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Last active November 30, 2018 08:18
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Example: list-authors name/of/file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Usage: {script} FILENAME
# Add the list of authors to a PHP or PHPT file.
# The list of authors is generated by the `git blame` command.
# --help, -h Displays this help
# Report bugs to Henrique Moody <>.
set -euo pipefail
declare -r FILENAME="${1}"
# Usage: show-help
sed -E 's/^#\s?(.*)/\1/g' "${0}" |
sed -nE '/^Usage/,/^Report/p' |
sed "s/{script}/$(basename "${0}")/g"
show-authors() {
# Usage: show-authors FILENAME
local -r filename="${1}"
git blame --line-porcelain "${filename}" |
egrep '^author' |
tr '\n' ' ' |
sed 's,author ,\n,g' |
sed -E 's,^(.+) author-mail (<[^>]+>).+$,\1 \2,g' |
egrep -v '^$' |
uniq |
sed -E "s,Not Committed Yet <not.committed.yet>,$(git config <$(git config>,g" |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas \1,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<alganet@alganet-laptop.\(none\)>),Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas <>,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<andre@andre.\(none\)>),Carlos André Ferrari <>,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Emmerson Siqueira \1,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Fajar Khairil <>,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Nick Lombard \1,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Ian Nisbet \1,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Jayson Reis <>,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Camilo Teixeira de Melo \1,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Camilo Teixeira de Melo <>,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<kolyshkin@.sqlmaze.local>),Andrey Kolyshkin <>,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Alexander Gorshkov \1,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Michael Firsikov \1,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Moritz Fromm \1,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<nawarian@phoenix>),Níckolas Daniel da Silva <>,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Davide Pastore \1,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Paul Karikari \1,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Rafael Bartalotti \1,g' |
sed -E 's,.+ (<>),Roman Derevianko \1,g' |
sort -u
add-php-authors() {
# Usage: add-php-authors FILENAME
local -r filename="${1}"
local -r temporaty=$(mktemp)
local docblock
egrep -q '^/\*\*$' "${filename}" || echo "/**"
show-authors "${filename}" |
sed 's,^, * @author ,'
echo " */"
} > "${temporaty}"
docblock=$(tr '\n' '#' < "${temporaty}" | sed 's,#,\\n,g')
echo "Adding authors to PHP file ${filename}"
sed -i '/@author/d' "${filename}"
sed -i -E "s%^(final class|abstract class|trait|interface|class)%${docblock}\1%g" "${filename}"
sed -i ':begin;$!N;s, \*/\n \* @author, * @author,;tbegin;P;D' "${filename}"
add-phpt-authors() {
# Usage: add-phpt-authors FILENAME
local -r filename="${1}"
local -r temporaty=$(mktemp)
echo "--CREDITS--"
show-authors "${filename}"
cat "${filename}"
} > "${temporaty}"
echo "Adding authors to PHPT file ${filename}"
cat "${temporaty}" > "${filename}"
if [[ "${FILENAME}" = "--help" ]] || [[ "${FILENAME}" = "-h" ]]; then
elif [[ "${FILENAME}" =~ "phpt" ]]; then
add-phpt-authors "${FILENAME}"
elif [[ "${FILENAME}" =~ "php" ]]; then
add-php-authors "${FILENAME}"
show-help 1>&2
exit 1
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williamespindola commented May 31, 2018

I don't know why but this not work for me. 😕 maybe can be my terminal:
This works:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

git blame --line-porcelain ${1} |
    egrep '^author |^author-mail' |
    sed 's,author-mail ,,g' |
    tr '\n' ' ' |
    tr '/>' '\n' |
    sort |
    egrep -v '^$' |
    uniq |
    sort -rn |
    sed -E 's, *author, * @author,g'

Needs some improvements, for example put > on the end of email, but is good so far

➜  Validation git:(feature/refactor-contains) ✗ ./list-authors tests/unit/Rules/ContainsTest.php

 * @author Alexandre Gaigalas <
 * @author Alexandre Gaigalas <
 * @author Gabriel Caruso <
 * @author Henrique Moody <
 * @author Nawarian <
 * @author William Espindola <

this stars at the begin is for Docblocks

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