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Quiver, 3D contour, polar, scatter, and fill animations with Matplotlib
# Example animations using matplotlib's FuncAnimation
# Ken Hughes. August 2019
# For more detail, see
# Examples include
# - quiver plot with variable positions and directions
# - 3D contour plot
# - line plot on a polar projection
# - scatter plot with variable size, color, and shape
# - filled area plot
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from import get_cmap
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# Use matplotlib ggplot stylesheet if available
except OSError:
# Set which type of animation will be plotted. One of:
# quiver, 3d_contour, polar, scatter, fill
animation_type = 'polar'
Nframes = 120
if animation_type == 'quiver':
# Create an invisible axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
xlim = 4
ax.set(xlim=(-xlim, xlim), ylim=(-3, 3),
xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[])
x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 30, endpoint=False)
t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, Nframes, endpoint=False)
# Arrays Qx and Qy are the positions of the base
# points of the arrow with size (Nframes, Narrows) where
# Narrows is the number of arrows
Qx = np.sin(t)[:, None] + np.cos(x[None, :] + t[:, None])
Qy = np.cos(t)[:, None] + np.cos(2*x[None, :] - t[:, None])
# Arrow vectors are the same shape as Qx and Qy
U = np.roll(Qy, 5) + np.sin(t[:, None])
V = np.roll(Qx, 25)
# Make an RGBA array with one entry for each frame
# C is size (Nframes × 4)
C = get_cmap('hsv', Nframes)(np.r_[:Nframes])
C[:, -1] = 0.7
# For frame 1, plot the 0th set of arrows
s = np.s_[0, :]
qax = ax.quiver(Qx[s], Qy[s], U[s], V[s],
facecolor=C[0], scale=10)
def animate(i):
# Update to frame i
s = np.s_[i, :]
# Change direction of arrows
qax.set_UVC(U[s], V[s])
# Change base position of arrows
qax.set_offsets(np.c_[Qx[s].flatten(), Qy[s].flatten()])
# Change color of arrows
Cidx = np.mod(np.r_[i:i+U.shape[1]], Nframes)
# C[Cidx, :] is size (Narrows, 4)
qax.set_facecolor(C[Cidx, :])
if animation_type == '3d_contour':
# Create an invisible 3D axis
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
ax = Axes3D(fig)
ax.set_zlim([-1.5, 1.5])
ax.set(xlim=(0, 2*np.pi), ylim=(0, 2*np.pi))
# Create 2D grids of size (Ny, Nx)
Nx, Ny = 30, 20
x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, Nx)
y = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, Ny)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
# Create wavy surface of size (Nframes, Ny, Nx)
t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, Nframes, endpoint=False)
Z = (np.sin(x[None, None, :] + t[:, None, None]) +
np.cos(y[None, :, None] + 2*t[:, None, None]))
# Specify contour keyword options as a dict since
# we'll need to pass this twice
contour_opts = dict(
vmin=-2, vmax=2, cmap=get_cmap('Blues'),
edgecolors=None, alpha=1, antialiased=False)
# Plot the 0th frame
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z[0, :, :], **contour_opts)
def animate(i):
# Delete the existing contour
ax.collections = []
# Plot the ith contour
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z[i, :, :], **contour_opts)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if animation_type == 'polar':
# Create an axes with a polar projection
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 3))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
ax.set_ylim([-2, 2])
# Create two similar curves
r = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, Nframes, endpoint=False)
# theta1 and theta2 have size (Nr, Nframes) where
# Nr is the number of elements making up each curve
theta1 = (np.sin(r)[None, :]*np.cos(2*t)[:, None] +
np.cos(2*r)[None, :]*np.cos(5*t)[:, None])
theta2 = (np.sin(1*r)[None, :]*np.cos(t)[:, None] +
np.cos(2*r)[None, :]*np.cos(3*t)[:, None])
# Plot the 0th curves
curve1 = ax.plot(r, theta1[0, :])[0]
curve2 = ax.plot(r, theta2[0, :])[0]
def animate(i):
# Updating lines on a polar plot is no different
# to updating lines on a regular plot
curve1.set_ydata(theta1[i, :])
curve2.set_ydata(theta2[i, :])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if animation_type == 'scatter':
# Create an invisible axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3))
# Create a grid of Nx × Ny scatter points
Nx, Ny = 8, 8
t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, Nframes, endpoint=False)
x, y = np.linspace(-3, 3, Nx), np.linspace(-3, 3, Ny)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
# The locations of the scatter points change in time
# X3 and Y3 have size (Nframes, Ny, Nx)
X3 = X + np.exp(-X**2)[None, :, :]*np.sin(t)[:, None, None]
Y3 = Y + np.exp(-Y**2)[None, :, :]*np.cos(t)[:, None, None]
# Calculate the squared radius for convenience
R = X3**2 + Y3**2
# The size of the scatter points is also (Nframes, Ny, Nx)
S = 15*(20-R)*(np.cos(2*t[:, None, None]+X3) +
np.sin(t[:, None, None]+Y3))
S[S < 5] = 5
# Each scatter point in each frame has a RGBA color, so
# the color array C has a size (Nframes, Ny, Nx, 4)
C = R/np.max(R) + np.sin(t[:, None, None])
C = (C - np.min(C))/np.ptp(C)
C = get_cmap('plasma', Nframes)(C)
# Plot the 0th frame with color reshaped so that it
# has the size (Ny × Ny, 4)
scat = ax.scatter(X3[0, ...], Y3[0, ...], s=S[0, ...],
c=C[0, ...].reshape(-1, 4))
def animate(i):
# For the ith frame, pass the positions as an
# array of size (Ny × Nx, 2).
Xi, Yi = X3[i, :, :].flatten(), Y3[i, :, :].flatten()
# np.c_[] helps combines the two 1D arrays appropriately
scat.set_offsets(np.c_[Xi, Yi])
# Sizes are passed as a 1D array
scat.set_sizes(S[i, :, :].flatten())
# Colors are passed as a array of size (Ny × Nx, 4)
scat.set_facecolors(C[i, :, :].reshape(-1, 4))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if animation_type == 'fill':
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
ax.set_xlim([0, 2*np.pi])
ax.set(xticks=np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 5),
xticklabels=['0', 'π/2', 'π', '3π/2', '2π'])
# ax.set_axis_off()
Nx = 40
Nt = Nframes
x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, Nx)
t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, Nt)
# Create the upper and lower curves to fill between
# Y1 and Y2 have size (Nx, Nframes) where Nx is the
# number of elements in the curve
Y1 = np.cos(t[:, None] - x[None, :])
Y2 = 0.5*np.sin(2*t[:, None])*np.cos(x[None, :])
C = get_cmap('coolwarm', Nframes)(np.r_[:Nframes:2, Nframes:0:-2]/Nframes)
# Plot the 0th frame
fill = ax.fill_between(x, Y1[0, :], Y2[0, :])
def animate(i):
# Get the paths created by fill_between
path = fill.get_paths()[0]
# vertices is the part we need to change
verts = path.vertices
# Elements 1:Nx+1 encode the upper curve
verts[1:Nx+1, 1] = Y1[i, :]
# Elements Nx+2:-1 encode the lower curve, but
# in right-to-left order, hence the need
# to specify [::-1] to reverse the curve
verts[Nx+2:-1, 1] = Y2[i, :][::-1]
# It is unclear what 0th, Nx+1, and -1 elements
# are for as they are not addressed here
# Change the color just because we can
fill.set_color(C[i, :])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save the animation
anim = FuncAnimation(
fig, animate, interval=50, frames=Nframes, repeat=True)
# + '.gif', writer='imagemagick')
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