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Last active November 17, 2017 18:53
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Implementation of BNS scaling

Implementation of BNS Scaling


  • for binary classification/OVR/OVO only
  • suitable for documents that are not too long


  • take class label into consideration, correct the inappropriate scaling by IDF
  • better than TF-IDF in most benchmarks

Pratical advice:

  • using lookup table can improve efficiency a lot. With 100k dimensions, a 1e-4-precision lookup table can reduce nearly 50% of the running time
  • when using SVM as the classifier, using boolean data type and encode the feature weight in a kernel can be more effiencient in some SVM implementations.


  • BNS Feature Scaling: An Improved Representation over TF·IDF for SVM Text Classification (pdf)
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.stats import norm
def BNS(X, y, lookup=None):
Performs BNS scaling.
X: sp.sparse with shape (nDocs, V), the count matrix of the corpus
y: np.array with shape (nDocs,), binary class label, with value 0 or 1
lookup: if not None, define the precision of the lookup table
np.array with shape (nDocs, V), BNS scaled feature
assert np.array_equal(np.unique(y), np.array([0,1]))
nrows, ncols = X.shape
assert (nrows,) == y.shape
X = sp.csr_matrix(X, copy=True)
X = X.sign()
Xp = sp.csc_matrix(X[y == 1])
Xn = sp.csc_matrix(X[y == 0])
tpr = np.array(Xp.mean(axis=0))[0]
fpr = np.array(Xn.mean(axis=0))[0]
if lookup is not None:
assert lookup < 1 and lookup > 0
table = np.arange(0, 1 + lookup, lookup)
table[0] = 5e-4
table[-1] = 1 - 5e-4
table = norm.ppf(table)
def ppf(x):
return table[np.floor(x/lookup).astype(int)]
bns = np.abs(ppf(tpr) - ppf(fpr))
bns = np.abs(norm.ppf(tpr) - norm.ppf(fpr))
bns_diag = sp.spdiags(bns, diags=0, m=ncols, n=ncols, format='csc')
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