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Created May 23, 2017 21:05
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// Term, TermMap, and directly related types ---------------------------------
public interface Prefix extends Serializable {
public ByteString getValue();
public interface TermID extends Comparable <TermID>, Serializable {
public Prefix getPrefix();
public int getID();
public interface TermXRef extends Serializable {
public String getDatabase();
public String getXrefID();
public String getXrefName();
public enum RelationQualifier { // WAS: TermRelaton
public interface TermRelation implements Serializable { // WAS: ParentTermID
public TermID getRelatedTermID();
public RelationQualifier getRelationQualifier();
public interface Term extends Serializble {
public TermID getID();
public ByteString getName();
public Namespace getNamespace();
public TermRelation[] getRelations(); // WAS: getParentRelations()
public boolean isObsolete();
public ByteString getDefinition();
public TermID[] getEquivalents();
public Subset[] getSubsets();
public ByteString[] getSynonyms();
public TermXref[] getXrefs();
public interface TermMap extends Iterable<Term>, Serializable {
public Term get(TermID termID);
public int size();
public int maxTermID();
// Graph ---------------------------------------------------------------------
public interface Edge<V> extends Serializable {
public V getSource();
public V getDest();
public interface MutableEdge<V> extends Edge<V> {
public V setSource(V s);
public V setDest(V t);
/** Iterate edges, vertices and immediate neighbors only
public interface DirectedGraph<V, E> extends Serializable {
public boolean containsVertex(V v);
public int countVertices();
public Collection<V> getVertices();
public Iterator<V> vertexIterator();
public int countEdges();
public boolean containsEdgeBetween(V s, V t);
public Collection<E> getEdges();
public Iterator<E> edgeIterator();
public E getEdge(V s, V t);
public int inDegree(V v);
public Iterator<E> inEdgeIterator(V v);
public Iterator<V> viaInEdgeIterator(V v); // was parentVertexIterator
public int outDegree(V v);
public Iterator<E> outEdgeIterator(V v);
public Iterator<V> viaOutEdgeIterator(V v); // was childVertexIterator
public DirectedGraph<V, E> subGraph(Collection<V> vertices);
// TODO: MutableDirectedGraph
/** More complex queries related to paths, precomputation improves performance
public interface NavigableDirectedGraphDecorator<V, E>
extends DirectedGraph<V, E>, Serializable {
public boolean forwardPathExists(V u, V v); // following s-t arcs from s to t
public boolean reversePathExists(V u, V v); // following s-t arcs from t to s
public Collection<V> forwardPathReachable(V v); // follow s-t arcs from s to t, WAS: getAncestors
public Collection<V> reversePathReachable(V v); // follow s-t arcs from t to s, WAS: getChildren
// Ontology ------------------------------------------------------------------
public interface OntologyEdge extends Edge<TermID> {
public RelationQualifier getQualifier();
public interface MutableOntologyEdge extends OntologyEdge, MutableEdge<TermID> {
public void setRelationQualifier(RelationQualifier rq);
/** Adds requirement for one single root and definition that children point to their
* parents (e.g., for definition of siblings).
public interface Ontology extends DirectedGraph<TermID, OntologyEdge>, Serializable {
public TermID getRoot();
public interface MutableOntology extends Ontology {
public void setRoot(TermID t);
public interface NavigableOntology extends Ontology {
public Collection<V> getSiblings(V v);
// Graph Algorithms in their own classes -------------------------------------
public interface VertexVisitor<V, E> {
public void visit(DirectedGraph<V, E> g, V v);
public class BreadthFirstSearch<V, E> {
public void startFromForward(DirectedGraph<V, E> g, V v, VertexVisitor<V, E> visitor);
public void startFromReverse(DirectedGraph<V, E> g, V v, VertexVisitor<V, E> visitor);
public class DepthFirstSearch<V, E> {
public void startFromForward(DirectedGraph<V, E> g, V v, VertexVisitor<V, E> visitor);
public void startFromReverse(DirectedGraph<V, E> g, V v, VertexVisitor<V, E> visitor);
public class TopologicalSorting<V, E> {
public void startForward(DirectedGraph<V, E> g, VertexVisitor<V, E> visitor);
public void startReverse(DirectedGraph<V, E> g, VertexVisitor<V, E> visitor);
// Ontology Algorithms in their own classes ----------------------------------
/** Walk edges in Ontology forward/to root
public class ForwardWalker {
public void start(Ontology o, TermID t, VertexVisitor<TermID, OntologyEdge> visitor);
/** Walk edges in Ontology reverse/to leafs
public class ReverseWalker {
public void start(Ontology o, TermID t, VertexVisitor<TermID, OntologyEdge> visitor);
/** Compute shared parents/children of two vertices
public class SharedNeighborsWalker {
public Collection<TermID> viaForward(Ontology o, TermID a, TermID b);
public Collection<TermID> viaReverse(Ontology o, TermID a, TermID b);
/** Compute shared on path to root/leafs
public class SharedPathWalker {
public Collection<TermID> viaForwardTowardsRoot(Ontology o, TermID a, TermID b);
public Collection<TermID> viaReverseTowardsLeafs(Ontology o, TermID a, TermID b);
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