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Created April 26, 2014 00:27
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JSFL の global object 調べてみた@flash CS5.5
(function(global) {
var trace = fl.trace;
var clear = fl.outputPanel.clear;
var stock = [];
var is_stocked = function(target) {
return stock.indexOf(target) != -1;
var is_object = function(target) {
return target === Object(target);
var TAB = ' ';
var trace_obj = function(obj, key, tab) {
var value = obj[key];
var text = tab + key + ': ' + value
+ (is_stocked(value) ? ' (stocked)' : '')
+ (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) ? '' : ' (prototype)')
+ ' (type:' + typeof value + ')';
var seek = function(obj, tab) {
for (var key in obj) {
var value = obj[key];
trace_obj(obj, key, tab);
if (!is_stocked(value) && is_object(value)) {
// 特定のオブジェクトを調べようとするとエラーになるので回避
if (!/^(tools|frames)$/.test(key)) {
seek(value, tab + TAB);
} else {
for (var n in value) {
// 特定のオブジェクト(ry
if (/^(toolObjs|activeTool)$/.test(n)) {
trace(tab + TAB + n);
} else {
trace_obj(value, n, tab + TAB);
seek(global, '');
flash: [object Flash] (type:object)
appName: Flash MX2 (type:string)
appVersion: (type:string)
systemScript: en (type:string)
tools: [object Tools] (type:object)
sampleProperty: foo (prototype) (type:string)
mouseIsDown: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
altIsDown: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
shiftIsDown: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
ctlIsDown: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
penLoc: [object Object] (prototype) (type:object)
penDownLoc: [object Object] (prototype) (type:object)
drawingLayer: [object drawingLayer] (type:object)
sampleProperty: foo (prototype) (type:string)
Math: [object mathObject] (type:object)
documents: [object Document] (prototype) (type:object)
0: [object Document] (type:object)
parentWindow: [object Window] (type:object)
flash: [object Flash] (type:object)
appName: Flash MX2 (type:string)
appVersion: (type:string)
systemScript: en (type:string)
tools: [object Tools] (type:object)
sampleProperty: foo (prototype) (type:string)
mouseIsDown: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
altIsDown: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
shiftIsDown: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
ctlIsDown: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
penLoc: [object Object] (prototype) (type:object)
penDownLoc: [object Object] (prototype) (type:object)
drawingLayer: [object drawingLayer] (type:object)
sampleProperty: foo (prototype) (type:string)
Math: [object mathObject] (type:object)
findObjectInDocByName: function (nameToSearchFor, doc) {
for (var i = 0; i < doc.timelines.length; i++) {
FlashUtils_findObjectInTimelineByName(nameToSearchFor, doc.timelines[i], undefined);
return FlashUtils_globalObj.contents;
} (type:function)
prototype: [object Object] (type:object)
findObjectInDocByType: function (typeToSearchFor, doc) {
for (var i = 0; i < doc.timelines.length; i++) {
FlashUtils_findObjectInTimelineByType(typeToSearchFor, doc.timelines[i], undefined);
return FlashUtils_globalObj.contents;
} (type:function)
prototype: [object Object] (type:object)
selectElement: function (elementData, editSymbol) {
if (elementData.parent != undefined) {
flash.selectElement(elementData.parent, true);
} else {
FlashUtils_debugString("flash.selectElement function: element is on the main timeline");
var layerIndex = FlashUtils_getIndexOfObject(elementData.timeline.layers, elementData.layer);
var frameIndex = FlashUtils_getIndexOfObject(elementData.layer.frames, elementData.keyframe);
if ((layerIndex >= 0) && (frameIndex >= 0)) {
elementData.timeline.setSelectedFrames(frameIndex, frameIndex);
elementData.obj.selected = true;
if (editSymbol) {
} else {
FlashUtils_debugString("flash.selectElement function: parent: failed to get valid layerIndex: " + layerIndex + " or frameIndex: " + frameIndex);
} (type:function)
prototype: [object Object] (type:object)
documents: [object Document] (prototype) (type:object)
0: [object Document] (stocked) (type:object)
configDirectory: /Users/hoge/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5.5/ja_JP/Configuration/ (prototype) (type:string)
configURI: file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/hoge/Library/Application%20Support/Adobe/Flash%20CS5.5/ja_JP/Configuration/ (prototype) (type:string)
commonConfigURI: file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Flash%20CS5.5/Common/Configuration/ (prototype) (type:string)
applicationDirectory: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5.5/ (prototype) (type:string)
applicationURI: file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Flash%20CS5.5/ (prototype) (type:string)
languageCode: ja_JP (prototype) (type:string)
outputPanel: [object OutputPanel] (prototype) (type:object)
actionsPanel: [object ActionsPanel] (prototype) (type:object)
componentsPanel: [object ComponentPanel] (prototype) (type:object)
items: undefined (prototype) (type:undefined)
xmlui: [object XMLUI] (prototype) (type:object)
behavior: [object Behaviors] (prototype) (type:object)
codehint: [object Codehints] (prototype) (type:object)
'screenTypes' JS API は使用されなくなりました。
'screenTypes' JS API は使用されなくなりました。
screenTypes: undefined (prototype) (type:undefined)
version: MAC 11,5,1,349 (prototype) (type:string)
getDynamicSWFURL: ?api=1&lvl=1&ver=11.5.1&plat=mac&lang=ja_JP&stat=full&spfx=PF (prototype) (type:string)
mruRecentFileList: /Users/hoge/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5.5/ja_JP/Configuration//リカバリ_名称未設定-1_20140426003246.fla (prototype) (type:object)
0: /Users/hoge/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5.5/ja_JP/Configuration//リカバリ_名称未設定-1_20140426003246.fla (type:string)
mruRecentFileListType: fla (prototype) (type:object)
0: fla (type:string)
createNewDocList: ActionScript 3.0,ActionScript 2.0,AIR,AIR for Android,AIR for iOS,Flash Lite 4,Flash Lite (Device Central),ActionScript ファイル,AS コミュニケーションファイル,Flash JavaScript ファイル,Flash プロジェクト,ActionScript 3.0 Class,ActionScript 3.0 Interface (prototype) (type:object)
0: ActionScript 3.0 (type:string)
1: ActionScript 2.0 (type:string)
2: AIR (type:string)
3: AIR for Android (type:string)
4: AIR for iOS (type:string)
5: Flash Lite 4 (type:string)
6: Flash Lite (Device Central) (type:string)
7: ActionScript ファイル (type:string)
8: AS コミュニケーションファイル (type:string)
9: Flash JavaScript ファイル (type:string)
10: Flash プロジェクト (type:string)
11: ActionScript 3.0 Class (type:string)
12: ActionScript 3.0 Interface (type:string)
createNewDocListType: fla,fla,fla,fla,fla,fla,fla,as,asc,jsfl,flp,as,as (prototype) (type:object)
0: fla (type:string)
1: fla (type:string)
2: fla (type:string)
3: fla (type:string)
4: fla (type:string)
5: fla (type:string)
6: fla (type:string)
7: as (type:string)
8: asc (type:string)
9: jsfl (type:string)
10: flp (type:string)
11: as (type:string)
12: as (type:string)
createNewTemplateList: AIR for Android,アドバタイズメント(広告),アニメーション,サンプルファイル,バナー,プレゼンテーション,メディアの再生 (prototype) (type:object)
0: AIR for Android (type:string)
1: アドバタイズメント(広告) (type:string)
2: アニメーション (type:string)
3: サンプルファイル (type:string)
4: バナー (type:string)
5: プレゼンテーション (type:string)
6: メディアの再生 (type:string)
normalGradientSelection: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
contactSensitiveSelection: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
objectDrawingMode: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
packagePaths: .;$(UserConfig)/Classes (prototype) (type:string)
as3PackagePaths: (prototype) (type:string)
compilerErrors: [object CompilerErrors] (prototype) (type:object)
scriptURI: file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/hoge/Desktop/hoge.jsfl (prototype) (type:string)
undoMode: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
scriptTimeoutEnabled: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
swfPanels: [object SwfPanel],[object SwfPanel] (prototype) (type:object)
0: [object SwfPanel] (type:object)
name: プロジェクト (prototype) (type:string)
path: /Users/hoge/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5.5/ja_JP/Configuration/WindowSWF/Project.swf (prototype) (type:string)
1: [object SwfPanel] (type:object)
name: コードスニペット (prototype) (type:string)
path: /Users/hoge/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5.5/ja_JP/Configuration/WindowSWF/Code Snippets.swf (prototype) (type:string)
flexSDKPath: $(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/flex_sdk/4.0.0/ (prototype) (type:string)
presetPanel: [object presetPanel] (prototype) (type:object)
items: [object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem] (prototype) (type:object)
0: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 0 (prototype) (type:number)
name: デフォルトプリセット (prototype) (type:string)
open: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット (prototype) (type:string)
1: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: バウンスイン 3D (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/バウンスイン 3D (prototype) (type:string)
2: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: バウンスアウト 3D (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/バウンスアウト 3D (prototype) (type:string)
3: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: バウンススマッシュ (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/バウンススマッシュ (prototype) (type:string)
4: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライインぼかし - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライインぼかし - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
5: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライインぼかし - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライインぼかし - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
6: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライインぼかし - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライインぼかし - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
7: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライインぼかし - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライインぼかし - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
8: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライイン - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライイン - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
9: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライイン - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライイン - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
10: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライイン - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライイン - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
11: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライイン - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライイン - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
12: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライアウト - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライアウト - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
13: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライアウト - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライアウト - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
14: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライアウト - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライアウト - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
15: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライアウト - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライアウト - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
16: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライイン - 一時停止 - フライアウト (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライイン - 一時停止 - フライアウト (prototype) (type:string)
17: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: 大きいバウンス (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/大きいバウンス (prototype) (type:string)
18: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: 標準のバウンス (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/標準のバウンス (prototype) (type:string)
19: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: 複数のバウンス (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/複数のバウンス (prototype) (type:string)
20: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: パルス (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/パルス (prototype) (type:string)
21: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: 小さいバウンス (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/小さいバウンス (prototype) (type:string)
22: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: スモーク (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/スモーク (prototype) (type:string)
23: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: スパイラル 3D (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/スパイラル 3D (prototype) (type:string)
24: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: スウォッシュ (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/スウォッシュ (prototype) (type:string)
25: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: テキストスクロール 3D (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/テキストスクロール 3D (prototype) (type:string)
26: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: ウェーブ (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/ウェーブ (prototype) (type:string)
27: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: ズームイン 2D (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/ズームイン 2D (prototype) (type:string)
28: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: ズームイン 3D (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/ズームイン 3D (prototype) (type:string)
29: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: ズームアウト 2D (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/ズームアウト 2D (prototype) (type:string)
30: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: ズームアウト 3D (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/ズームアウト 3D (prototype) (type:string)
31: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 0 (prototype) (type:number)
name: カスタムプリセット (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: カスタムプリセット (prototype) (type:string)
sourcePath: (prototype) (type:string)
libraryPath: (prototype) (type:string)
externalLibraryPath: (prototype) (type:string)
defaultFontName: Times (prototype) (type:string)
fillColor: #0066cc (prototype) (type:string)
strokeColor: (prototype) (type:string)
createNewDocListFlag: true,true,true,true,true,true,false,true,false,true,true,true,true (prototype) (type:object)
0: true (type:boolean)
1: true (type:boolean)
2: true (type:boolean)
3: true (type:boolean)
4: true (type:boolean)
5: true (type:boolean)
6: false (type:boolean)
7: true (type:boolean)
8: false (type:boolean)
9: true (type:boolean)
10: true (type:boolean)
11: true (type:boolean)
12: true (type:boolean)
projectPanelAction: none (prototype) (type:string)
publishCacheEnabled: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
publishCacheDiskSizeMax: 250 (prototype) (type:number)
publishCacheMemorySizeMax: 10 (prototype) (type:number)
publishCacheMemoryEntrySizeLimit: 10 (prototype) (type:number)
publishSizeReportXMLEnabled: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
fl: [object Flash] (stocked) (type:object)
App: [object Flash] (stocked) (type:object)
app: [object Flash] (stocked) (type:object)
window: [object Window] (stocked) (type:object)
document: [object Document] (stocked) (type:object)
FlashUtils_globalObj: [object Object] (type:object)
contents: (type:object)
libItems: (type:object)
debuggerStringOn: false (type:boolean)
FlashUtils_debugString: function (msg) {
if (FlashUtils_globalObj.debuggerStringOn) {
} (type:function)
prototype: [object Object] (type:object)
FlashUtils_libraryItemWasNotSearched: function (item) {
for (var i = 0; i < FlashUtils_globalObj.libItems.length; i++) {
if (FlashUtils_globalObj.libItems[i] == item) {
return false;
return true;
} (type:function)
prototype: [object Object] (type:object)
FlashUtils_findObjectInTimelineByType: function (objType, objTimeline, elementParent) {
if (objTimeline == undefined) {
FlashUtils_debugString("timeline: " +;
for (var j = 0; j < objTimeline.layers.length; j++) {
FlashUtils_debugString(" layer: " + objTimeline.layers[j].name);
var frameArray = objTimeline.layers[j].frames;
var k;
for (k = 0; k < frameArray.length; k++) {
if (k == frameArray[k].startFrame) {
var frame = frameArray[k];
FlashUtils_debugString(" keyframe: " +;
var items = frame.elements;
for (var l = 0; l < items.length; l++) {
if (items[l].elementType == objType) {
var elementObj = {obj:items[l], keyframe:objTimeline.layers[j].frames[k], layer:objTimeline.layers[j], timeline:objTimeline, parent:elementParent};
FlashUtils_debugString(" element: " + items[l].name + " type: " + items[l].elementType);
} else {
if (items[l].elementType == "instance") {
if (FlashUtils_libraryItemWasNotSearched(items[l].libraryItem)) {
var nextSymbolItemObj = items[l].libraryItem;
FlashUtils_debugString(" symbol item in library: " + + " symbol type: " + nextSymbolItemObj.symbolType);
var elementObj = {obj:items[l], keyframe:objTimeline.layers[j].frames[k], layer:objTimeline.layers[j], timeline:objTimeline, parent:elementParent};
FlashUtils_findObjectInTimelineByType(objType, nextSymbolItemObj.timeline, elementObj);
} (type:function)
prototype: [object Object] (type:object)
FlashUtils_findObjectInTimelineByName: function (objName, objTimeline, elementParent) {
if (objTimeline == undefined) {
FlashUtils_debugString("timeline: " +;
for (var j = 0; j < objTimeline.layers.length; j++) {
FlashUtils_debugString(" layer: " + objTimeline.layers[j].name);
var frameArray = objTimeline.layers[j].frames;
for (var k = 0; k < frameArray.length; k++) {
if (k == frameArray[k].startFrame) {
var frame = frameArray[k];
FlashUtils_debugString(" keyframe: " +;
var items = frame.elements;
for (var l = 0; l < items.length; l++) {
if (items[l].name == objName) {
var elementObj = {obj:items[l], keyframe:objTimeline.layers[j].frames[k], layer:objTimeline.layers[j], timeline:objTimeline, parent:elementParent};
FlashUtils_debugString(" element: " + items[l].name + " type: " + items[l].elementType);
} else {
if (items[l].elementType == "instance") {
if (FlashUtils_libraryItemWasNotSearched(items[l].libraryItem)) {
var nextSymbolItemObj = items[l].libraryItem;
FlashUtils_debugString(" symbol item in library: " + + " symbol type: " + nextSymbolItemObj.symbolType);
var elementObj = {obj:items[l], keyframe:objTimeline.layers[j].frames[k], layer:objTimeline.layers[j], timeline:objTimeline, parent:elementParent};
FlashUtils_findObjectInTimelineByName(objName, nextSymbolItemObj.timeline, elementObj);
} (type:function)
prototype: [object Object] (type:object)
FlashUtils_clearGlobalArrays: function () {
FlashUtils_globalObj.contents.length = 0;
FlashUtils_globalObj.libItems.length = 0;
} (type:function)
prototype: [object Object] (type:object)
FlashUtils_getIndexOfObject: function (objArray, obj) {
for (var i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) {
if (obj == objArray[i]) {
return i;
return -1;
} (type:function)
prototype: [object Object] (type:object)
Air2_5_Android: [object Extension] (prototype) (type:object)
name: Air2_5_Android (type:string)
MM_path: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5.5/Common/Configuration/External Libraries/Air2_5_Android.bundle (type:string)
MM_loaded: true (type:boolean)
Air2_5: [object Extension] (prototype) (type:object)
name: Air2_5 (type:string)
MM_path: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5.5/Common/Configuration/External Libraries/Air2_5.bundle (type:string)
MM_loaded: true (type:boolean)
Brush: [object Extension] (prototype) (type:object)
name: Brush (type:string)
MM_path: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5.5/Common/Configuration/External Libraries/Brush.bundle (type:string)
MM_loaded: true (type:boolean)
Collision: [object Extension] (prototype) (type:object)
name: Collision (type:string)
MM_path: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5.5/Common/Configuration/External Libraries/Collision.bundle (type:string)
MM_loaded: true (type:boolean)
FLBridge: [object Extension] (prototype) (type:object)
name: FLBridge (type:string)
MM_path: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5.5/Common/Configuration/External Libraries/FLBridge.bundle (type:string)
MM_loaded: true (type:boolean)
FLfile: [object Extension] (prototype) (type:object)
name: FLfile (type:string)
MM_path: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5.5/Common/Configuration/External Libraries/FLfile.bundle (type:string)
MM_loaded: true (type:boolean)
PointGrid: [object Extension] (prototype) (type:object)
name: PointGrid (type:string)
MM_path: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5.5/Common/Configuration/External Libraries/PointGrid.bundle (type:string)
MM_loaded: true (type:boolean)
Stroke: [object Extension] (prototype) (type:object)
name: Stroke (type:string)
MM_path: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5.5/Common/Configuration/External Libraries/Stroke.bundle (type:string)
MM_loaded: true (type:boolean)
name: 名称未設定-1 (prototype) (type:string)
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0: [object Timeline] (type:object)
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layers: [object Layer] (prototype) (type:object)
0: [object Layer] (type:object)
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frameCount: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
currentFrame: 0 (prototype) (type:number)
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libraryItem: undefined (prototype) (type:undefined)
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library: [object Library] (prototype) (type:object)
items: (prototype) (type:object)
livePreview: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
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ty: 0 (type:number)
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0: [object DOMLayer] (type:object)
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visible: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
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frameCount: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
frames: [object DOMFrame] (prototype) (type:object)
0: [object DOMFrame] (type:object)
color: #4fff4f (prototype) (type:string)
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current: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
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autoNamed: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
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requiredMinimumPlayerVersionName: (prototype) (type:string)
requiredMinimumPlayerVersion: 0 (prototype) (type:number)
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シーン 1: [object DOMTimeline] (stocked) (type:object)
symbols: (prototype) (type:object)
media: (prototype) (type:object)
fonts: (prototype) (type:object)
folders: (prototype) (type:object)
items: (prototype) (type:object)
nextSceneID: 2 (prototype) (type:number)
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[... 切り詰められたテキスト]
<?xpacket end="w"?> (prototype) (type:string)
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externalLibraryPath: $(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/libs/11.0/textLayout.swc (prototype) (type:string)
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outputPanel: [object OutputPanel] (prototype) (type:object)
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'screenTypes' JS API は使用されなくなりました。
'screenTypes' JS API は使用されなくなりました。
screenTypes: undefined (prototype) (type:undefined)
version: MAC 11,5,1,349 (prototype) (type:string)
getDynamicSWFURL: ?api=1&lvl=1&ver=11.5.1&plat=mac&lang=ja_JP&stat=full&spfx=PF (prototype) (type:string)
mruRecentFileList: /Users/hoge/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5.5/ja_JP/Configuration//リカバリ_名称未設定-1_20140426003246.fla (prototype) (type:object)
0: /Users/hoge/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5.5/ja_JP/Configuration//リカバリ_名称未設定-1_20140426003246.fla (type:string)
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createNewDocList: ActionScript 3.0,ActionScript 2.0,AIR,AIR for Android,AIR for iOS,Flash Lite 4,Flash Lite (Device Central),ActionScript ファイル,AS コミュニケーションファイル,Flash JavaScript ファイル,Flash プロジェクト,ActionScript 3.0 Class,ActionScript 3.0 Interface (prototype) (type:object)
0: ActionScript 3.0 (type:string)
1: ActionScript 2.0 (type:string)
2: AIR (type:string)
3: AIR for Android (type:string)
4: AIR for iOS (type:string)
5: Flash Lite 4 (type:string)
6: Flash Lite (Device Central) (type:string)
7: ActionScript ファイル (type:string)
8: AS コミュニケーションファイル (type:string)
9: Flash JavaScript ファイル (type:string)
10: Flash プロジェクト (type:string)
11: ActionScript 3.0 Class (type:string)
12: ActionScript 3.0 Interface (type:string)
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0: fla (type:string)
1: fla (type:string)
2: fla (type:string)
3: fla (type:string)
4: fla (type:string)
5: fla (type:string)
6: fla (type:string)
7: as (type:string)
8: asc (type:string)
9: jsfl (type:string)
10: flp (type:string)
11: as (type:string)
12: as (type:string)
createNewTemplateList: AIR for Android,アドバタイズメント(広告),アニメーション,サンプルファイル,バナー,プレゼンテーション,メディアの再生 (prototype) (type:object)
0: AIR for Android (type:string)
1: アドバタイズメント(広告) (type:string)
2: アニメーション (type:string)
3: サンプルファイル (type:string)
4: バナー (type:string)
5: プレゼンテーション (type:string)
6: メディアの再生 (type:string)
normalGradientSelection: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
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name: プロジェクト (prototype) (type:string)
path: /Users/hoge/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5.5/ja_JP/Configuration/WindowSWF/Project.swf (prototype) (type:string)
1: [object SwfPanel] (type:object)
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path: /Users/hoge/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5.5/ja_JP/Configuration/WindowSWF/Code Snippets.swf (prototype) (type:string)
flexSDKPath: $(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/flex_sdk/4.0.0/ (prototype) (type:string)
presetPanel: [object presetPanel] (prototype) (type:object)
items: [object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem],[object PresetItem] (prototype) (type:object)
0: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 0 (prototype) (type:number)
name: デフォルトプリセット (prototype) (type:string)
open: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット (prototype) (type:string)
1: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
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name: バウンスイン 3D (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/バウンスイン 3D (prototype) (type:string)
2: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
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isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: バウンスアウト 3D (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/バウンスアウト 3D (prototype) (type:string)
3: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: バウンススマッシュ (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/バウンススマッシュ (prototype) (type:string)
4: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライインぼかし - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライインぼかし - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
5: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライインぼかし - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライインぼかし - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
6: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライインぼかし - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライインぼかし - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
7: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライインぼかし - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライインぼかし - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
8: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライイン - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライイン - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
9: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライイン - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライイン - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
10: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライイン - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライイン - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
11: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライイン - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライイン - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
12: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライアウト - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライアウト - 下 (prototype) (type:string)
13: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライアウト - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライアウト - 左 (prototype) (type:string)
14: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライアウト - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライアウト - 右 (prototype) (type:string)
15: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
name: フライアウト - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
open: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
path: デフォルトプリセット/フライアウト - 上 (prototype) (type:string)
16: [object PresetItem] (type:object)
isDefault: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
isFolder: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
level: 1 (prototype) (type:number)
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languagePrefAutoDetect: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
languagePrefDefaultLanguage: (prototype) (type:string)
languagePrefAvailableLanguages: (prototype) (type:object)
hasStageLanguage: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
stageLanguage: (prototype) (type:string)
exportAllComponentSchemasToSWF: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
metadata: <?xpacket begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?>
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mobileSettings: (prototype) (type:string)
replaceStringsMethod: 0 (prototype) (type:number)
hasPostProcessor: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
guid: 0001004F-0000-0000-0000-0000F83E7A0E (prototype) (type:string)
postProcessorName: (prototype) (type:string)
postProcessorDataSize: 0 (prototype) (type:number)
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buildNumber: 349 (prototype) (type:number)
versionInfo: Saved by Adobe Flash Mac Intel 11.5 build 349 timecount = 1398471479 (prototype) (type:string)
carbonLineSpacing: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
selection: (prototype) (type:object)
perspectiveFieldOfView: 55 (prototype) (type:number)
mergeForSelection: true (prototype) (type:boolean)
sourcePath: . (prototype) (type:string)
libraryPath: $(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/libs (prototype) (type:string)
externalLibraryPath: $(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/libs/11.0/textLayout.swc (prototype) (type:string)
playerTarget: Flash Player 10.2 (prototype) (type:string)
pathURI: undefined (prototype) (type:undefined)
isUncompressed: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
inTextEditMode: false (prototype) (type:boolean)
Air2_5_Android: [object Extension] (stocked) (prototype) (type:object)
Air2_5: [object Extension] (stocked) (prototype) (type:object)
Brush: [object Extension] (stocked) (prototype) (type:object)
Collision: [object Extension] (stocked) (prototype) (type:object)
FLBridge: [object Extension] (stocked) (prototype) (type:object)
FLfile: [object Extension] (stocked) (prototype) (type:object)
PointGrid: [object Extension] (stocked) (prototype) (type:object)
Stroke: [object Extension] (stocked) (prototype) (type:object)
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