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Last active November 16, 2021 02:48
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Repoint AWS EC2 Security Group inbound access to my current IP address
# Summary:
# Bash script repoints all inbound access for a given AWS EC2 security group
# to your current IP addr(v4) as provided by
# To use this script:
# Pass the name of a security group as a command line argument
# Notes:
# You need to have AWS CLI installed and configured. See
# To setup, see this page
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo -e 'Please provide the name of a security group\n\te.g. . SECURITYGROUPNAME'
return 1
# Search for the group-id based on the Group Name provided
MYGROUPNAME=$1 # $1 is SECURITYGROUPNAME argument passed to the script
# Get my IP addr(v4) alternatives: curl; curl
# Print all existing inbound access
echo ''
echo 'Current entries for group: '$MYGROUPNAME
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \
--filters Name=group-name,Values=$MYGROUPNAME \
--query 'SecurityGroups[0].IpPermissions[*].{ip:IpRanges[0].CidrIp,protocol:IpProtocol,from:FromPort,to:ToPort}' \
--output table
# Revoke all existing inbound access
echo ''
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \
--filters Name=group-name,Values=$MYGROUPNAME \
--query 'SecurityGroups[0].IpPermissions[*].[IpRanges[0].CidrIp,IpProtocol,FromPort,ToPort]' \
--output text \
| awk -v grpnm=${MYGROUPNAME} -v newip=${MYIP} '{
print "aws ec2 revoke-security-group-ingress --group-name "grpnm" --cidr "$1" --protocol "$2" --port "$3;
system ("aws ec2 revoke-security-group-ingress --group-name "grpnm" --cidr "$1" --protocol "$2" --port "$3" > /dev/null 2>&1");
print "aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name "grpnm" --cidr "newip"/32 --protocol "$2" --port "$3;
system ("aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name "grpnm" --cidr "newip"/32 --protocol "$2" --port "$3" > /dev/null 2>&1");
}' # " > /dev/null 2>&1" : This pipes stdin and stderr responses to dev/null. Remove if you would like to see the
# response from the server printed on screen
# Print all new inbound access
echo ''
echo ''
echo 'New entries for group: '$MYGROUPNAME
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \
--filters Name=group-name,Values=$MYGROUPNAME \
--query 'SecurityGroups[0].IpPermissions[*].{ip:IpRanges[0].CidrIp,protocol:IpProtocol,from:FromPort,to:ToPort}' \
--output table
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very usefull :) tnx! I would change the service to get the IP from "" to "" maybe is safer and is done exactly for that purpose...
but it's really not important

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Yes you are right. Thank you very much for the feedback!

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