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Created March 25, 2016 00:53
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Animal Systems Unit Objectives
Chapter 40: Animal Form and Function
1. Animal exchange of nutrients and gases occurs as substances dissolved in an
aqueous medium move across the plasma membrane of each cell. Rate of exchange
is proportional to surface area; the amount of material that must be
exchanged is proportional to volume. For this reason, animals try to maximize
the surface area to volume ratio of their exchange surfaces. Once absorbed,
circulatory fluids can carry the materials around the body.
2. Table 40.1 lists ten animal organ systems: digestive, circulatory,
respiratory, immune and lymphatic, excretory, endocrine, reproductive,
nervous, integumentary, skeletal, and muscular.
3. Animal tissues are organized into four groups: epithelial tissue (like simple
columnar or simple squamous), connective tissue (like cartilage, blood, and
bone), muscle tissue (skeletal, cardiac, or smooth), and nervous tissue
4. Animal homeostasis relies largely on negative feedback loops. When a variable
such as body temperature or solute concentration fluctuates away from the set
point, a receptor triggers a response that helps return the variable to the
set point.
Animals use energy harvested from the food they eat to fuel metabolism and
activity. Food is digested by enzymes in the gut, and nutrients are
absorbed by body cells. Most energy-containing molecules are used in cellular
respiration to generate ATP, which then powers cellular work.
5. See the handout.
Chapter 41: Animal Nutrition
1. As far as diet goes, herbivores dine mainly on plants or algae, carnivores on
other animals, and omnivores on some combination of the two. As far as
denition goes, herbivores usually have teeth with broad, ridged surfaces,
carnivores generally have pointed incisors and canines, and, again, omnivores
have some combination of the two.
2. The four stages of food processing are ingestion, digestion, absorption, and
3. A gastrovascular cavity (found in cnidarians and flatworms) is lined with
both specialized gland cells that secrete digestive enzymes as well as cells
that then engulf the digested particles. In animals with a gastrovascular
cavity, food is eaten through the same hole that later excretes the waste.
An alimentary canal (found in the other phyla) is much fancier. Since food
passes through it in only one direction, it can have specialized compartments
that carry out digestion and nutrient absorption in a stepwise fashion.
Animals with an alimentary canal can therefore eat dinner while still
digesting lunch.
4. The human digestive organs include the mouth, which contains teeth that mash
and grind the food to increase its surface area and make it easier to
swallow; the salivary glands, which release, among other things, an enzyme
called amylase that hydrolyzes starch and glycogen in the food, and a
glycoprotein called mucin that lubricates the food for easier swallowing; the
pharynx and esophagus, which transport the food to the stomach; the stomach,
which secretes hydrochloric acid and pepsin that help break down proteins in
the food; the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder, which release a mixture of
digestive enzymes and chemicals into the small intestine; the small
intestine, in which digestion is completed and through the walls of which
the food particles get absorbed; and finally the large intestine, comprising
the colon, which helps to reabsorb water, the cecum, important for fermenting
ingested material, and the rectum, which stores feces until they can be...
5. The major digestive enzymes are salivary amylase, secreted by the
salivary glands into the mouth, which hydrolyzes starch, glycogen, sucrose,
and lactose; pepsin-in-the-stomach, which hydrolyzes proteins; peptidase,
which breaks down polypeptides in the small intestine into amino acids;
pancreatic lipase, which breaks down fat droplets in the small intestine into
glycerol, fatty acids, and monoglycerides; pancreatic nuclease, which works
in the small intestine to get nucleotides out the DNA and RNA in food; and
finally nucleotidases, nucleosidases, and phosphatases, which operate at the
epithelium of the small intestine to further digest nucleotides into their
constituent nitrogenous bases, sugars, and phosphates.
6. What ensures that we do not inhale our food? The esophageal reflex, which
works like this: when a bolus of food enters the pharynx, the epiglottis
covers the glottis and the esophageal sphincter relaxes. Now the esophagus is
open and it happily accepts the bolus. Wavelike contractions then move the
food down the esophagus to the stomach, and the epiglottis moves up anew.
7. The herbivore's alimentary canal has several digestive chambers containing
bacteria that aid digestion of plant material, gastric ceca that function in
digestion and absorption, and a lengthy cecum that helps ferment the plant
material. The carnivore's alimentary canal has a much shorter intestine and
the cecum is short and to the point.
Chapter 42: Circulation and Gas Exchange
1. A closed circulatory system (found in annelids, cephalopods, and vertebrates)
has branching vessels filled with blood. Gas and nutrients in the blood
diffuse through the vessel wall into the interstitial fluid, which surrounds
the cell. The heart pumps continuously, moving blood in a one-way circuit
around the body.
An open circulatory system (found in arthropods and most mollusks) has,
instead of blood and interstitial fluid, a single fluid called hemolymph.
Contraction of the heart pumps the hemolymph through vessels into the sinuses
that surround the organs; relaxation of the heart pulls the hemolymph back to
the heart through pores in the sinus walls.
2. In mammals, the heart continuously beats, pumping blood around the body. As
the blood passes through the capillary beds, the blood spreads out and slows
down, helping nutrients and gases in the bloodstream diffuse across the thin
capillary wall and into the interstitial fluid, and vice versa.
3. In fish, the heart consists of two chambers: the blood passes through the
gills on the way to the body; that is, the oxygenated blood doesn't first
return to the heart. Amphibians have a three-chambered heart, and two
circuits of blood flow: pulmocutaneous and systemic. Reptiles also have a
three-chambered heart, but with a septum partially dividing the single
ventricle. Mammals and birds have a four-chambered heart.
4. In vertebrates with double circulation (all but fish), blood is pumped
first through the pulmonary circuit, which carries deoxygenated blood to the
lungs and back to the heart, where the oxygenated blood is then pumped around
the body via the systemic circuit.
5. There was once a red blood cell who was sad because its hemoglobin was
terribly lonely. So, being a kind-hearted creature, and one who hated
indecision, the red blood cell, without a second thought, set out to find
some oxygen to keep its hemoglobin company. She left the left atrium and blew
into the left ventricle. He was the owner of a prominent nightclub in
Amorita, and so she had hoped to find some oxygen hidden, perhaps, in his
nightstand, or under his floorboards, but after snooping around for a good
twenty minutes and then nearly getting caught when he finally emerged from
the bathroom (without flushing), she wisely decided that it was far too
risky (she was already on parole for attempting to blow up a public plaque),
and so she left. Outside it was getting dark. The sky was fiery red in the
afterglow of what, she imagined, must have been quite the sunset. Far away,
she could hear the beating of drums... or was it a Chinese boy dropping
stones into a pond? On and on she walked, humming Catholic hymns and
thinking to herself. 'How is my dear Mr. Hemoglobin doing?' she suddenly said
out loud, 'And will I ever be able to help him? Oh, I love him so... I do
hope so.' Just then, she rounded a giant curve and the road split into a
million tiny paths. She picked one at random and it led her straight into a
tiny glass bubble (she had to crawl it was so small) that Joy to the world!
had oxygen straws. She stepped back a few paces, got a running start, and
impaled herself right onto one of the straws. Nobody knows if it was the
terrific pain or simply her weariness after a day of walking that caused her
to feint, but in any case, just then, an old, Victorian-looking lady dressed
in green, spotted her lifeless body and dragged her onto a train that was
headed to Grand Central Station. She woke up a few hours later in the right
ventricle. He was in a foul temper and screamed so loud that the poor blood
cell nearly began to cry. But she held herself together -- one hand clutching
the puncture wound -- and, holding her head high, walked out his front door,
on which hung a large sign that read "aorta". It was a blustery day, but the
wind was only picking up. Because a moment after her floral, straw hat was
carried away in the breeze, she felt a stirring in her soul and, before she
knew it, she had been picked up by the heel of her lambskins and was spinning
out of control like a leaf in the atmosphere. Our story ends here. For
chronicles of her later travels, see Volumes 2 and 3, coming soon -- maybe.
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