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Created January 28, 2012 16:15
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Geocoder script to build Tiger/LINE 2011
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'tmpdir'
tmp = Dir.tmpdir + "/TIGER2011"
base = Dir.pwd + "/build"
shp2 = base + "/shp2sqlite"
sql = base + "/sql"
lib = Dir.pwd + "/lib/geocoder/us/"
database = ARGV.shift
tiger = ARGV.shift
STDERR.puts "Building in #{tmp}..."
system("mkdir -p '#{tmp}'")
system("cat '#{sql}/create.sql' '#{sql}/place.sql' | sqlite3 '#{database}'") unless File.exists? database
cmds = ["echo '.load #{lib}'", "cat '#{sql}/setup.sql'"]
['EDGES', 'FEATNAMES', 'ADDR'].each do |dir|
path = tiger + '/' + dir do |zip|
if zip =~ /^(.*?)\.zip$/i
STDERR.puts "Unzipping: "+path + "/" + zip+"..."
# Skip unzipping the same zip twice
full = tmp + "/" + $1
# system("/usr/bin/unzip", "-q", path + "/" + zip, "-d", tmp)
if dir == 'EDGES'
cmds.push shp2+" -aS '#{full}.shp' 'tiger_#{dir.downcase}'"
cmds.push shp2+" -an '#{full}.dbf' 'tiger_#{dir.downcase}'"
cmds.push "cat '#{sql}/convert.sql'"
cmds.push "cat '#{tmp}/loading.sql'"
system(cmds.join(" | "))
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