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Created April 15, 2016 16:18
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Simple global demo of global variable features (computed, willSet, didSet)
import XCTest
import Foundation
var testCases: [AnyClass] = []
class computedTests: XCTestCase {
let formula = 2 * M_PI
func testComputedGet() {
var radius: Double = 1
var circumference: Double {
get {
return radius * formula
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(circumference, 6.28, accuracy: 0.01)
func testComputedSet() {
var radius: Double = 0
var circumference: Double {
get {
return radius * formula
set {
radius = newValue / formula
circumference = 6.28
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(radius, 1, accuracy: 0.01)
class observerTest: XCTestCase {
func testWillSet() {
weak var e = expectationWithDescription("should call willSet")
var greeting: String = "Hello" {
willSet(newValue) {
XCTAssertEqual(greeting, "Hello")
XCTAssertEqual(newValue, "Bye")
greeting = "Bye"
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(1.0, handler: nil)
func testDidSet() {
weak var e = expectationWithDescription("should call didSet")
var greeting: String = "Hello" {
didSet(oldValue) {
XCTAssertEqual(oldValue, "Hello")
XCTAssertEqual(greeting, "Bye")
greeting = "Bye"
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(1.0, handler: nil)
//: Unit Test Boilerplate (tricky to move to source files)
class PlaygroundTestObserver : NSObject, XCTestObservation {
@objc func testCase(testCase: XCTestCase, didFailWithDescription description: String, inFile filePath: String?, atLine lineNumber: UInt) {
print("Test failed on line \(lineNumber): \(, \(description)")
@objc func testCaseWillStart(testCase: XCTestCase) {
print("Running: \(")
let observer = PlaygroundTestObserver()
let center = XCTestObservationCenter.sharedTestObservationCenter()
struct TestRunner {
func runTests(testClass:AnyClass) {
print("Running test suite \(testClass)")
let tests = testClass as! XCTestCase.Type
// grab the default test suit of the test case
let testSuite = tests.defaultTestSuite()
// run the test
// collect and display informations about the tests run
let testRun = testSuite.testRun as! XCTestSuiteRun
print("Ran \(testRun.executionCount) tests in \(testRun.testDuration)s with \(testRun.totalFailureCount) failures")
for testCase in testCases {
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