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Last active December 27, 2015 06:19
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Conceptual example for Proxy/Facade pattern to submit to
// Proxy/facade pattern idea.
// See
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <cstdlib>
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::make_shared;
using std::vector;
using std::is_base_of;
using std::is_convertible;
using std::move;
using std::cout;
// Forward definitions
class Foo;
// FooPrivate
// Raw handle we never give directly to client. Structure may live in a
// memory mapped file; and adding data members to it would be misleading.
// Declared "final" and has no virtual methods.
class FooPrivate final {
friend class Foo;
template<class> friend class Reference;
template<class> friend class Owned;
template<class> friend struct std::default_delete;
FooPrivate (int value) : _value (value) { }
virtual ~FooPrivate () { }
static unique_ptr<FooPrivate> create(int value) {
return unique_ptr<FooPrivate> (new FooPrivate (value));
FooPrivate * consume(unique_ptr<FooPrivate> && other) {
_value += other->_value;
FooPrivate * result (other.release());
return result;
void setValue(int value) { _value = value; }
int getValue() const { return _value; }
int _value;
vector<FooPrivate *> _consumed;
// Context
// Placeholder for context information that we want our wrapper to carry
// along with every handle. Shown as a flag here for simplicity.
class Context final {
friend class Foo;
template<class> friend class Reference;
template<class> friend class Owned;
// Note: can't use make_shared when constructor is private
Context (bool valid) : _valid (valid) { }
bool _valid;
// Reference<FooType>
// Proxy/facade pattern; creates subtypes that can add additional accessor
// methods built on top of the basic ones offered by Foo. Class parameter
// is the accessor which should be publicly derived from Foo.
template<class FooType>
class Reference
friend class Foo;
Reference (FooPrivate * fooPrivate, shared_ptr<Context> context) {
is_base_of<Foo, FooType>::value,
"Reference parameter must be publicly derived from Foo"
_foo.setInternals(fooPrivate, context);
Reference (Foo & foo) : _foo (foo) { }
template<class OtherFooType>
Reference (Reference<OtherFooType> & other) {
is_convertible<OtherFooType, FooType>::value,
"Cannot construct Reference from an incompatible Foo Type"
_foo.setInternals(other._fooPrivate, other._context);
FooType * operator-> () { return &_foo; }
FooType const * operator-> () const { return &_foo; }
FooType & getFoo() { return _foo; }
FooType const & getFoo() const { return _foo; }
FooType _foo;
// Owned<FooType>
// Combination between unique_ptr and the proxy/facade abilities of
// Reference.
template<class FooType>
class Owned
friend class Foo;
Owned (
unique_ptr<FooPrivate> && fooPrivate, shared_ptr<Context> context
) {
is_base_of<Foo, FooType>::value,
"Owned template parameter must be publicly derived from Foo"
_foo.setInternals(fooPrivate.release(), context);
unique_ptr<FooPrivate> extractFooPrivate()
unique_ptr<FooPrivate> result (_foo._fooPrivate);
_foo.setInternals(nullptr, nullptr);
return result;
// Disable default copying and assignment operators
Owned (Owned<FooType> const & foo);
Owned<FooType> operator= (Owned<FooType> const & foo);
static Owned<FooType> create(int value) {
return Owned<FooType> (
shared_ptr<Context> (new Context (true))
template<class OtherFooType>
Owned (Owned<OtherFooType> && other) {
is_convertible<OtherFooType, FooType>::value,
"Cannot move-construct Owned from an incompatible Foo Type"
template<class OtherFooType>
Owned<FooType> operator= (Owned<OtherFooType> && other) {
is_convertible<OtherFooType, FooType>::value,
"Cannot move-assign Owned from an incompatible Foo Type"
return Owned<FooType> (other.extractFooPrivate(), other._context);
FooType * operator-> () { return &_foo; }
FooType const * operator-> () const { return &_foo; }
FooType & getFoo() { return _foo; }
FooType const & getFoo() const { return _foo; }
FooType _foo;
// Foo
// Basic wrapped abstraction of the raw handle with context. User code can
// legally use this directly, but Reference<Foo> is encouraged for
// consistency with other accessor patterns like Reference<FooDerived>.
class Foo {
template<class> friend class Reference;
template<class> friend class Owned;
template<class> friend struct std::default_delete;
void setInternals(FooPrivate * fooPrivate, shared_ptr<Context> context) {
// Separate function for setting internals, used by Reference
// and Owned to make sure relevant members are set (these are
// private and not directly accessible by Foo derived classes)
_fooPrivate = fooPrivate;
_context = context;
Foo () {
setInternals(nullptr, nullptr);
Foo (FooPrivate * fooPrivate, shared_ptr<Context> context) {
setInternals(fooPrivate, context);
FooPrivate const & getFooPrivate() const {
if (not _context->_valid) {
throw "Attempt to dereference invalid Foo handle.";
return *_fooPrivate;
FooPrivate & getFooPrivate() {
if (not _context->_valid) {
throw "Attempt to dereference invalid Foo handle.";
return *_fooPrivate;
template<class FooType>
Reference<FooType> consume(Owned<FooType> && foo) {
return Reference<FooType> (
shared_ptr<Context> (new Context (false))
void setValue(int value) { getFooPrivate().setValue(value); }
int getValue() const { return getFooPrivate().getValue(); }
FooPrivate * _fooPrivate;
shared_ptr<Context> _context;
// DoublingFoo
// A dumb accessor helper just to show the point.
class DoublingFoo : public Foo {
int getDoubleValue() const {
return Foo::getValue() * 2;
Reference<Foo> consumeHelper(int value) {
return consume(Owned<Foo>::create(value * 2));
// A dumb basic test.
int main()
auto parent (Owned<DoublingFoo>::create(10));
auto child (Owned<Foo>::create(20));
Reference<Foo> childReference (parent->consume(move(child)));
cout << "The value is " << parent->getDoubleValue() << "\n";
return 0;
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