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Created March 1, 2015 06:26
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function geocode(lat,lon) {
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lon);
geocoder.geocode({'latLng': latlng}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
if (results[0]) {
var address = "", city = "", state = "", zip = "", country = "", formattedAddress = "";
var lat;
var lng;
for (var i = 0; i < results[0].address_components.length; i++) {
var addr = results[0].address_components[i];
// check if this entry in address_components has a type of country
if (addr.types[0] == 'country')
country = addr.long_name;
else if (addr.types[0] == 'street_address') // address 1
address = address + addr.long_name;
else if (addr.types[0] == 'establishment')
address = address + addr.long_name;
else if (addr.types[0] == 'route') // address 2
address = address + addr.long_name;
else if (addr.types[0] == 'postal_code') // Zip
zip = addr.short_name;
else if (addr.types[0] == ['administrative_area_level_1']) // State
state = addr.long_name;
else if (addr.types[0] == ['locality']) // City
city = addr.long_name;
if (results[0].formatted_address != null) {
formattedAddress = results[0].formatted_address;
var location = results[0].geometry.location;
lat =;
lng = location.lng();
alert('City: '+ city + '\n' + 'State: '+ state + '\n' + 'Zip: '+ zip + '\n' + 'Formatted Address: '+ formattedAddress + '\n' + 'Lat: '+ lat + '\n' + 'Lng: '+ lng);
} else {
alert('Geocoder failed due to: ' + status);
console.log(geocode(34.039429, -118.265616));
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