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Last active December 27, 2015 08:29
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Chicken Pot Pie - Nov 3 dinner Makes two 4" pies + a bunch of leftover filling. Will probably make 1 giant 9" pie
* Ingredients *
Crusts for pans of some sort; I used 4" dollarama pot pie pans
Crust recipe:
~2 cups frozen mixed veggies
Almost all of a grocery rotisserie chicken, shredded
1 red potato, cubed
2+ tbsp butter -- don't go beyond 1/3 cup, fatty
one medium cooking onion, diced
as much garlic as you want, minced
1/3 cup all purpose flour
~1/2 tsp salt
~1/4 tsp pepper, to taste
pinch of thyme leaves (optional, but really makes it)
1 3/4 cup chicken broth
2/3 cup milk
* Steps *
0. Boil veggies && potato, until just getting tender. Shred chicken. Preheat oven to 425
1. Soften/sweat onions and garlic with butter in a large saute pan/dutch oven
2. Mix flour salt, pepper, and thyme together and quickly stir into onions off the heat with a whisk
3. Add broth and milk while whisking. Simmer to thicken.
4. Dump veggies + chicken into thickened gravy, when to your thickening preference
5. Pour into prepared pie tins with crusts. Eggwash the tops and optionally the insides before pouring mixture in. Eggwash: beat one egg with ~ 1 tsp of warm/hot water. Use a pastry brush to lightly brush tops for goldenness, and insides to form a seal for less potential sogginess.
6. Bake for however long it takes for crusts to be golden. (4" ones probably took 20-25mins, a larger pie might be longer).
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