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Created September 16, 2023 13:16
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An `Observable` property wrapper that only creates the observable value once
* An Observable property wrapper that only creates the observable
* value once.
* Example:
* ```swift
* @Observable class Item {
* }
* struct MyView: View {
* @StateObservable var item = Item()
* }
* ```
struct StateObservable<ObjectType: Observable>: DynamicProperty {
final class ObservationBridge: ObservableObject {
let observable : ObjectType
init(_ observable: ObjectType) { self.observable = observable }
@StateObject private var bridge : ObservationBridge
init(wrappedValue thunk: @autoclosure @escaping () -> ObjectType) {
_bridge = .init(wrappedValue: ObservationBridge(thunk()))
@MainActor var wrappedValue: ObjectType { bridge.observable }
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helje5 commented Sep 16, 2023

Related discussion about iOS 17 Observable objects and @State:

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helje5 commented Sep 16, 2023

Here is another version that overloads @StateObject, this doesn't work w/ function calls though (would have to qualify), and is also slower in property access:

extension StateObject {

   * Use Observable's with `@StateObject`.
   * Example:
   * ```swift
   * @Observable class Item {
   * }
   * struct MyView: View {
   *   @StateObject var item = Item()
   * }
   * ```
  init<T>(wrappedValue thunk: @autoclosure @escaping () -> T)
    where T: Observable, ObjectType == ObservationBridge<T>
    self.init(wrappedValue: ObservationBridge(thunk()))
final class ObservationBridge<ObjectType>: ObservableObject {
  let observable : ObjectType
  init(_ observable: ObjectType) { self.observable = observable }
  public subscript<V>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<ObjectType, V>) -> V {
    observable[keyPath: keyPath]

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