop 10/12/13
rownames(stats) <- colnames(x)
if(n.iter > 1) {
# do a bootstrap confidence interval for alpha
# if(!require(parallel)) {message("The parallel package needs to be installed to run mclapply")}
if(nsub == nvar) {
message("bootstrapped confidence intervals require raw data")
boot <- NULL <- NULL
} else {
boot <- vector("list",n.iter)
boot <- mclapply(1:n.iter,function(XX) {
xi <- x[,replace=TRUE),]
C <- cov(xi,use="pairwise")
if(!is.null(keys)) {
key.d <- diag(keys)
xi <- key.d %*% C %*% key.d
R <- cov2cor(C)
}) #end of mclapply
boot <- matrix(unlist(boot),ncol=6,byrow=TRUE)
colnames(boot) <- c("raw_alpha","std.alpha","G6(smc)","average_r","s/n","ase") <- quantile(boot[,1],c(.025,.5,.975))
} else {
boot=NULL <- NULL
result <- list(,alpha.drop=by.item,item.stats=stats,response.freq=response.freq,keys=keys,scores = total,nvar=nvar,,boot=boot,call=cl,title=title)
class(result) <- c("psych","alpha")
#modified Sept 8, 2010 to add r.drop feature
#modified October 12, 2011 to add apply to the sd function
#modified November 2, 2010 to use sd instead of SD
#January 30, 2011 - added the max category parameter (max)
#June 20, 2011 -- revised to add the check.keys option as suggested by Jeremy Miles
#Oct 3, 2013 check for variables with no variance and drop them with a warning
#November 22, 2013 Added the standard error as suggested by
#modified December 6, 2013 to add empirical confidence estimates
#modified January 9, 2014 to add multicore capabilities to the bootstrap
#corrected December 18 to allow reverse keying for correlation matrices as well as raw data
#modified 1/16/14 to add S/N to summary stats
#added item.c (raw correlation) 1/10/15
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